

I updated this a lot sooner than I thought I would. Its late and I can't sleep so why not? I can't believe I have almost 300 views. I love getting all of your comments and I'm going to start replying to all of them. I get bored so message me. Ok so here's chapter 5, enjoy<3


   Ken woke up and felt something warm under him. The events of the previous night suddenly ran through his head. He sat up and looked around and was surprised to see that they were laying in the backseat of the car instead of where they had fallen asleep. Leo must of carried him back to the car last night.

   Ken looked back over at Leo and smiled to himself. He was now his, and he would never let him go. He reached a hand out and ran his fingers through Leos thick black hair. He bent back down and planted a sweet kiss on Leos head. He was happier than he had ever felt before.

   He got up gently so to not wake the other boy up. He opened the door and stepped out. He was glad to see that it had stopped raining. He moved over to the drivers seat door and opened it quietly. He sat down and saw that the keys were laying in between the seats. He grabbed them and started the car. 

   He pulled out of the place where they had spent the night and drove in the direction he hoped was the way back to the entertainment company. Leo was still sleeping in the backseat. He was so cute when he slept. Soon he had pulled on to a street he recognized and was relieved to see that he wasn't far from where they were going.

   He arrived before Leo woke up. He parked and opened the door to the backseat. He admired the beauty of how calm Leo looked while he was sleeping. It was unlike how he had always seen Leo before. Ken climbed back on top of Leo and started planting soft kisses along his face. Leo blinked up at him and smiled his beautiful yet rare smile.

   Ken grabbed his hand and pulled him up. They should probably get inside and find the other members because they were probably worried. Ken was walking to the door with Leo behind him when he felt strong arms wrap around his waist. He looked back up at Leo a smiled. He couldn't help himself but to kiss Leo on the lips. 

   Leo spun him around and kissed him back, neither of them caring about the fact that they were standing in the middle of a parking lot. They heard the door open and someone rushing out. They turned to see N frantically running towards them. He stopped when he saw how close they were.

"Wait are you guys..?"

They stood there both of them blushing like crazy. 

"You are! Oh my gosh I can't believe it!" N said as his look of anger disappeared and was replaced by fanboying over the new couple. 

   He latched on to both of them pulling them into the studio where the other VIXX members sat looking worried. All at once they all came towards them, all shouting where have you beens and we were worried to deaths. N quickly silenced them and excitedly filled them in about the new couple. 

   Of course this led to more questions and soon they were sitting on the couch while Ken filled them in on the events of the previous night. 

   After a few hours of doing absolutely nothing while they were ssupposed to be practicing they decided to go home. Ken couldn't wait to get a movie and snuggle up to his new boyfriend.


Not much happened in this chapter but I hoped you enjoyed it still. Remember to subscribe and comment. Saranghae <3

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Chapter 6: Haha this was cute
Youcan #2
Chapter 6: Can you write for hyukbin?!! And thank you!!! You're really a wonderful writer!! <3
Pandora1056 #3
Chapter 6: Thank you for writing!
Chapter 6: Well, there is one I don't get it...
When Ken waiting for Leo in Leo's car, isn't it Ken playing a game on his phone?
Then why he said he didn't bring one?
Is he lying or else? -_-a
Just it...
Well, keep writing..
sirrathena #5
Chapter 5: Update soon authornim! Its nice story! ^^
Chapter 4: Awwwwwwwwwww so cute ! I'm glad Leo understood his feelings ! Yeeey ! but they are going to catch a bad cold now xD
Chapter 3: Update soon!!! 8D