Oh Hayoung

Happy Father's Day ♥ ♥


Dear Appa, How are you? I'm sorry I haven't been a good daughter to you and Umma, but I hope you two will love me nevertheless First time I met you, it was somewhere out of this world, a paradise. We've known each other for years now and you haven't change even a bit. Still the same old Myung Appa I've met back then in 2011/2012. Today is Father's Day and through this letter I wannna thank you for being such a great daddy who is always there for his chidren. You have always provided us with love and care. Mama asked us personally to write the letter for you. I wish I could do something more than just a letter, since you deserve something better than just a letter. Appa... Stay healthy and keep love us endlessly. Let's stay as one big family for a long time and we are going to welcome baby brother together. I promise he will be showered with lotsa love from this noona Appa saranghaeee Hayoung :')

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YoungRi95 #1
Chapter 8: how sweeeett~~~!
*love MyungSun's big family very much..!*