A Night Together


Thank you so much to all of those who have enjoyed my fan fiction. I already have over 250 views with over 30 subscribers. Its officially summer break so I'll have a lot more time to write. I love reading all your comments. Message me sometime, I'm on a lot and get bored. Please continue to comment and subscribe. Here's the tough chapter. Enjoy <3 


    Ken kept running without caring about where he ended up. Why would Leo say such mean things to him. He knew it wasn't Leos fault. How could Ken ever even think that Leo could ever return the love he felt for him. Ken was just being stupid. Why would he ever confess. Now he had messed up everything he ever could have had with Leo. He was so embarrassed!

   He kept running until he ran out of energy. He collapsed on the hard ground without even bothering to look where he was. He didn't care. Everything he cared about was gone. He didn't care if he ever got back. Nothing mattered anymore. He just laid there quietly weeping.


   Leo got out of the car after Ken left. Why did he say those things. Even though he didn't have feelings for Ken he should have never reacted that way. He was stupid and now Ken was gone, and it was all his fault! What if he got hurt, or even killed. Leo had no idea what he would say to Ken but he knew he had to find him. Thats all that mattered right now.

   Leo started running in the direction he thought he saw Ken go. He could barely see. Both from the rain and the fact that he was now crying too. He yelled Kens name as he continued running, barely being able to see anything. He stopped when he saw a line of trees looming in front of him. Ken must have ran here. He called his name more praying for some sort of response.


   Ken was still sobbing on the ground when he heard something from far away. It sounded like a voice calling his name. But that wasn't possible who would be calling to him now. The voice got louder and he could now identify it as Leos. Did Leo realize that he loved Ken back and was now coming to find him?

   Still crying Ken yelled out to the voice. He could no hear footsteps rushing toward him. The voice was so close to him now and he called out again. More footsteps came in his direction and suddenly there were arms wrapping around his body. He looked up and saw Leos face. Was he dreaming? 


   Leo heard a voice calling out to him and he immediately knew it was Kens. Following the voice he was lead into a clearing. He saw Kens body laying on the ground and he ran over to him and wrapped his arms around him. They stood there, both weeping arms around each other in a strong embrace. Leos heart was pounding. He had a strong urge to calm Ken and make him happy. Was this love?

   Leo didn't know but in that moment he followed his heart and brought his lips to Kens.


Ken was shocked when Leo brought his lips to his own. He jumped at first but then leaned back in. They kissed gently for a moment before deepening it. Soon they were passionately kissing. Ken pulled away and pushed Leo so that he was laying on the ground. He crawled on top of him and resumed the kiss, rain still pouring down around them.

   Ken loved the way that their mouths fit together perfectly as they kissed. It seemed like forever before they pulled apart again. Ken laid down next to Leo and rested his head on Leos muscular chest. 

 "I love you Leo"

"I love you too" Leo answered and kissed him softly on the head.

   Soon they were both sleeping, perfectly happy even in the rain.



I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Please comment and subscribe. I plan on updating really soon. Saranghae <3

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Chapter 6: Haha this was cute
Youcan #2
Chapter 6: Can you write for hyukbin?!! And thank you!!! You're really a wonderful writer!! <3
Pandora1056 #3
Chapter 6: Thank you for writing!
Chapter 6: Well, there is one I don't get it...
When Ken waiting for Leo in Leo's car, isn't it Ken playing a game on his phone?
Then why he said he didn't bring one?
Is he lying or else? -_-a
Just it...
Well, keep writing..
sirrathena #5
Chapter 5: Update soon authornim! Its nice story! ^^
Chapter 4: Awwwwwwwwwww so cute ! I'm glad Leo understood his feelings ! Yeeey ! but they are going to catch a bad cold now xD
Chapter 3: Update soon!!! 8D