A Night Out


My second chapter for my first fic. I italicized were it kind of switches to more of what Leo is thinking. Enjoy <


   Ken was happy that he would finally get some alone time with Leo. Although Ken was sometimes confused about his feelings for Leo, every time that they were assigned to do something together Ken got butterflies. Even though sometimes Leo frustrated him, every time he heard Leos voice that ffrustration went away.

   Leo sat quietly while the others talked about the car arrangements. As far as he could tell they were going to take two cars, N's and his own. He wasnt sure who would be with him, but he would find out soon enough. As the group split up he walked to his car. He opened the door to see that Ken was already there aitting in the passengers seat.

   Great, not only was he going to have to go to a movie he didnt want to go to, but he wouls have to go with someone who could be as annoying as Ken. These arrangements didnt surprise gim though. N and Ravi were always together. They had beem since the group was put together.

   Hyuk and Hongbin on the other hand were a new couple. They had onky been dating for a few months, but even they almost never split up.

Leo wasnt sure if Ken was dating anyone or not. He didnt like to get in other peoples personal business. Leo didnt even like thinking about love himself.

  Ken got into Leos car after the group split up. He wasn't sure where Leo was, but he was probably coming. He pulled out his phone and started to play a game. Suddenly the drivers door opened and Kens heart have a little flutter. He hoped that he would finally be able to confess his feelings for Leo.

   When Leo sat down Ken saw him shoot a quick glance his way.

"So it's just us?" Leo asked keen in his usual soft voice.

"Yeah it is the others went with N." Ken answered back awkwardly.

   They sat in silence for a second before Ken decided to speak.

"I think the others already left, we should probably get going."

   Ken watched as Leo turned the key and pulled out of the entertainment company parking lot. N's car was nowhere to be seen. This didn't help because Leo was supposed to follow it to the theater.

"Do you know where we are going?" Leo asked Ken shyly.

"No, N was supposed to lead up there"

"Well I don't see N anywhere and I have no clue where the movie theater is." Leo said sounding frustrated.

   Leo was so cute when he was frustrated. Ken couldn't help but stare as Leo continued driving with an angry look on his face.

   They drove a few more miles aimlessly. Neither of them knew where they were going. K Ken decided he would finally try to have an actual conversation with Leo.

"So how have you been?" Keen asked.

"What do you mean, why are you asking me this at a time like this?" Leo replied sounding even more frustrated then before.

"I just wanted to know how you have been lately. Good? Bad?"

"I've been fine now can you please try to call N to see where we are supposed to be going."

Leo had no idea why Ken would ask him something like that at a time like this. They were completely lost and yet Ken thought it was a good idea to ask him how he's doing? Gosh sometimes Ken could be a complete idiot.

   Leo answered Kens stupid question simply and asked him to call N. They should have done this sooner but Leo let his frustration distract him. When he heard Kens voice coming from the passengers seat he became even more upset than before. 

"I must have left my phone back at the company."

   Leo didn't have his phone either, he had forgotten it back at the apartment.

"Do you have yours? " he heard Ken ask.

"No mines back at the apartment.

" So what are we going to do?" Ken asked. "We should get back to the company and just forget about the movie."

   Leo looked out of the window and was surprised at his surroundings.

"Where are we?" Leo asked Ken.

"I have no clue" Ken answered back truthfully.

   They were in a part of Seoul that Leo didn't recognize. Not that things weren't already bad enough Leo noticed a rain drop hit the window. Soon it was pouring outside.

"What now?" Leo asked, " we're lost and I can't s see two feet from the window." 

"Just pull over and wait for the rain to stop, then we can try to find our way back."



What will happen in Ken and Leos night in the rain?



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Chapter 6: Haha this was cute
Youcan #2
Chapter 6: Can you write for hyukbin?!! And thank you!!! You're really a wonderful writer!! <3
Pandora1056 #3
Chapter 6: Thank you for writing!
Chapter 6: Well, there is one I don't get it...
When Ken waiting for Leo in Leo's car, isn't it Ken playing a game on his phone?
Then why he said he didn't bring one?
Is he lying or else? -_-a
Just it...
Well, keep writing..
sirrathena #5
Chapter 5: Update soon authornim! Its nice story! ^^
Chapter 4: Awwwwwwwwwww so cute ! I'm glad Leo understood his feelings ! Yeeey ! but they are going to catch a bad cold now xD
Chapter 3: Update soon!!! 8D