
The Swan Princess


Beloved King Jonghyun paced the floor of his castle.  After many long years of waiting the day had finally arrived.  The day his child would be born.  He was so excited!  Then his excitement dimmed a bit at the thought of his sickly wife in the other room giving birth.  Her failing health had been the reason for the delay of his fatherhood.  Over the years of their arranged marriage they were at last beginning to start to love one another.  His wife decided that he deserved a child, despite her health.  She didn’t think she would survive the birth but wanted to make him happy.  It made the supposed to be joyous occasion bittersweet.


So lost in his thoughts he didn’t see the servant coming towards him carrying a small bundle.  The servant eh hmmed to the king.  Startled Jonghyun looked at the servant, then the small bundle, then the servant again.  The look in his eyes held worry for his wife.  The servant shook her head no.  A sad smile over took Jonghyun’s face as he realized she was dead.  Noticing the melancholy expression the servant brought notice to herself again.  When the king looked over she handed the small bundle, his child and heir, to him.  The beautiful baby boy, too beautiful to really be a boy, looked up at his father and cooed.  So happy, despite what he had lost, King Jonghyun lifted his child and said “I will call you Princess Taemin.  At long last I have you my child.”




Not long after the birth of his only child King Jonghyun invited all the other kingdoms to come and see his princess, and in the process pay respect to his late wife.  He looked lovingly as another child, Prince Minho, looked over Taemin and dangled a golden heart shaped locket over the princess’s head.


An idea suddenly hit him.  He looked up and caught eyes with Queen Key, Minho’s widowed mother.  It would seem they both had the same idea.  Jonghyun smiled at his first love.  They knew then and there that their children would have a chance at everlasting love that so cruelly passed them by.  Meeting each other in the room they quietly decided that every summer they would bring their children together in hopes of love.  While they were plotting a future engagement and marriage the two monarchies failed to notice a sullen individual sneak out of the room.  To the evil enchanter Allen, Princess Taemin’s birth mattered little to him.




Sorcerer Allen was in his secret laboratory with his loyal servant Hoon.  He was practicing the dark arts in hope that he would take the throne from King Jonghyun and be crowned king instead.  On the eve of his attack King Jonghyun sent a brigade of soldiers that destroyed the laboratory and took Allen and Hoon captive.  Jonghyun personally, with his guard nearby, led the two traitors to the edge of his kingdom.  While the crime called for death Jonghyun instead banished the two, after stripping Allen of his dark powers.  The people of his kingdom thought their king too soft-hearted.  Before disappearing into the forest Allen shouted “One day I will get my powers back.  On that day I will have my revenge Jongy!  Mark my words I will take everything you love from you!  I will be king!”  It would seem the people may have been right.

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Chapter 8: Omg sooo cute BT u shud have included more Elvin y'no! *pouts*
Chapter 8: that was so cute
khrishope8 #3
Chapter 7: Another day another chapter. Please enjoy.
exosupershine #4
Chapter 5: I hope you update soon
khrishope8 #5
Chapter 2: Just got back from being out of state with absolutely no wifi. So I thought I'd post another chapter!