Sick Day


          Xiumin reluctantly rolled out of bed. His head spun as he stood up. His nose was stuffed up and his throat stung as he swallowed. He began to walk toward the door, but stumbled because he was so dizzy. He grabbed onto the edge of the desk that he and Luhan shared. He caught his balance and continued walking toward the door. He leaned against it and turned the knob. Opening the door, he began his long, head-aching walk to the kitchen to find some medicine. He passed through the living room, getting many looks from his friends as he trudged by. By the time he made it to the kitchen, he was ready to lie down again. He rested his elbows on the counter and held his head in his hands.


Xiumin turned to see D.O. standing behind him holding a rag and cleaning up the kitchen.

          “Ah… D.O., do we have any cold medicine?” Xiumin mumbled, wishing he were still in bed.

D.O. nodded, opening a cabinet and pulling out a bottle. He handed it to Xiumin to open and got a glass of water for him. Xiumin took two of the pills out of the container and took the cup from the younger. He swallowed the pills and drank the water. D.O. took the cup from him as Chen came into the kitchen, carrying an empty plate.

          “Oh—Minnie!” Chen said happily.

Xiumin looked at him and forced a smile. He was happy to see him, but felt like death. Chen looked at him, worried.

          “Are you okay, hyung?”

          “I think I—” Xiumin was interrupted by a sneeze, but continued, “I think I caught a cold last night.”

Chen’s eyebrows furrowed as he moved towards the elder. He placed his arm around Xiumin’s shoulders.

          “Come on,” Chen said, guiding him out of the kitchen.

Chen led him back to his room. Xiumin crawled into bed and under the blankets. He flopped back onto his pillow and closed his eyes. Kneeling, Chen looked at him, his face written with concern.

          “Have you taken any medicine?” Chen asked.

Xiumin nodded, not even opening his eyes.

          “Have you eaten anything?”

Xiumin shook his head.

          “Do you want me to get something for you?”

Xiumin nodded again. Chen stood up beside the bed.

          “Alright; I’ll be right back, okay?” Chen said.

Xiumin opened his eyes, looking at Chen softly.

          “Can you bring me some tissues? And cough drops?” Xiumin asked quietly.

          “Of course,” Chen said, smiling sympathetically.

He left the room to find what Xiumin had requested, leaving the elder on the bed. Xiumin decided that in the future it would be better to opt against running through the rain when it was cold and windy. His head was still aching despite having taken the cold medicine. His nose did feel slightly better and having Chen there to take care of him brightened his mood. As he thought about this, Chen returned with a plate of food, a box of tissues, a bag of cough drops, and an extra blanket. He came to the edge of Xiumin’s bed and sat down, placing the plate, tissues, and cough drops on the small bedside table. He lifted the blanket up and let if float down to cover Xiumin. Smiling, he reached for the food and held it in his own lap.

          “Open wide!” Chen said, laughing.

Xiumin gave him an odd look, but still thought it was sweet that he wanted to feed him. He opened his mouth and Chen fed him a bite of eggs. Xiumin thanked D.O. in his head for making such delicious food. Chewing his food, Xiumin glanced up at Chen, who was watching him carefully.

          “What?” Xiumin asked.

          “Nothing… You’re just so adorable and sweet—even when you’re sick,” Chen replied.

          “Hmph. Well I don’t feel all that sweet,” Xiumin pouted

Chen laughed and lifted another bite of eggs toward Xiumin. Xiumin opened his mouth and ate the eggs.

          “I think your voice is very endearing when your nose is all congested,” Chen said.

          “Yah! I’m sick; don’t tease me,” Xiumin said.

          “You’re right,” Chen said, feeding him another bite.

After Xiumin had finished eating, he unwrapped a cough drop and put it in his mouth, snuggling farther into his blankets.

          “Tell me something I don’t know,” Xiumin said.

Chen looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

          “Like what?”

          “I don’t know… something about you?”

Chen rubbed the back of his neck, thinking.

          “Um… I’m not sure… you know pretty much everything, I think,” Chen said laughing.

