Who or what are you?

My Shadow

Hi! Thank you soooo much for the love! Hope I don't disappoint! We're back to the 21st century with the foreword! Bom is talking to herself a lot in this chapter. I wanted to portray Bom as strong (which she is) while keeping her quirks! :)

Hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think! If you have any questions let me know! Thanks <3

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He strutted through the door as though he owned it. His eyes roamed around, taking in the fancy tapestries, the expensive rugs, things passed down from generations. Things that showed people the power of our family, things that made me proud...but also made me secretly despise who I was. The man bent down to examine a gold shield that was hanging on the wall.

“Interesting,” he said finally. I almost swooned at his voice but I remained calm. He had one of those voices you can listen to all day long. It was soft, husky...hypnotic... “What’s interesting?”

“Your family crest. It tells a lot about a family. Now let’s see here. Bravery, pride....honour. But no joy, no happiness. Just duty, no love...” he trailed off for a second, looking thoughtful. I watched him, my mouth nearly dropping open. How on earth can he know so much about my family? I shook my head and cleared my throat. “Um...so....can I like, help you with something?” I asked, scratching an itch on my leg. The man turned, his eyes falling on my exposed leg. I frowned. I was wearing a robe that was covering the bright blue bikini I had underneath. I suddenly felt conscious as his dark eyes slowly made their way up my body. You’d think I would be used to all this attention, being a model...but this stranger made it seem like he was undressing me with his eyes. And oddly enough...

I liked it.

“It’s strange how much you look like your great grandmother. The only difference is your hair colour. I will assume you dyed your hair that colour. Otherwise you two would look identical,” he said quietly, staring at my deep red hair. I twirled a lock of it, staring at its unnatural hair colour. It wasn’t really my choice to dye it...it was for a promotion that had to do with summer colours and according to the designers, my dark locks didn’t stand out enough.

Wait a second....


His words suddenly made contact with my brain, his words sinking deep into my soul. I suddenly felt the breath getting knocked out of me. The man stood there staring at me, almost like I was giving him all the joy into the world.

He knew my great grandmother!!!!

He must be a sicko....a liar....a-a.....

I slowly backed away from him, trying to mutter anything to anyone that could hear me. The man followed me slowly as well, shaking his head.

“It’s strange that you’re just like her. I can almost swear that you are her. Perhaps you’re a reincarnation,” he said thoughtfully.

“J-J-Jae!” I said hoarsely, calling for the guard. I voice was stuck somewhere in my throat. I kept backing away, trying to get away from him. This has to be a dream...c’mon Bom, wake up already!

“This is no dream Park Bom, I am very real. At this moment, I’m the most real person around,” he whispered. I flinched and made contact with something. I gasped and turned. My back made contact with a long sharp sword. I grabbed the handle and held it tight.

C’mon Bom! Stab him!

Are you insane? Why will you stab him? He hasn’t done anything!

He’s a sicko!

C’mon Bom, be reasonable! He’s obviously lying. You might as well know why he’s acting all creepy!

But-But his clothes!

Maybe he’s in a play or something! I don’t know! You can’t just stab someone...you’ll go to jail!

Can I castrate him?



Before I can say or do anything, I was face to face with the stranger. I looked up and my eyes almost went cross eyed just looking at him. He smelled so good. He reminded me of the sweets my uncle would bring to me when I was younger.

Slowly, He pried the sword from my trembling fingers, his eyes never wavering from mine. “I don’t know if you are a reincarnation. All I know is that you can never kill me, just as I can never kill you as well,” he said softly. My lips parted slightly and I felt my whole body go limp. His lips were a luscious red...I just wanted to kiss him...

He stepped away from me and threw the sword behind him as though it were merely a toy. The loud bang woke me up and I stared. The stranger made his way to the couch. He sat down graciously and stared at me in amusement, his long legs crossed.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I go by many names,” he replied, sitting up. “Your great grandmother, and many before you, call me Seunghyun.”

