Tia Hwang Cuevas Horvejkul

Happy Father's Day ♥ ♥

Hi daddy, its me Tia... Uhm... We haven't spoken in a while and i kinda miss it. I miss having my daddy around fussing over me once in awhile like before. Mason and Sora are fine? I hope they are and i hope you're enjoying life now. Your little princess misses you and i wanna wish you the best father's day. I love you and i hope that we can catch up again... I hope cause... We have a lot to talk about... Anyway try to be happy and enjoy being with Sunny unnie... She's really like her name, Sunny. She brings smiles to you and you look better with a smile. I love you again and i miss you. See you around daddy~ Tia

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YoungRi95 #1
Chapter 8: how sweeeett~~~!
*love MyungSun's big family very much..!*