Fear Goes, When Love Comes

Death is Upon Us (The Moonlight Series) book #1

Sharai and I could not find how to get out of the cage cell; the sunlight was fading away because dark rain clouds were tumbling over the sky.  Which meant vampires could roam the castle again, this is very bad. I could hear the steps of the deadly vampires walking through the hallway, although there was a dragging sound on the floor that was hidden between the vampires talking and arguing against eachother. "Whats going on?" Sharai asked. "Dont ask me because I have no idea" I answered back.

The dragging noise became closer, and closer, Shane, the vampire came around the corner of the small room that had two cage cells, Shanes hand was beside his thigh with the guys ankle was in Shanes hand grip, and the guys head nocking on the ground. Shane looked at me with a disturbing look “Hello Abbey, this guy was looking for you in the forbidden forest, oh and when he wakes up, please tell him that they call it a forbidden forest for a reason” Shane said. I couldn’t see the body behind me, he was shadowed by the thick guy in front of him. As Shane turned I saw the head of the guy unconscious “Pete?” I yelled. “Oh my god, I’m going to kill you, your such a !!!!!!!!” I screamed as loud as I could. “Ohhhh that’s a bit nasty don’t you think” Shane annoyed me.

 My skin was burning up, Pete was right beside me, and I had a thought of reaching my hand out to touch his face, with blood all over his face and neck I tried to reach out but as soon as I could be able to touch him, Shane flinched and moved him away to tease me in a way. Shane pushed Pete across the floor and put him in the cell in front of me, Shane looked at me with his hazel coloured eyes, brown hair chubby type face and stared at me for a moment. “This is the only way that I can help Melody make you do stuff for us, he is our leverage” Shane said with a tinge of meaness.

“How could you do this to us, to me, its not fair?” I encouraged my voice to go louder at the end of that statement. I then heard Melodys voice yell out to Shane “Leave her now , I have to talk to you”. Shane left, big foot steps over took the sound and quietness in the room, and all I could hear was  “That was……good plan….you have to……her to……….and we…..to kill…..?” what the hell, I couldn’t understand all the words because they were to far away for me to unpuzzel.

I stared at Pete for a minute or two then turned and faced Sharai, “Can you try to tap into Pete’s mind and tell him to wake up, or something?” I glanced at her. “I could try……” Sharai was saying before I interrupted her “But what, I know there’s a but”. “……..But he’s unconscious, it will be extremely hard for me to wake him up, by his mind anyway. Although I could try to get him into a dream state and then tell him to wake up” Sharai explained to me. 

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Omfg... Agha
TaylaLetired #2
TaylaLetired #3
vampiresss V-V
TaylaLetired #4
AbBbEbEbEbEY thanks for my
TaylaLetired #5
wabby wabit rabit rabbey
ur not, ur story part is in the next story hahahaha..........thats when u die.............................................................nahh just kidding<br />
Miss_Catta23 #8
lol... i thought i was going to die!!<br />
(i don't know why i'm complaining though.... i didn't really study haha)<br />
But oh woe is me!!<br />
yes i did
TaylaLetired #10
:D YAY U UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!