

          Xiumin woke up early the next day. He was still snuggled tightly against Chen’s chest, which he could feel rise and fall softly as the other breathed. The sun had not risen yet and his room was still dark. He peered over Chen’s shoulder at the clock near his bed. 6:03 am. Xiumin lay his head back down and pulled himself closer to Chen, enjoying his warmth and comfort. After a few moments, Xiumin pulled slightly away and gazed up at Chen’s sleeping face. Smiling, he reached up and laid his hand on the younger’s cheek. He traced his jaw line, his nose and his lips lightly with his fingers. Chen sighed in his sleep, causing Xiumin to freeze in his place. He didn’t want to wake the other up; he was happy just to watch him sleep peacefully. Xiumin felt much better than the day before, which he was grateful for. He would be able to go to practice with the others today too. He continued thinking about the day as he smiled and traced Chen’s lips absentmindedly.

          “What are you doing?” Chen asked suddenly, his eyes still closed.

Xiumin started, realizing he must’ve woken the other up.

          “Uh… I was just… Well…” Xiumin trailed off, unable to come up with a good answer.

Chen smiled and slowly opened his eyes, gazing into Xiumin’s lovingly. Xiumin bit his lip and smiled nervously.

          “Mianhae… I didn’t mean to wake you up,” Xiumin said finally.

          “It’s alright,” Chen replied, smiling sweetly.

He pulled Xiumin back to chest. Xiumin rested his cheek against the other’s bare skin.

          “We should get up soon,” Chen murmured.

Xiumin hummed in response, causing Chen to laugh softly.

          “Come on,” Chen said, pulling away and rolling off the bed.

Xiumin shivered as the warmth his boyfriend was giving off stopped. He burrowed farther into the blankets.

          “Alright then; if you’re going back to sleep, I’m going to go shower. I’ll see you at breakfast?” Chen said.

          “Mmhm,” Xiumin said, peeking out from the covers to admire Chen’s shirtless torso once again.

Chen grabbed his shirt from the floor and smiled at Xiumin one last time before leaving the room. Xiumin couldn’t help himself from smiling like an idiot. He felt a laugh bubble up as he thought about how happy he was—how happy Chen made him. Sighing happily, he sat up. The cold air around him flowing over his skin caused him to shiver slightly. He looked at his arms and could see goose bumps forming. Right as he decided he should put a shirt on to warm up, something caught his eye on his chest. He looked closer to see tiny red marks dotting his skin. His eyes widened as he realized what they were. Chen had left small love bites all over his chest, and Xiumin was sure they were on his neck as well. Looking over at Luhan’s bed, he could see that the other was still in bed with the blankets completely covering his small form. Xiumin quickly stood and walked to his closet. He pulled a turtle neck sweater off its hanger and slipped it over his head. He glanced in the small mirror that hung on the wall to see if it covered everything. He let out a sigh of relief as he saw that it did. He pulled it up slightly, just for good measure.

          “Are you trying to hide something?”

Xiumin whipped around, hearing the voice behind him. He saw a smirking Sehun, resting up on his elbow. Luhan was curled up beside him, his arms wrapped around the younger boy’s waist tightly. Xiumin cleared his throat.

          “Um… No,” Xiumin said defensively.

          “Mm… Alright then,” Sehun said knowingly.

          “I see you and Luhan made up?” Xiumin said as more of a question than a statement.

Sehun glanced down at the sleeping boy; his eyes full of love.

          “I couldn’t stay away, I guess. It was a silly fight anyways,” Sehun said softly.

Xiumin snorted.

          “You can say that again… You two fight over the stupidest things—like bubble milk tea,” Xiumin said.

          “Bubble tea is most definitely not stupid and it is a very serious matter,” Sehun said, his voice turning serious all of the sudden.

Xiumin gave the maknae a strange look, but didn’t push the matter any further, knowing that he was almost as in love with boba as he was with Luhan. He turned back to the mirror to check his reflection one last time before walking out of the room.


          As Xiumin came closer to the kitchen, he could smell D.O.’s famous cooking. Upon entering, he could see the smaller boy working tirelessly as another boy pestered him.

          “Kyungsoo~ At least tell me when it will be ready,” Kai whined.

          “Yah, Jongin! Just wait. I will tell you when it is ready! Go sit in the living room; you’re in the way,” D.O. said in an annoyed tone.

Kai was usually good to his hyungs, unless food was involved—in which case, the dancer was rather irritating and persistent. Realizing that breakfast was not ready yet, Xiumin decided to leave D.O. to what he did best and get out of his hair, since he already had a hungry Kai bothering him. Xiumin headed to the living room where some of the others were gathered. He went and sat beside Suho, who was reading a newspaper and drinking a cup of coffee.