“Seunghyun,” I breathed. I didn’t mean to say it aloud. The stranger smiled and nodded. “Yes,Seunghyun. Sometimes a human. Other times a wolf or dragon. So far, this human form has done wonders,” he said casually as he held up his hands to the light. His skin looked as though it were glowing.


“Be not afraid young Bom. I will never hurt you. On the contrary, I am here to guard you,” he said. I narrowed my eyes at him. Okay, fine....he came into my house, told me he was like, a million years old...and now he’s telling me he can change into other things? And to make it worse, he called ME a child!

I clapped my hands, chuckling. “Wow, I almost believed you for a second. Okay, cut the crap and tell me who you are. Do you work for my miserable father? Is this some kind of messed up trick cuz...it ain’t funny,” I said, folding my arms. The man supposedly named Seunghyun stood up and closed his eyes. I rolled my eyes. Now he was gonna beg for forgiveness...poor guy, he must be a fan. Probably fell in love with me when I was in some magazine and became obsessive, possessive.

I scratched my leg again and froze, I looked down and screamed.

A giant snake was making its way up my leg. I screamed again, my arms flailing. “SOMEONE HELP ME!” I yelled, looking up. The sight in front of me shut me up instantly.

Seunghyun had disappeared.

A snake came out of nowhere, making its way up my arms and spiraling around my neck. I stared at its green eyes, breathing heavily. With shock, I noticed those green eyes change slowly to a reddish brown.

Breathe Bom, breathe.

“W-what do you want from me?” I asked my voice barely audible. He seemed to have heard me because he crawled down my body. I watched with shock as a man stood where the snake was. I didn’t even see a transformation. It happened with a blink of the eye.

“I’m not here to harm you Bom. You have to believe me. If I wanted to harm you then trust me, you would be dead already.”

“w-what...what are you?” I asked. I felt my knees gave way and I almost fell but Seunghyun’s arms caught me. I flinched, and stared up at him. I looked down at his arms. They looked perfectly smooth. Not at all slimy and scaly. On the contrary, they were firm...very firm. I resisted the urge to squeeze his biceps because that would be very inappropriate.  He helped me over to the couch and sat me down. “Can I get you a glass of water, something to drink-“

“Please! Just...give me the answers. Don’t avoid the subject,” I snapped, slapping his arms away. He sighed. “There’s no official term for what I am. Your kind has been making up their own terms for us. Vampire, werewolf...all I can say is that I am immortal and I can change into anything at will.”

“Like a boggart,” I muttered. He gave me a curious look. I rolled my eyes just thinking about it. I learned that term from my cousin Sandara. Our resident geek. She is the ultimate Harry Potter book worm fanatic. I loved the girl to death....but...

At the same time I felt oddly jealous of her. I worked hard my whole life, trying to make my own name for myself. I had to deal with people being jealous of me because of my name, thinking that I was buying my way into their world. Whereas Dara, she was just all natural. Everyone loved Dara, especially boys. She was playful, sweet, boys just adored her. I don’t know what guys see within me...but I’m sure it has something to do with plastic brainless stereotype that seemed to follow models wherever they went. I haven’t even discovered what my actual talent was. My other cousin Chaerin just oozes confidence,  a real goddess. My other cousin Minzy, I haven’t heard from her in a while actually....

“I guess boggart it,” Seunghyun said, interrupting my train of thoughts. I shook my head and glared at him. Immortal or not, if he tried any I’ll kick his .

“I know that this is a lot to take in...I promise you I only have pure intentions. If you wish, I will leave and never return. However, I will never be at peace. I was roaming the world for 100 years, trying to repay the debt I had with your great grandmother-“

“Wait what? What debt?” I asked. Seunghyun chuckled. “It happened a long time ago...I doubt you would understand-“

“Ya! Just tell me, or leave,” I snapped. Seunghyun sighed. “Well, it all started a long time ago.....”