          “Come on!” Xiumin pleaded.

          “Fine, fine… Um, well, this happened a long time ago, but when we first met I actually thought you and Luhan-hyung were a couple,” Chen said.

          “Really? Did everyone think that? Sehunnie said that he didn’t ask Luhan out because he thought we were together. At least, he did until they kissed,” Xiumin said, laughing at his friends.

          “Well, you two are very close. If Luhan-hyung didn’t have Sehun now, I’d be worried you’d leave me for him,” Chen said, coming closer.

          “Luhan and I aren’t like that… We’re just friends. And I’d never leave you,” Xiumin said, looking at Chen suspiciously.

          “Good to know,” Chen said, leaning in to kiss Xiumin.

          “Chen,” Xiumin sighed, “I’m sick. I don’t want you to catch this cold too.”

          “I don’t care,” Chen said, closing the space between their lips.

It was a short-but-sweet kind of kiss. It lasted for only a small amount of time, but Xiumin could feel Chen’s love. When he leaned back, Xiumin pulled him onto the bed. Chen wrapped his arms around Xiumin to help keep him warm.

          “We’re supposed to go practice for the concert that is coming up today, but it looks like you’re too sick to do anything,” Chen said absentmindedly.

          “Mm,” Xiumin mumbled in agreement.

          “They will probably still want me to go,” Chen said, sighing, “but maybe they’ll let me stay with you…”

          “No, you need to go practice, even if I can’t. I don’t want the group to be at even more of a disadvantage than it already is with me sick,” Xiumin protested, being the ever-so-responsible hyung.

          “…Fine… I’ll come home right afterward though,” Chen said.

          “Okay,” Xiumin said.

A few minutes later, Luhan shuffled into the room—obviously still depressed about fighting with Sehun.

          “The vans are leaving soon,” Luhan said, grabbing his bag and trudging back out of the room.

Xiumin watched him with a concerned look on his face.

          “What’s up with him?” Chen asked, standing up.

          “Fighting with the maknae,” Xiumin answered.

          “Ah… Well, I have to go now. Make sure you eat and drink lots of water. Take medicine when you need to, don’t eat any junk food, take vitamins and text me when you can. Get lots of rest and feel better and—and…”

          “Chen, go,” Xiumin told him.

          “Arasseo,” Chen said, leaning down for a quick kiss before walking out of the bedroom.

Xiumin smiled as he watched Chen leave the room. It was amazing at how comfortable he’d become with Chen since the day before, when he’d been fretting over what to wear. Now it was as if they’d been together forever. The only downside to that was the fact that Xiumin missed Chen now when he wasn’t with him. He’d have to hurry and get better like Chen had said, for both the sake of the group and for the sake of his sanity; because Xiumin wasn’t sure how long he could last being apart from Chen.



A/N:  This chapter took forever.... I don't know why but writer's block hit hard the past few days. Well, finally wrote it though~ it's a little shorter than usual, but not by much. I got very distracted by a very cute hunhan story yesterday and today, which is probably why I couldn't think of anything for poor Xiumin and Chen... I will hopefully be able to write some more tomorrow! Thank you everyone who has subscribed though ^_^ Makes me feel loved <3 which then leads to me writing more fluff! Lol... Alright. It's kind of late, so thanks again! See you next time~

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this goes on my reading list :)
Canxiubemybaby #2
Sparrownat97 #3
Chapter 25: Chen, it's not what you think!!! (/QoQ)/
Please update soon~~
Chapter 16: no one can be like jongdae when he sing . Ugh
Canxiubemybaby #6
Chapter 21: That was so cute!!!
ankimanika #7
Chapter 21: awww... the loveydoveyschene. i can't help cringing my fingers. >.<
safarisunset #8
Chapter 21: I really hope that Chen doesn't continue to think that it's his fault...and Sehun's eye-twitching made me laugh haha
2ne16543 #9
Chapter 21: I love this update, but I still have a foreboding feeling that more drama is to come :( ..... I still love this story though :D and I can't wait for more.