          “Ah, hyung, good morning,” Suho said, realizing the elder had sat by him.

          “Good morning,” Xiumin said.

          “Is Luhan still in bed?” Suho asked.

Xiumin nodded, causing Suho to sigh.

          “He needs to get up earlier… And where are Chanyeol, Chen, Baekhyun, Sehun, and Kai?”

          “Chen is showering… Sehun is with Luhan, and Kai is in the kitchen. I assume Baekhyun and Chanyeol are together,” Xiumin said.

          “Aish… These kids… So did Sehun and Luhan make up then? I noticed they were awfully distant yesterday. Luhan even refused to eat cookies…”

          “Mm. I woke up this morning and Sehun was in Luhan’s bed. They’re fine now as far as I can tell.”

          “That’s good,” Suho said with a smile as Baekhyun and Chanyeol wandered in.

          “Yah! Everyone needs to get up earlier! We could go home earlier if you would get moving in the morning!” Suho said to the two coming in.

          “Yah, gramps! Just because you want to get to bed by 8:00, doesn’t mean we have to suffer through waking up early,” Baekhyun said in an irritated and sleepy tone.

Chanyeol reached to grab his hand to calm him down. Baekhyun was not a morning person until after he’d eaten. The two boys walked to the couch where Chanyeol sat and Baekhyun curled up on his lap, closing his eyes to go back to sleep. Xiumin shook his head, laughing at the couple. D.O. called from the kitchen that breakfast was finally ready and the boys seated in the living room all stood and made their way to get their food. D.O. had prepared omelets and had cut fruit up and placed it in 12 small cups. The boys grabbed their plates where D.O. placed their omelet and then handed them a cup of fruit. Xiumin took the food and returned to the living room to eat. Chen came into the room, his hair still wet from his shower. He smiled at Xiumin and then walked to the kitchen to get his food. The other boys all spread around the living room once again. Chen returned with D.O. following him. He sat beside Xiumin on the couch and the room fell silent as everyone ate. At least until Baekhyun got enough food into himself to wake up and notice what Xiumin was wearing.

          “Hyung, why are you wearing a turtle neck?” Baekhyun asked innocently.

          “I… I was c-cold…” Xiumin stammered.

          “Ne? I think I see something right there, on your neck? It’s kind of a reddish purple color?”

Xiumin’s eyes widened and he began to turn a light shade of pink as he quickly pulled up the collar of his shirt to be sure nothing was showing, causing Baekhyun and a few of the other boys to burst out laughing. Chen put his arm around Xiumin and leaned in to whisper in his ear.

          “You’re fine… They’re just teasing you,” Chen said quietly.

          “Yah! Baekhyun! Mind your own business!” Xiumin yelled, turning to the younger boy.

The others laughed at his embarrassment. Sehun and Luhan eventually stumbled downstairs, completing the group. Luhan plopped on couch on the other side of Xiumin while Sehun went to get food for both of them. Once he returned, Suho began to speak.

          “Arasseo… Now that everyone is here,” he started, sending a glance toward Luhan and Sehun, “I can tell everyone what today’s schedule is! We are going to be going to a photo shoot for a new company that we will be endorsing, and after that, we will go to the SM building to practice some of the things we did yesterday and let Xiumin catch up on. Okay, everyone?”

          “Ne,” the boys all chorused.

          “Then let’s get moving!”




A/N: Well this was rather interesting... This was more of a filler as I plan out what will happen next. I hope you all enjoyed it though~ I might do the HunHan or Taoris chapter soon if I don't finish planning out more for XiuChen... What do you all think? XiuChen is so sweet though *sigh* And of course diva Baekkie loves to torture them for that reason xD Anyways, thanks for reading! Please comment, subscribe, upvote, etc! I appreciate everything <3



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this goes on my reading list :)
Canxiubemybaby #2
Sparrownat97 #3
Chapter 25: Chen, it's not what you think!!! (/QoQ)/
Please update soon~~
Chapter 16: no one can be like jongdae when he sing . Ugh
Canxiubemybaby #6
Chapter 21: That was so cute!!!
ankimanika #7
Chapter 21: awww... the loveydoveyschene. i can't help cringing my fingers. >.<
safarisunset #8
Chapter 21: I really hope that Chen doesn't continue to think that it's his fault...and Sehun's eye-twitching made me laugh haha
2ne16543 #9
Chapter 21: I love this update, but I still have a foreboding feeling that more drama is to come :( ..... I still love this story though :D and I can't wait for more.