Park Hana

Happy Father's Day ♥ ♥

hi pa, troll dady. eue happy father's day! who would've thought i'd be making a tearjerker? but then, i don't think i'll be able to make one so, yolo. /kicked. anyway, first thing's first: thank you for adopting me. ;u; i don't know how it happened, but you just did. second, thank you for telling me not to get scared of ma when i haven't talked to her yet before. i still remember tingling while her chatbpx's open. /crawls away in shame; smacked. third, thank you for introducing me to my wonderful siblings. < 3 originally, there were -- how many of us? lol. but yeah, i know some of them left and it's just so sad, really. : c especially i found out that daehyun got kicked out. ono at least there's still sumin, hayi, and the incoming brother with me. ;u; < 3 fourth, thank you for being such an awesome father. you may be some monotonic guy who loves to throw out jokes which looked like death jokes, and the one who would just be mean out of the blue, but deep inside, you're still the caring and loving father that i have and will always have. ;u; HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, PA! saranghaeyooo. < 3 from your troll daughter. eue

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YoungRi95 #1
Chapter 8: how sweeeett~~~!
*love MyungSun's big family very much..!*