Meanwhile In HarleyVille

Death is Upon Us (The Moonlight Series) book #1

"Where is Sharai and Abbey, they havent been home in a few days" Nick said sadly. "I have no idea but we have to find them" Alydona explained to him. Alydona tried to do a spell that would help trigger a pin point of where we are, but she had no luck with that, but then she thought of another " The Find A lost Elemento" which meant Find a Lost Element, which means to find someone with the power of an element. Alydona took the spell with her and showed Nick, "I found a spell Nick it might work we should do it, Nick can you please put those candles at each point of the room that way it will make the spells energy stronger". Nick got every candle and put them at the corners, and lit them. Alydona started the spell "With a glimpse to the past, find the one Im meant to find, the elemento bind." The room was shaking, lanterns fell on the ground and broke, lights blew. "This isn't right, theres to much happening for this spell" Alydona yelled. "WHATS HAPPENING!" Nick yelled. The wind was blowing fast and the noise coming from their place would alert anyone in the neighbourhood, but because it was magic no one would know what was happening. A bright light appeared in the carpet, then it grew to a large hole. There was a loud bang and then the light was gone, but two people were standing in front of us. "What the hell, where are we". "Hello my name is Alydona". "What I know you, arent you Abbey's ancestor, we're her friends, I'm Pete and this is Tayla" said Pete since he knew everything about Abbey, Tayla got a bit jealous about it.

Nick twitched his nose and smelt the horrid smell of a werewolf, but as he turned and and faced Tayla the light lit up in his eyes and a spark flutted in the room. "Hi, Tayla......... would you like some, ahh..........water" Nick said in surprise. "No, I don't want your water, I want to get out of here, where is 'here' anyway" Tayla harshly said to Alydona and Nick. "Abbey and Sharai have been missing for a few days and they havent told us anything" Nick said sadly. "Tayla we have to find her........because.......because I love her" Pete secretly said while his eyes watered. "Don't worry Pete, I know how you feel about her" Tayla explained gently. Tayla gave Pete a little hug but it was really a little pat on the back since demons hate the touch and smell of dog / werewolf. "Just think about saving her, Pete, not losing her to a bunch of thirsty vampires?" Alydona said. "Wow for some reason, I feel alot better" Pete said sarcastically.


Pete’s eyes grew bigger, bolder and had gold splits threw the iris, that’s what happens when he changes to his werewolf side. He was angry, he didn’t like the comment Alydona made, Pete turned around and stomped right through the door. “Don’t worry, he gets like that sometimes.... He’s a dog” Tayla quoted harassingly. Alydona slowly walked outside to Pete, she turned, faced Pete and had the ‘Idea Look’, “I’ve got an idea, we should have a mini search party, I’ll go with you and Tayla can go with Nick.........can I tell you something.........I think Nick has a thing for your friend” Alydona immediately stated.

They went into the cottage and said exactly what Alydona said about the search party (not about the secret love thing). Nick quickly agreed but Tayla hesitated, she didn’t like the thought of going with someone she didn’t know well. Alydona found a few bags and gave one each to everybody; they packed the bags up with water, tins, and a magic book to help on the way if they get in trouble. Alydona knew that she would regret it, she knew that something could happen, because if someone took them of course someone would be guarding the place of their whereabouts.

“I’ll go this way, and you and Tayla will go that way.......take care of her Nick, you don’t want the same thing to happen to her as it did to Michelle.” Alydona said while pointing at the map. “You don’t have to won’t happen again” Nick said while his voice started to deepen. They said their goodbye’s and went their separate ways.

Tayla & Nick-----

“So what happened to.........” Tayla was saying but got interrupted by Nick “You don’t have to know anything about that.............those days passed and are gone!” he yelled. You could clearly see that his heart was broken over this, and that he was still angry about it. “Please tell me, it might help if you let it out” Tayla anxiously said to Nick. “Well only coz I know that I can trust you.....okay....................It was a while ago, I was outside with my girlfriend, we went for a hike in the forest, it wasn’t forbidden then, anyway we were walking and then we heard footsteps behind us, we thought it was an animal at the time but then it started chasing us and that’s when it made Michelle trip and.........................aimed at her neck and her body dry of blood, that’s why this forest is forbidden coz who knows, the vampire could still be out here” Nick sadly said. “I’m sorry, now I wish I never said anything, I am truly sorry about her”. “It’s okay I have moved on, that’s all in the past now there’s nothing I can do about it” Nick proclaimed.


