The Past is Ashamed* (Not Finished)

Death is Upon Us (The Moonlight Series) book #1

Sharai had asked me if I wanted to explore the forest, apparently it’s forbidden but I was born a rebel. We opened that horrible gate, and most of the vines broke and fell on my face, it was gross. We probably walked five kilometres; it was a very long and tough trip. At last, we stopped in front of a giant Florissant green wall of trees, it was beautiful. We were surrounded with lovely flowers. “Come on, let’s go in, we don’t have all day, if we don’t go in then we will get caught” Sharai said while convincing me even more. We walked in slowly, with our heads down and watching were we stepped because we didn’t know what to expect. There was roots everywhere and kind of got annoying every once in awhile, we walked further down and saw a couple of guys throwing raspberries at a little midget man, “Hey, get away from him you idiotic freaks” I yelled as loud as I could. They heard and started running up to us, “Hello lovely” the guys jerkily said, they came straight towards us and grabbed us by surprise “Hey, what are you doing, leave us alone”

The boys got some rope and tied it around our wrist, at that point I realised I shouldn’t have said anything; they dragged us along the dirt. Sharai found out what their names were by tapping into their minds, Shane & Greg, they were aged between mid thirties and had brown hair. We all got to a shady castle, they definitely lived there because they said “There it is, where finally home” we didn’t really get why they took us but somehow we are handy to them, Shane and Greg had taken us to a empty rotten room with solid walls and bars around, “We are committed to taking you and using your abilities to steal and destroy Harleyville” explained Shane.

 After the silenced boys threw us on the ground, they cut us rapidly in one spot on our hip. They both left in a hurry as they heard a steel door open haphazardly, as if they craved something and finally gave in. We were bleeding to our very deaths, the bright red blood was pulsing through our hips, and as we looked up we saw the fevered eyes of the two suddenly ravenous vampires. They looked furious with two fangs poking out both sides of the corner of their mouths, and blood soaked and dried into their chins. The voracious smile Shane and Greg gave us was cowardly spontaneous, you could see the pain of wanting to feed on us in their eyes, their big golden brown eyes.  

 There was lack of secure luck in my sight, Sharai and I could tell that we wouldn’t last in this place, but we had to try. Sharai tapped into my mind and said “We have to get out of here, or where going to be dinner”. I felt so scared but I knew that there’s a weakness because every magical being has a weakness, so I didn’t feel that scared anymore. During the starvation that the guys were going through, a woman walked through the steel door. She had long shimmery brown hair, static red lips that would affect any man she ought a give a kiss too, she wore a pale silky white dress and her name was Melody. She was beautiful, it was like floating on a cloud with an angel by your side, but nor did I know that she was the leader to all things nasty and all things death.

Shane and Greg’s jaws were ridged and their eyes burned with the intensity of the thirst they fought, as Melody stepped closer and winked at us she saw my skin regenerate and heal. I could feel the coldness disappear into the moonlight, when she gave her hand for forgiveness. Even though vampire folk law means demon of the night, I wasn’t afraid of her, “Welcome to my family, we are a family of desire and immortality, we came from a land far away from this country and we hope to inspire your dreams and we hope that you can work with us to help us complete our dreams and journeys” Melody said in a bashful manor, “Please follow me, and I’m sorry about my brothers they do get carried away sometimes and can’t really handle the sight of humans, but you guys are not human are you” she said while examining us closely. “No we’re not I am a Water Nymph and I can heal, and my friend Sharai is a snow fairy but without the wings” I said consciously. 

Melody took us to a dark room filled with giant statues of Lycans and vampires, this room had black and purple wallpaper that surrounded the walls with the bright moonlight that shone through the chandelier.  It was a cult, but a vampire cult and I know that I have this thing about ‘I have to always be right’ and all so I asked and she said with the weirdest grin on her face that made her fangs glare in the moonlight “Yes. It is, how did you know?”. “Well the sight of the room kind of pin points the whole thing” I said with my natural smirk. “Would you desire proof, of this cult or do you suggest a meeting with my brothers and me” Melody interrupted. “The safety of which a person needs is humidity and vengeance, I believe anyway, the sight of heaven and hell fighting to which they once came and the desire a human needs every full moon”. So no I didn’t need proof of it because I believe in what people say and that whatever Melody would tell me I knew that we would always be fighting against each other because of vengeance. As we got closer to Melody, the Queen of death, we sensed that we invaded her privacy and you could feel the unwillingly undead presence of the other vampires. 

She was a cruel woman, back in my time my grandmother told me about the two ‘Marley Sisters’, the fight they fought was terrible and disgusting to even think about, and the blood that surrounded the whole town was incredibly nasty.

Sharai and I heard five other vamps come through the door, red stained chins and long white fangs drew further towards me than their feet did, and I went insane.

 “Stop right there, my darling children, we need them to began the apocalypse” Melody said cruelly.  “ Wipe that smile off of you faces, it’s creeping me out” I yelled at them. “Soon you’ll be like us Abbey” Melody suspiciously said to me. “What does that mean” I thought.

The sun was rising though the black sky, the moon light disappeared, and all of a sudden the vampires glimpsed and ran into a shadowless room, no windows and no light. Melody locked us in that rotten room again, if they badly wanted me they could have cared for our comfort a little. Vampires hated sunlight and fire, I hate fire too, maybe I am like them, not the insane part though. As I turned around, Sharai fell, and landed on a step, “Oh my god, Sharai what happened”. She fainted, but the big question is, why? “ I just had a glimpse of  the future, a girl and handsome guy were getting ready for something but I have no idea of what they were getting ready for” Sharai unexpectedly said, “ There my friends and don’t even think about it Sharai he’s mine” I shouted horridly. Sharai and I had to think of something, my friends were thinking of something but what. Thats when I had this feeling of love and happiness, I thought to myself, I wonder if I can somehow find a way to bring them back in time, I need Pete here because every word and feeling I have, I just want him, I need him. "He's my one and only".  Sharai shed a tear and glimpsed at me "Whats wrong Sharai" I whispered. "Your thoughts are so upsetting I feel so bad is there something that I can do that can help bring them back". "I dont know, wait there could be something, there was a rumour going around about the power, if we tried would we be able to contact them in some way" I said quietly.

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Omfg... Agha
TaylaLetired #2
TaylaLetired #3
vampiresss V-V
TaylaLetired #4
AbBbEbEbEbEY thanks for my
TaylaLetired #5
wabby wabit rabit rabbey
ur not, ur story part is in the next story hahahaha..........thats when u die.............................................................nahh just kidding<br />
Miss_Catta23 #8
lol... i thought i was going to die!!<br />
(i don't know why i'm complaining though.... i didn't really study haha)<br />
But oh woe is me!!<br />
yes i did
TaylaLetired #10
:D YAY U UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!