No Where to Go

Death is Upon Us (The Moonlight Series) book #1

There was no light, no one was there either, and there was nothing, I was completely surrounded with darkness and a wide variety of houses. The moon started to get brighter as I walked along the rocky bricked road. I heard some noises that were pretty loud, as I walked further along I could see a fire, yellow and orange with heated blazes, the smoke was unbelievable hot, it was heading towards me the heat was so hot it dried up my skin and since I have the element of water I’m kind of not a big fan of fire.


There was a party up ahead, dozens of people maybe even a hundred, the people were dressed in glittery long dresses, and they looked olden day. “Hello, welcome to Harleyville, I’m Alydona Marley” said a stranger next to me that caught me by surprise. “Hi my name is Abbey Linger”, after I said that I immediately recognised who the person was standing next to me, she was my ancestor. My whole family spoke Latin and so did the village.


 Alydona asked me if I had anywhere to go and of course I didn’t so I said “No” she took me to her house on the outside of the little village, that was next to a huge gate covered in vines, like it hadn’t been open in years. “Come in to my house Abbey” Alydona said as she welcomed me inside, I went in with a smile on my face but in my head it was a frown, I didn’t understand why I was here but somehow that guy sent me back. It was scary being somewhere you didn’t recognise, or having no one that you know. The sight of your friends scared to death and not being able to bring you back. Heart breaking that’s what it was, I wasn’t able to see my best friends or even Pete who just spilled his feelings in my heart.


I walked past the staircase and saw a guy sitting down eating his dinner, “Hello, my name is Abbey, I’m going to be staying here for a few days”. “Hi I’m Nick, I’m Aydona’s second cousin, I’m also helping her redecorate her family home” said Nick.Nick then suggestively asked me if I wanted some dinner, I was starving and if I got even hungrier my stomach would burst. I sat down with a bowl of this weird soup, as I lifted the spoon and sunk it into the bowl, I heard a woman and I think she was chanting a spell, anyway I lifted the spoon even higher and tasted the soup, it was delicious and well cooked. Alydona came in and asked “Do you like my soup”, I answered with a “Yes”. She showed me where I was going to sleep; it was a beautiful room, better than my apartment I was living in.



The night had past, the sun was shining and the birds were tweeting, sort of the same way they’d tweet at home, but only this tweeting sound was a lot louder and friendlier. I hopped out of the stranger’s wooden bed, then walked down stairs, opened the door and walked outside. Those gates were still there covered in vines. I don’t think this town ever goes out.


Nick was chopping a giant tree with an axe, out front, but there was some girl standing near him, for some reason a thought popped in my head “My name is Sharai McArthur” why the heck did that pop up I was thinking to myself. Then another came into my brain which seems to be at this very moment a wide open book, “So your one of us, Nick told me you were, but said to me to keep it a secret because you didn’t know that he knew”. OMGwhat is happening to me. The stranger next to Nick, came up and firmly introduced herself “Good morning my name is Sharai McArthur and I can read minds and put thoughts in people’s heads” she explained. By that time I finally blended in, they knew, and it felt like a lifetime has been thrown off of my shoulders you wouldn’t believe how good I felt. I told Nick and Sharai what my special abilities were and they calmly sat there, unlike human’s when I tell them, so they just run off scared to death.


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Omfg... Agha
TaylaLetired #2
TaylaLetired #3
vampiresss V-V
TaylaLetired #4
AbBbEbEbEbEY thanks for my
TaylaLetired #5
wabby wabit rabit rabbey
ur not, ur story part is in the next story hahahaha..........thats when u die.............................................................nahh just kidding<br />
Miss_Catta23 #8
lol... i thought i was going to die!!<br />
(i don't know why i'm complaining though.... i didn't really study haha)<br />
But oh woe is me!!<br />
yes i did
TaylaLetired #10
:D YAY U UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!