 Pete & Alydona-----

“So what do you people do around here” Pete said in surprise. “Nothing much, there’s not a lot to do around here, like, I mean there’s dances and town camp fires, but other than that there’s nothing” Alydona stated. “Wait what’s that” Pete panicked. “What’s what” Alydona quoted. Pete heard some noises with his extra werewolf senses, but they didn’t sound like human noises. Alydona and Pete looked at each other, “Stay behind me” Pete whispered carefully while focusing on the trees and the bush. His eyes changed colour, his hair grew longer and he howled into the moonlight, Pete got down on all fours and then growled, he turned into a dog but a more terrifying one, he thought his werewolf side would conquer the evil that surrounded the forest, but had no luck with that idea. Alydona then looked at him and said “Can you see that, it looks like theirs people over there?”

Pete couldn’t really add to her description of them because he didn’t see their body figures. He ran up, they ran, but he smelt this scent with them, it smelt like raspberries mixed with kiwi fruit. Pete then had a flash back but of smell, “Hang on, that’s Tayla’s scent” Pete thought. “WAIT, COME BACK HERE, IT’S ME PETE!”

He saw them stop, but it looked as though they froze, then all of a sudden they weren’t there, “Were did they........” But before he could finish his sentence, someone said “Look behind you” it was Tayla and Nick. “Thank- god, it’s only you guys” Pete said in relief. “Only, what do you mean by only” Tayla got a bit angry with that statement. “It’s, just, I thought Alydona and I heard something else but, that’s all, wait where is Alydona?” Pete exclaimed. “Here I am, once again, you walked off without me” Alydona claimed.

“I think we should walk as a group now, don’t you reckon” Alydona said. “Yep, I think we should” Nick commented.


“So, do you think we should head east?” Nick suggested. “Yer we probably should” Alydona smiled. Tayla, Pete, Nick and Alydona all headed east toward a giant silky tree, as Tayla looked up she all most tripped over a log “WATCH YOUR STEP TAYLA!!!” Nick shouted while throwing his hand out to grab her arm. “Thank-you, you saved me from face-planting into the mud puddle” Tayla pronounced. “What’s face-planting?” Nick and Alydona looked cautious of the word. “Never-Mind” Pete said impatiently. They walked for ages all night, the darkness was even starting to cloud away, light was coming through. “I think we should head back, maybe we will go later this afternoon” Alydona suggested to us. “NO, we are not going back not ever, not until we find Abbey!” yelled Pete. “I’m sorry Alydona, but I’m on his side, I want to find them both, fast, even if their dead.” Nick serenaded.  “Well that won’t happen Nick, because Abbey is not dead” Tayla angrily said.

They had their separate ways for only a moment. Then left the sight they were at, and walked a little further into the thick forest. “Actually, it probably would be easier looking during the day” Alydona stated to the group.

 Then out of the blue, a red painted face came from behind the trees. He had fangs on both sides of his mouth; he also had a weird looking ring on, like it was a family heirloom. “What are you humans doing out so early” the painted face asked. “We are looking for our friends” Nick explained. He took one look at Pete and Tayla. “And who might you two be, I haven’t seen you guys around here” he said. Pete then said with no caution of what might happen next “We are looking for my friend Abbey, who came he two weeks ago, we haven’t heard from her since” Pete said. “I’m sorry I don’t think I introduced myself, my name is Shane” Shane said with excitement. It wasn’t before long that Shane forced the anger to get to him, the regret in his eyes were growing. Shane did his vampire speed over to Pete.

Before Pete could get away, Shane opened his mouth out wide; Pete could see his fangs growing larger, longer. Shane plunged his fangs into Pete’s neck, blood rushing down, with the pain forcing his eyes to bulge. Shane then let go, Pete fell to the ground in pain, unconscious, then Shane lifted him off the ground, threw him over his shoulder and then they were just, gone. “What the hell just happened? Why didn’t we do anything?” Tayla yelled. “I think we just stood there, it was all really quick” Nick Said. Shane took Pete, we didn’t do anything to stop it and now we are one person down. “Hopefully, Pete is okay, I hope that vampire takes him to where Abbey is that way they can try to get away from where they are?” Alydona whispered to Tayla. “But isn’t that bad” Tayla said. “No because it will give us a better chance to find him, we could do a spell or something to bring him back to us that way we can find out where they took him!!!” Nick answered.   






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Omfg... Agha
TaylaLetired #2
TaylaLetired #3
vampiresss V-V
TaylaLetired #4
AbBbEbEbEbEY thanks for my
TaylaLetired #5
wabby wabit rabit rabbey
ur not, ur story part is in the next story hahahaha..........thats when u die.............................................................nahh just kidding<br />
Miss_Catta23 #8
lol... i thought i was going to die!!<br />
(i don't know why i'm complaining though.... i didn't really study haha)<br />
But oh woe is me!!<br />
yes i did
TaylaLetired #10
:D YAY U UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!