Chapter 7 - Breaking the Ice

One out of Two (On Hold)

A/N: Short chappie ahead :) It's 12:00 am here so.. yeah. I'll leave you guys my comeback chapter. I just wanted to post this for you guys to know that I am still alive :)

P.S. Laptop is busted. Have to borrow from my dad. Which is not here so... 



A tired Seokjin sighs as he removes his bag from his shoulders while walking to his seat. Compared to their well-lit classroom, everything outside is dark – the sky is still in a dark shade of blue with hints of dark swishes from the clouds. The street lamps are still on and very few, if not none, people can be seen walking in front of their school’s main gate. Armageddon, Seokjin thinks to himself as he lets out a snort.

He sits down on his designated chair and traces the writing desk with his name on it. Kim Seokjin, it says as if to greet its owner hello. As soon as he sits down, he realizes he has an unfinished homework which happens to be a sort of a reflection paper about the Korean show, Crime Scene. He gets his pencil from his bag, puts on his earphones, and starts to write what comes in his mind.

Honestly, the thing about the crimes shown in the show is that it can make you frustrated because you are just watching. Sometimes, you want to touch that thing or even go to a specific place in their studio to investigate like them, but you cannot. You badly want to try to do something on the scene but you cannot, thus making you frustrated.

Seokjin smiles to himself as he continues, I remember that one scene when Kim Taehyung approached me and –

He stops writing as soon as he realizes what he was writing. A frustrated groan comes out from his mouth as his fingers ran through his hair.

“What the hell, Kim Seokjin. Get a grip of yourself, hm? Just forget that Kim Taehyung kissed you on the che – aish!”

And with that, his first subject came and he handed his assignment to his professor and I guess we all know, there were traces of ‘Kim Taehyung’ in his assignment. Seokjin inwardly groans as he thinks about what happened last night and asks himself why is he feeling like he is having a heart attack.


Last night…

Seokjin carefully put Taehyung down on his bed; not missing to fix the younger’s hair a bit due to the wind outside but as soon as he turns around to leave the room, a sweet but hoarse voice from behind called him, causing him to turn around again.

“Jin… Seokjinnie…”

Taehyung struggles to sit up straight but then realizes he can’t thus he resorts to resting his back on the headboard.

“Leaving so soon?”

Seokjin clears his throat as he finds the perfect words to answer the younger.

“Uh… I thought you needed to rest so… yeah… I uhm… want to stay a little longer?”

“Mm-hm. Come closer, Jin. I have something to show you.”

It surely piqued Seokjin’s curiosity but he chooses to remain calm and unfazed. He does not know why. He wants to look cool, but at the same time he wants to look interested. However, choosing to look interested will make him look like a child asked if he wants candy (surely he doesn’t want that).

Taehyung then fishes out a notebook under his pillow and starts to flip pages until he reaches a certain page. Seokjin doesn’t miss how Taehyung holds the notebook close to him as he turns the pages. Must have some secrets.

“Look here,” Taehyung says as he points out a page filled with tally sticks and if Seokjin’s eyes are right, there are still more at the back of the page. Maybe even on the next page. “Each stick represent something you did that gave me problems.”

“Like what?”

Taehyung pauses for a while and looks down. “Uhm… like, when you harshly reject a girl?”

Seokjin’s eyes double in size as Taehyung continues. “Uhm… when you harshly tell a girl to get away from you?”

“Anything more?” Seokjin cannot hide his smile as he raises the question at Taehyung.

“When I get bullied because they see me with you.”

Now that catches Seokjin. He opens his mouth and closes it immediately and repeats it again as he tries to find the right words to say. Heck, he does not even know what to say. He honestly doesn’t know that Taehyung was bullied because of him. Something in Seokjin might have snapped if it isn’t for Taehyung’s voice apologizing for what he said.

“Uh, no. Uhm… I.. sorry I did not know….”

“it’s okay.” Taehyung says with a smile as he tucks the notebook again under his pillow. “Mind telling me why you push away girls?”

Seokjin has waited a long time for this: to tell the younger why he keeps on acting like that and to possibly win him back.

“It’s because of you.”

“M-me? Why me? I did not do anyth—“


“I would not shout at Taehyung if I were you, Seokjin-ssi.”

Seokjin then turns his head to the direction of the voice only to see Sungjong with Myungsoo behind.


Sungjong walks toward them, wearing a smile with Myungsoo following behind. They might not notice it but Myungsoo is hiding a smug face on his face. That’s my Sungjong.

Then, without him knowing it, someone’s lips has pressed on his cheeks. And it isn’t Sungjong and specially not Myungsoo.


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Chapter 9: I really like it!
blacksmirk #2
Chapter 9: Hi, author-nim. Are you still gonna update? It's such a cute story...i hope you'll comeback soon. We miss your updates ~ :<
Dataslash #3
Chapter 9: Omg i need more pls :D ~~ This story was last updated on my birthday July 6 which I find funny lol ~~ btw Great story I really love it
Awesome1aimz #4
Chapter 9: You should add some jikook to the story but if you don't want to that's fine as it's AMAZING can't wait for the next update :)
vlee_gonghyung #5
Chapter 9: wahhhhh thank god you updated,m waiting here like always..good job authornim!!!
Chapter 9: UWARGH THIS IS SO CUTE ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
enefeydee #7
authornim pls update pretty pleaseee
vlee_gonghyung #8
Chapter 8: Omg thank you so much for updating XD
vlee_gonghyung #9
Are you still gonna update?
Chapter 7: Don't worry ! I will wait for you! <3 again myungjong so sweet !! <3 <3