Christmas Love Story; Yang Yo Seob(Beast) and Heo Ah Ri(OC)

OnSeobx3 One-Shots (Come Inside *Oh How Scary!!* ^^ )


‘YA YANG YOSEOB’ You call over the phone hearing his light chuckle.

‘Don’t mock me because I miss you’ you whine.

‘Heo Ah Ri you know how much I miss my yebboh’

‘Anni… Please tell me how much’ your voice high because of his aegyo.

‘As much as Doojoon loves soccer thaaaat much’ you close your eyes for a moment imaging him beside you instead of halfway across the world. B2ST are doing their promotions and are travelling everywhere so you barley get time to see Yoseob.

‘Ah Ri are you okay? You went all quiet’ His voice filled with concern.

‘Of course why wouldn’t I be okay?’ your voice a little shaky but you try to maintain it with a smile.

‘Yoseob it’s time for rehearsal’ A man’s voice from a far is calling your Yoseob away making you sigh.

‘Ah Ri…’ His voice seems sad it hurts him to be away from you as much as it hurts you.

‘It’s okay Go, Go be my brilliant Yoseob and show everyone why you are mine’

‘I will call you after rehearsal okay… Only a few days until Christmas I promise I will be home to you’

‘Yoseob you are going to be late… Saranghaeyo’ You disconnect hearing the line go dead.

You slide into bed and close your eyes listening to Yoseob’s lullaby that he wrote and recorded just for you so when he is away, you would always be able to hear him beside you.

RING DING DONG  Aisshhh who is ringing the doorbell so early in the morning. You slide out of bed not even being bothered to look in the mirror as a delivery man smiles at you when you open the door.

‘Sign here please’ you obediently signed your name and the man was on his way as you took your package and sat down with a curious gaze.  You can’t take the suspense anymore as you rip open the box and out falls a letter.

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me… Something that tastes as sweet as Yoseob’s kisses…

You look under the card and underneath lays a box of chocolate. Your phone buzzes in your pocket.

‘So are they sweet?’ Yoseob whispers with a seductive undertone. Your smile widens as you open the chocolate box and place one on your tongue letting it slowly melt.

‘Mm… Sweet but nothing compared to your kiss’

‘Well they will have to do for now won’t they… Prepare for more gifts from your secret Santa’ with a playful laugh he hangs up before you can say anything else. You begin jumping up and down plopping more delicious chocolates in your mouth, you turn on the computer to check out B2ST’S performance for last night.

‘So Beautiful my girl’ Yoseob winks at the camera and you start spazzing once more.

The day went on as your mind just returning back to Yoseob’s comment about more gifts you were getting giddy with glee; the Christmas spirit has certainly gotten to you.

You heard a noise outside of your room as you jumped slowly getting out with caution, you open the kitchen to see a man in a waiter’s outfit standing before the dining table which is filled with plates of your favourite foods.

‘Miss please take a seat’ The man gave you a napkin and slipped something in your hand another note.

Second day Santa is letting you feast…

You dug in as your phone rang.


‘Sh… My members are around are you eating well?’

‘Nope…’ you lied munching as you could hear his laughter.

‘Liar eat well only two more days left until you get your big surprise’ You could feel his smirk as he disconnected the phone.

You get to see me tomorrow but I have one more surprise until your big one… Turn on the television to Dream Concert we performed this last week but it was aired today: This is how much I missed you

A long text from Yoseob made you run to the television tripping over your blanket but the pain left replacing it was excitement. You grabbed the remote when finally it switched on and you, your blanket and your phone snuggled in front of the television.

‘I NEED TO ANNOUNCE SOMETHING EVERYBODY’ Yoseob and s were all standing on the dream concert stage in front of millions of fans not to mention all the viewers at home and around the world, you could practically hear your heart thumping hard against your chest.

‘Right Now I am really far away from my girlfriend’ the audience awws as Yoseob takes in a deep breath before looking back to the audience who all patiently await unlike you who is hyperventilating.

‘I hope my B2UTIES  can do what we planned ready 3, 2, 1’ The camera turns on the b2st fandom and they are all holding up place- cards you couldn’t read it properly until the camera zoomed out.

‘HEO AH RI SARANGHAEYO’ The words were written in big letters as the fans chanted yours and Yoseob’s name together along with the members. You were brought to tears as you clutched the remote tighter in your grasp.

‘GOMAWO Now do you know how much I love you’ Yoseob looked towards the camera before bowing his head and leaving the stage. You couldn’t move you were frozen under the blanket as the phone rang.

‘How was it? Did I do good?’ His voice sent you over the edge in sobs.

‘Yang Yoseob you could’ve waned me that you were going to something like that on live television’ You said in between your sobs.

‘You didn’t like it?’

‘Are you kidding? Yang Yoseob you wait til you get your back here so I can hold you and never let you go’ you smiled and waited for his response.

‘Saranghaeyo I can’t wait to see you’ He hanged up as you got a call from your parents.

‘Ah Ri that Yoseob kid is pretty greasy’ your umma tells you.

It’s finally Christmas and it’s snowing as you look out your window with a smile, today’s the day… Christmas is really here!

‘Come outside’ Yoseob quickly says as you dress in warm clothing before walking outside, your eyes are wide as you take in the sight. Outside your house and along the path is a trail of beautiful red rose petals, you smile and begin walking along the floral path and hoping it would lead you to your secret Santa.

You follow the roses and it lead you to a tree where a red scarf hangs with a note.

With me you will always be warm

You wrap the scarf around your head and place the letter in your pocket.

You follow the petals to a park bench where a roll of bandages lay.

With me you wouldn’t need these because I will always keep you safe

You look around but still he isn’t around as you continue the path where it leads you to a gazebo where a bunch of DVD’s lay; The Notebook, Titanic, Romeo & Juliet

Our love story will be better than all of these combined

The rose petals end under the gazebo as you look around but he isn’t there.

‘Close your eyes’ it’s hard not to turn around when you hear his voice but you know if you will wait a little longer you will get to hold him, you quickly close your eyes as you hear shuffling behind you.

‘Heo Ah Ri, Will you take this B2ST to be your husband?’ you turn around to see Yang Yoseob on his one knee as you let out a small cry before he slides the ring on your finger.

He stands up and you pull him in forgetting everything else and just thinking about him as your finally kiss those pink lips that you have missed for so long.

‘Merry Christmas’ He smirks before kissing you again.

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very good`
Chapter 130: I really, really wish you can write another BAP and Onew one shot^^
They are so freakingggggg awesome in their mv..
And Yo Seob from beast too^^-his biceps are to die for (nose bleeding)
I freaking love you !!!! Let me love you XP
Chapter 135: I stayed up for two nights to read all this OTL but OMO I FREAKING LOVE THESE ONESHOTS <33333 love love looooove and ugh the feels, THE FEELS AUTHORNIM THEYRE GETTING TO ME hahaha oh gosh Im hyper again, anyways looooooove this fanfic and your writing ^.^ oooh and pls pls pls more exo *.*
Chapter 5: THIS....THIS..... THIS IS SOOO BEAAAUUTTTIFFFUUUULLLL D;. My feels.....they're gone <3 ERMAHGEEERRDD. So beautiful :')
kubirox555 #8
Chapter 1: OMG when i read that your ultimate biases are onew and hoya i was like WTH! Cuz those are exactly my two favs... i just love them too much
luhans-vaqina #9
update soon~