A Night in the Rain


Finally updated. I've been really busy lately. I also have an idea for a new story that I hopefully will be posting soon. Enjoy <3



    Neither of them knew what they were going to do. They were lost and had no way of seeing past the rain to go back home. They decided that they were going to pull the car over and wait out the storm.

   Leo pulled the car over and they sat in an awkward silence for a few moments. Ken looked over at Leo and saw him grab his iPod and put his earphones in. Great, now he had no chance of getting to talk to him. Ken slouched back in his seat and sighed. Leo was hopeless.

   After about an half an hour of waiting with no signs of the storm stopping Ken got even more bored. He turned in his seat and looked at Leo. He had his eyes close and was mouthing the words to his favorite songs.  He couldn't help but to stare at the way Leos lips moved when he sang. 

   Leo felt Kens eyes on him and turned to look at him.

"What are you looking at?" he asked. 

   Ken blushed and looked away uttering a quiet nothing. Great now Leo probably saw him as more of an idiot than he already did. Now feeling completely awkward Ken turned back to face the window. He watched as the rain continued to pour down and sighed again. He was eventually put to sleep by the sound of the rain outside.

  Leo looked over and noticed that Ken was sleeping. What was wrong with him today, he was being even weirder than usual. He thought about going to sleep to, but thought he should stay awake in case the storm ended soon. He sat there listening to music when he heard a load beeping noise. He looked down and saw that it was the noise his iPod made when it was dying.

  He now had nothing to do and it seems like the noise woke up Ken, great, that was just what I needed.

  Ken woke up to the sound of a loud beeping noise. He opened his eyes slowly and saw that he had only been sleeping for about a half an hour. The storm still showed no signs of stopping. He looked over and saw Leo put his iPod away. He realized that the beeping noise must of been the sound of it dying.

  This was his chance! He would finally be able to confess to Leo about his feelings. He had no idea how he should do it though. He wasn't even sure if Leo would be the slightest bit interested. Leo had never showed any signs of liking anyone, let alone him. He didn't know if he should be subtle or if he should just go for it.

    He finally decided he would just go for it and see what Leo had to say.

"Leo hyung, I have something I need to talk to you about."

   Oh god, what is it now?

"What?" Leo asked sounding annoyed.

"Its about love"

"You know I don't like talking about these things Ken."

"I know but this time its important!"

"Fine what do you have to say?" Leo sighed.

"Well I uh.. well.."

"Just say it Ken." Leo said.

"I.. I really like you." 

"What do you mean Ken don't be ridiculous."

  Gaining courage Ken decided to just tell everything to Leo. 

"I'm serious, I truly love you and I have for a while. I've been waiting for a good time to tell you for a while. I don't know why I do, but I just love you!" Ken said as tears ran down his face. 

   Leo sat in silence, shocked by what he had just heard. Ken waited for Leo to say that he didn't like him back but heard nothing. He took this as a good thing and leaned in closer to Leo. Leo continued to not say anything and Ken moved when closer. Next thing he knew he was pressing his own lips o the lips had been staring at just earlier.

   Leo couldnt believe that Ken was kissing him! He had never had any feelings for Ken and that didn't change now! Leo pushed Ken of of him and suddenly harsh words were pouring from his mouth.

"What are you doing? You can't like me! Guys aren't supposed to like other guys! You're disgusting get off of me."

  The words escaped his mouth before he could stop them. Ken was crying even harder now and he felt horrible.

How could Leo say such mean things to him! Ken ccouldnt believe what he was hearing. He was so embarrassed. He was crying even harder now and felt ashamed of himself. He couldn't stay here anymore. He opened his car door and ran out in the rain. He continued running and crying at the same time not even caring about were he would end up.


 I hope this was a good chapter, I hope I'll be able to find the time to update it again soon. <3



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Chapter 6: Haha this was cute
Youcan #2
Chapter 6: Can you write for hyukbin?!! And thank you!!! You're really a wonderful writer!! <3
Pandora1056 #3
Chapter 6: Thank you for writing!
Chapter 6: Well, there is one I don't get it...
When Ken waiting for Leo in Leo's car, isn't it Ken playing a game on his phone?
Then why he said he didn't bring one?
Is he lying or else? -_-a
Just it...
Well, keep writing..
sirrathena #5
Chapter 5: Update soon authornim! Its nice story! ^^
Chapter 4: Awwwwwwwwwww so cute ! I'm glad Leo understood his feelings ! Yeeey ! but they are going to catch a bad cold now xD
Chapter 3: Update soon!!! 8D