Chap 1

SM new girl group: ADORE

                    " Yah! Jooyong , Wake up or Manager Unni is going to be pissed at us for not leaving the dorm on time." Jina shook Jooyong's shoulder ,  This was her 5th time trying to wake up jooyong. Jooyong groaned and slowly opened her eyes " I'm awake , Jina. Don't try to shake me any more. It's like a fricking earthquake." , She honestly hated the morning. Jina finally left the room and headed to the kitchen , where the other members are at.  Jooyong quickly got dressed , realizing there is only thirty minutes before the van arrives to pick them up. "  Good Morning." Jooyong greeted her members who were eating in the kitchen. Today was the day they were going to go to L.A to practice for their opening performance at miley cyrus's concert. They were excited and nervous at the same time.


Rin was slowly falling asleep as she ate her pancakes , She wasn't used to waking up at early times. Jooyong quietly chuckles at her actions as she ate her breakfest. " Yah! Wake up , Your face is starting to get covered in syrup." Jen laughed at Rin, " Mwuh?" Rin's head quickly shot up , her face covered in syrup." Everyone laughed at her.  Anni got up , Grabbing a wet towel for rin's face. Rin wiped her face with the towel and yawned , continuing to eat her breakfest. " Oh , It's 5:30. The van should be arriving right now." Jooyong said , looking at her wristwatch. Everyone quickly took last bites of their food and got up to put their food in the dishwasher. Anni went to the door , where all of the luggage is at " Who brought this much luggage? It's not like we are not going to stay there for a year." Jen raised her hand " It's mine." , she walked over to the luggage and picked a couple of bags up. " Do you want me to help?" Rin asked jen  , worried that she is might sink to the ground due to her small body shape. " Sure." Jen said with a small smile on her face. " Let's go! Manager Unni sended me a text that the van is here." Jooyong said , walking to the door with a grin on her face.

" Annyeonghaesyo." Jooyong who was the first one to get in the van, greeted the manager with a small smile. Everyone else hopped in , Jen almost hit bella due to her heavy luggage. As five minute passed on in the van , one of their favorite songs by elle goulding came on. " Anything could happen , Anything could happen." Rin started to sing , then it was followed by everyone else. " Damn , It just became karaoke morning." Jen joked to bella , who was sitting next to her. Bella didn't say anything , she just smiled and slightly nodded her head. Jen smiled back at the younger quiet one , continuing to sing. Bella had so thoughts on her head , they were a bit dark not bright. She was hiding it under her smile. While on the trip to the airport , the manager passed out their printed agenda. Bella felt a tad disapointed because she didn't get as much oppurtunties as the other members , esoecially the ones who spoke fluent english. Anni got into a mandrin interview , Rin , Jooyong , Jina were going to be interviewed by music critcs and perez hilton. Jen got to model for a korean maganize and do a interview. All bella got to do is nothing , All she has for her agenda is to practice for the opening performance and do a interview in korean for her band members , after that she stays in the hotel with her manager. Is it because she is the least talented in the group? Is it because her vocals aren't strong like jooyong and jen , Who are the best vocalist in the entire group? Bella believes she is just a pretty face with barely any talents , she feels like she lacks something that everyone has in this group expect her. Bella is very jealous of jooyong , because of all damn things about that make her stand out in the fricking group. Bella closes her eyes and decides to take a small nap before the van drops up them at the airport.

* 3O minutes later*

The adore members arrive at the airport which are filled with ADOREbles A.K.A their fans , As they hop off the van. SecuriY stands around them , making sure they get to their flight. The security mostly kept his eyes on jen who is the most smallest and able to get lost in the huge crowd around them. Jen tried to keep up with the band members who were walking way more faster , instead she headed into the wrong direction-Mistaking a  black haired girl for jooyong. Jen realized that when she catched up with the girl and saw her face-it wasn't jooyong at all! " ." Jen mumbled to herself quietly , starting to panick. Jooyong was the first person to notice that jen wasn't walking behind her. " Guys , Jen is missing." Jooyong tolded her band members. " Did she get pulled away by a saesang?" Jina asks , her eyes slightly widening, " Let's call her." Anni said , taking out her cell phone and punching in jen's phone number " Jen , Where the hell are you?" She says with a worried tone in her voice. Jen picks up her phone , hearing anni's voice " I'm at the waiting area." Jen replies. " Jen is at the waiting area." Anni announces to the members and puts down her phone. " Let's go."Jina says , heading to the waiting room.


The ADORE members find jen standing in the middle of the waiting room , Anni runs up to her and hugs her " I miss you so much!". The members head to their private plane , feeling relieved that jen wasn't  abducted by crazy saesang. Bella is the first to take a step on the plane , she takes a seat in the back. Jooyong also takes a seat next to bella in the back , it slightly annoys bella- that she bites her lip. Jooyong doesn't notices at all , she smiles like a innocent child-sitting next to her.




Hello my fluffy cupcakes~ I know this chap is short , but i hope you enjoy it. I tried to caused drama with bella , like making her detest jooyong. Jen got lost very easily and was founded soon.

Oh by the way , the manager names is Lee YuNa.


- Jeiyeon4

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jeiyeon4 #1
Chapter 16: hi mian for not being active :(
jeiyeon4 #2
Chapter 14: Ingnore the allkpop chapter
jeiyeon4 #3
Chapter 13: Who is the most beautiful in ADORE?
Chapter 10: OMO, I wonder what happens next...Anyways I can't wait for the next update! :D
Chapter 6: My bias of bands are mostly the best singers so I would have to say Jooyong because she is the main vocalist and she is calm(I like calm people in not a creepy way) kekeke
jeiyeon4 #6
Thank You!~ :)
I cant wait for more and I subscribe and upvote because I know thiz is going to be a good story hehe 화이팅! ^^~
Usually I don't read these set-up girl/boygroup ffs but I will give it a try with yours :)
So I'm really looking forward to your updates~ fighting!