Chapter 3

The Sky Can't Hold Us


Chapter 3





Sungjong waits impatiently. He’s been here so many times before that the Principal’s office is probably the place in the entire school he’s most familiar with.


Woohyun is uncharacteristically antsy. He’s usually the calmest among them, even in the face of danger. Sungyeol is of course pacing up and down, his right arm in a cast. He’s supposed to rest at home but he said he couldn’t take it. He doesn’t trust Myungsoo and even though Woohyun tried to convince him otherwise, he wouldn’t listen.


The door opens and Myungsoo ambles out, stopping short at the sight of Sungjong.


“I -” he starts haltingly, but the Principal follows him out.


Looking sternly at the three of them, he says, “You’re free to go. Next time, call the police if something’s wrong.” He then heads back into his room muttering something like “Can’t believe they actually helped someone…”


“Thanks,” Woohyun tells Myungsoo while Sungjong determinedly avoids his eyes. “Thanks for having our back. Your one lie saved us from expulsion.”


“No problem,” Myungsoo mumbles, eyeing Sungjong hopefully. But Sungjong stalks off without another word. He hears Myungsoo shout at him, “How are you now, Sungjong?” but ignores it.


He is not fine. Not around Myungsoo at least.






Dancing once used to be his favorite pastime. He was actually passionate about it. But he started hating dancing because of the ceaseless teasing of his father and brother when they saw him dance.


As Sungjong lets the beats flow through his body, he feels the relief he used to experience when he was younger. The dance floor is crowded but it doesn’t bother him. Normally it would, but today he is waiting, anticipating.


Did Myungsoo actually get his text though? It wasn’t an elaborate text – he simply asked him to meet at the club if he wanted to grab a drink. It’s a weeknight, and Myungsoo is a good student – what are the odds Myungsoo will accept the invitation?


Something tells him Myungsoo will come.


He’s too busy dancing so he misses Myungsoo coming in. When he looks over at the bar, he sees him sitting on a high stool, eyes fixated on him. The moment their eyes meet, Myungsoo looks away, embarrassed and confused. He leans in toward the bartender and probably orders a drink. Then he returns to staring at Sungjong.


Sungjong only smirks. He’s here after all. Woohyun was on his case for the past few days, clamoring about how ungrateful he is and how a simple thank-you would suffice; how ignorant he is for not thanking Myungsoo who basically saved them from expulsion and homelessness because surely, their parents would have kicked them out no later than their school.


But Woohyun didn’t hear what Sungjong heard. He doesn’t know what Sungjong knows. He doesn’t know the real reason why Myungsoo used to stalk him or why he saved him.


Sungjong has thought about talking to Myungsoo – about telling him that he’s insane. But then again, it’s not his problem, it’s Myungsoo’s. He doesn’t care.


He looks in Myungsoo’s direction to find him still immersed in watching him from across the dance floor. Sungjong smirks again, hoping Myungsoo wouldn’t take his eyes off for the show. Still swaying with the music, he grabs the nearest girl by the shoulder and pulls her toward him, kissing her on the mouth. For a second, he can hear something shatter, but the next, the girl is reciprocating fiercely, tangling her fingers in his hair and pulling his head down to ravish his lips. For a minute they kiss wildly and Sungjong forgets everything else. When he feels the girl’s hands climbing up his body under his shirt, he extricates himself from her. She looks disappointed but he turns away from her, toward the bar.


Myungsoo’s gone. The bartender looks puzzled with two drinks in his hands. He looks around for Myungsoo, but he’s nowhere to be seen.


Sungjong lets out a satisfied sigh.






“I stopped by Myungsoo’s place today,” Woohyun says conversationally.


They’re at the abandoned playground they frequent. There is a low wall that overlooks a wide open space. As the place is always empty, it suits them. Whether they just want to hang out or have a smoke or a beer, they can count on this place.


Sungjong ponders what Woohyun has just said. He can’t find a reason why he would do that, so he asks him to explain. Sungyeol’s furious; he doesn’t even wait for the explanation.


“I wanted to thank Mrs. Kim. She told me you didn’t even stay to say goodbye to them that day.” Woohyun’s voice is borderline accusatory.


Sungjong’s insides squirm as he remembers that day, that conversation.


“Myungsoo is ill,” Woohyun adds.


That explains why he hasn’t seen him around since the night at the club. Whether it’s at the subway or at the school, there is no sign of Myungsoo. He assumed that’s because Myungsoo got the message loud and clear.


But he’s actually ill. He wonders what happened to him. Is he very ill? Too ill to talk or walk? Or is he just ill?


He doesn’t question Woohyun, although he has an urge to.


“Mrs. Kim said Myungsoo came home on Thursday night looking soulless and hasn’t been out of his room since. I wonder why,” Woohyun muses but Sungjong notices something else in his voice. Woohyun is clever, too clever. To the point where he can be dangerous. Does he know something? “Where were you Thursday night again?”


“Wait,” Sungyeol speaks up, resting his hand on Woohyun’s chest. “Do you actually think that nerd’s illness has something to do with Sungjong?”


Woohyun shrugs, but doesn’t reply. Sungjong has a feeling that he knows – Mrs. Kim probably told him. And as for Myungsoo – is he really ill because of him, because of what happened at the club?


They stop discussing the matter. Sungyeol makes some crude jokes and they laugh. They smoke, and drink the beer Sungyeol’s brought. They ask him how he got out of the house with his arm still in the cast and he exaggerates heavily in the answer.


When they decide to leave, Woohyun says, to no one in particular, “Myungsoo’s not sick. I wonder what could’ve happened to him that makes him want to give up studying.”


Sungjong pretends he didn’t hear him.










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ooo i love this
Chapter 10: This story is so beautiful, so full of love, and so wonderfully told I can't help but shed tears all throughout.
We can never really fully grasp the mystery that is love, and we can only have an idea once we feel it ourselves.
I enjoyed this story so much I finished it in one sitting!
MyungJong is really my ultimate OTP, but I also love how there are hints of my other OTPs, such as Woojong, Yeoljong, WooYeol and WooSoo! ;3
Chapter 10: Myungsoo's mom remind me of my mom xD Anywho, love this chapter (just like any). The ending was great and special as it gives us many messages to ponder about~ I love the story overall! It was interesting, funny, intense, great, and I just love each character xD It's interesting to see a strong or more manly Sungjong versus Myungsoo xD And then there's a Woohyun who actually gives advice rather than poking fun at the others~ Anyway thank you for writing such a great story with a great storyline and plot. I honestly enjoyed it!

-Infinite Contest
Chapter 9: DAW! I went on a roller coaster ride in this chapter >.< It was funny yet adorable and cute at the same time xD
Chapter 7: I remember that accident T_T Anywho Idunno how to feel bout this chapter but I'm sure Sungjong has his reasons >.< And Myungsoo is indeed loyal and faithful~
Chapter 6: Sungyeol always breaks the seriousness of the atmosphere xD Which is cute lol. Woohyun the best friend is too cool xD
Chapter 5: Aaw beautiful chapter xD Sungjong is really the man and I love it so much XD
Chapter 4: Aish I can't stop loving Sungjong >.< And Sungyeol is too funny lol xD Good job Woohyun!
Chapter 3: Oh dear Sungjongie. Woohyunie is too observant. >.<