Baek Sumin

Happy Father's Day ♥ ♥

Happy Father's Day, Myungsoo mama! We haven't been talking a lot lately, like how we did before, and we aren't really in good terms right now, but that doesn't stop me from writing you a letter. Honestly, I'm surprised that you took me in as your daughter (or son), because I was just kidding at first tbh. And I was always so naughty and mean to you (still am tbh, sorry). But seeing how you welcomed me in your family made me really happy and I'm thankful. I also want to thank you for everything you've done for me in those months we got to know each other. I know a rant and complain a lot, and it's really annoying, so thank you for still staying with me despite all the times I've pushed you away or the times I've been such a to you. Truth to be told, I wouldn't come back here so soon if it wasn't for you because when I left, I left because of my depression, and you were the one who helped me a lot. You were always there to listen whenever I got upset, and you always tried to cheer me up, and I felt really loved. So thank you, really. You mean a lot to me, actually. It might not seem like it, but you do. Youre one of the few who can deal with my worst, and- just thank you for still trying, seriously. I admire you a lot, specially your patience, which I obviously lack of. I really admire you for your kindness too, despite people (or me) being all whiny and annoying, you still try to be there even though you're really busy. I'm sorry for always being such an attention seeker, for always wanting to rant to you and for always ruining your mood. I know you're really busy right now and my complaints are stressing you out more, but I really do miss you, Myung. I hope we can go back to how we were before. Youre seriously the best father I've ever had. Thank you so much for accepting me in your family and dealing with me. I love you, papa. Look, I called you dad and not mama. I hope you'll have a blast. And rest a lot, okay? You deserve it. Sarangay!

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YoungRi95 #1
Chapter 8: how sweeeett~~~!
*love MyungSun's big family very much..!*