There was a long moment of silence. I blinked back tears. Seunghyun stared out the window. “The art of giving back is to never give direct but to give to someone else so that good deeds will always continue. I will never forget what your great grandmother has done and I will never be able to repay her, but I hope you will give me the chance to try,” he said, turning to face me.

Oh ...what do I say to this, even if he bull his way into heart? What do I say about the sweetest thing I have other heard?

What if he’s lying?

Why would he lie? I-I did see him transform...plus, he hasn’t tried to kill me yet.

Your uncle will be coming home this evening. What will he say?

Oh please, I have him wrapped under my little finger...and where was Jae when I was calling for him anyways?

“I believe he was enjoying the company of a woman. He made it easier to sneak in,”Seunghyun said. I opened my mouth to say something but sighed. He was probably psychic. It wouldn’t be a surprise.

“Very well. Just because you sold me on your lil sob story, I’ll let you stay with me. I’m going to visit my mother in a week, so I’m not sure if you would want to co-“

“As long as you let me, I will become your shadow,” he said, bowing his head slightly. I sighed again. My mind was coming up with so many scenarios about how this could go wrong. He could kill me, eat me, betray me...

“I will not be like your father Park Bom. No matter what happens, I will not let anyone hurt you again,” he said softly. I gasped and stared at him. “H-How did you-“

“Oh please Bom, do you honestly think I don’t know?” he asked, holding up a small carry-on luggage. My mouth dropped open. Where did that come from?

“There’s nothing you can hide from me. I know everything. Where will I be staying?”

“Huh? Oh...uh, I guess I’ll show you?” I said uncertainly, standing up to go upstairs. I pointed to some random room and he bowed his head in thanks. I was still dazed when he grabbed my arm. “I know this may be odd for you but trust me darling. This is destiny. No one can get in the way of destiny, not even the good Lord himself.”

“Wait, but....aren’t you...a...a...”

“Demon? Devil? No, I believe in God and I know He has sent me here. Your kind assumed that all of us are evil but I assure you, there are many good qualities within us...actually, you should know because...many of my kind walk among you. Good night.”

“Yeah, good night...hey wait a second! What do you mean walk among you? Hello?” I said as Seunghyun shut the door. I heard a soft chuckle and I growled. I sighed and rubbed my head. What on earth was I doing? Was I asking for a death sentence? Was I trying to appear more baddass?

You’re trying to believe in the good in men again, something you have forgotten a long time ago.

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Ygjenniee #1
Chapter 5: Please update soon!!
Authornim did you forget about this story?
swttwnkl #3
Please update soon!
Chapter 5: Just caught up on the story. Loving the twists that have appeared and wondering about the top-Tiffany back story that has yet to be revealed ;)
iNyLmYa #5
Chapter 5: so seunghyun can control bom without her realize.? is he also mind reader.? if yes so all bom mind conversation he also know..? if it's a yes poor bommie she can't have a secret from seunghyun..
naughty seunghyun transform into dog and bommie face...hahaha...
whoooaaa....can't wait for next update...
swttwnkl #6
Chapter 5: Ahhh too short! LOL want more!
lalita25 #7
Chapter 4: Thisi s sooooo great! Glad to found this story. Will bom and top be together? Or maybe top will meet tiffany's reincarnation and falls in love again? And dara is immortal?!
Ari_28 #8
Chapter 4: Wait what!!! Dara is immortal?? She also had a baby! What!!? Seunghyun had a lover? Who is this Tiffany?? I got to know. Seunghyun know Bom's mother! Sorry just shock there's so many things that went on in this chapter!! What are you Seunghyun ?? Best chapter so far!! Can't wait need the next chapter now please!!:) ugh... it's so good!!:)
swttwnkl #9
Chapter 4: So interesting!
Chapter 3: I CANT WAIT OMG i luv you author kekekeke