
Baby Bargain

Hey guys! I know this story kinda running slow. I know. My last update was suppose to be a long one but due to some stupid mistakes. It was cut a half. Something went wrong when I updated and couldn't do anything to get the missing half so I posted it anyway. But here I am. Again. I hope this chapter is enough. 

I know I've haven't been active for the past month and I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I was just having a hard time with what's happening in my life and due to my schedule in school too. 
I hope you haven't abandon this story because of waiting too long for me to update. And before I forget! I want to thank you guys for those who were leaving some comments. I really appreciate it. To the subscribers! Omg! I have 184 subscribers with this one and 27 upvoters. Oh. Gosh! That's plenty. I can't believe it. 
Really, really thanks to you guys! I'm so touched. I love you guys! I'm so happy. I'll do my best with the future updates and I'm still learning how to improve my skills. Thank you very much. God Bless, everybody! 
Love lots,








Seunghyun ignored the eyes around him, turning his back at them and walked his way out from the restaurant. Why he was exiting the restaurant? He didn't know. He rushed outside and catch himself looking around, hoping to see the petite beautiful woman who run again from him. 
He almost reach the end of the block and suddenly stopped. Shaking his head, he almost laugh at himself. Why he was running, looking for her. He didn't know. Maybe he wanted to ask her how is she. She look so broken the other night and he was just worried if she was doing okay. He thought to himself. Nodded as if he agreed at the thought. 
He run his fingers through his hair. God! He left the restaurant without telling his secretary and he excuse to use for the comfort room and he hadn't returned for long, they might think something wrong had happened to him. He better go back. He walked back towards the restaurant when his eyes caught something. 
Across the street, he saw a petite woman, half running from something. The lightly bow of her head and the shaking of her shoulders showed that she was crying. Then a man almost tall as him reach her and clasp her shoulders and turned her around to face him. Seunghyun shook his head and turned around. Not his business. 
Before he could reach the restaurant, he took one last look and saw the two again. This time, the woman was wrap around the mans embrace, struggling from his hold. Wanting to get away from the man, Seunghyun watch as the people walk beside them but didn't do anything or to help. Oblivious that the woman is uncomfortable with the mans presence. 
Seunghyun isn't sure but something about him, pulling him to them. He knew he shouldn't care but before he could tell himself to mind his business, he was there, pushing the guy and had the woman beside him. He glared at the man. 
"Get near her and I'll break your bones into pieces." He warned. 
The man frowned but shiver at the dangerous tone of his voice. He looked past his shoulders then back at him still had the frown in his face but eventually sighed and raised his both hands in surrender. "Look, man! I don't mean trouble but I want to talk to her." He explained. 
Seunghyun glance at the woman beside him and his the grasp, shock as him. The woman, it was her. Sandara. Who was looking at him in surprise and awe, her cute little nose turned red and her tear streak face. She still look beautiful besides the sorrow that shows in her eyes. 
"Babycakes..." The man called softly, trying to reach for Sandara but Seunghyun manage to take his eyes of her and glared at him, making the poor man step back, pouting his lips. 
Sandara shook her head. "I told you I don't want to see and speak with you, Heechul. I'm sorry." She said and turn around, she need to get away. From heechul, from Seunghyun. Why he was here, she didn't know. 
Seunghyun watch her walk but didn't move to run after her instead he looked at the man watching him from head to toe, so this is her boyfriend? Fiancé perhaps? He thought and throw a glare at him. 
But what he saw his response to his glare was a smile, a nervous but a bit curious. "Just to make things clear. I'm not her boyfriend. I'm his best friend. We just had a misunderstanding lately when I back out from our deal. I've been calling her and sending her messages even email but she wouldn't budge. I've been in her house but she wouldn't let me in. I tell you, she's just to stubborn." Heechul explained, rolling his eyes. 
Raising an eyebrow, Seunghyun wonder why this man had to explain to him. The edge of his mouth tugged into a smile again that made some of the hairs from Seunghyun's body to stand. "You don't believe me? Augh. Sandara had been my bestfriend since like forever. I'd do anything for her. Anything. But what she's asking me is something I couldn't give." His smile fell and he looked away, the disappointment and hurt he was trying to mask failed. 
Seunghyun saw them already. "Guess, it's not really meant to be and I disappoint her, hurt her even. She's just asking to give her a child but I couldn't. Even if I want to. I mean what the hell! I'm gay. Yeah. You got it right. But I want to have my own family too. It's just." Heechul turned and this time he tried to smile but failed. The moist in his eyes told Seunghyun that tears around about to fall. 
"I said too much, huh. Sorry got carried away. I've been carrying this load of problems for a few days now. My best friend wouldn't talk to me, see me. She's the only and first person who accepted me. I love her so much. Well don't get me wrong I love men but she's just so special. And I want her to be happy. I want to see her happy." 
The mans words keeping ringing in his mind. Seunghyun continue to walk with his head bowed a little. He didn't know what he should feel, relived because he isn't her boyfriend or learning that he's a gay at all. His eyes is for men only. But what bug him the most was Sandara wanted to have a child. Asking her gay best friend to father her child. He wanted to ask why cant she just marry someone and have a child with. Sandara is beautiful. He is sure of that. He had met and saw a lot of actresses and models in the country and the other places he'd went.
But Sandara had the unique beauty. For him, she stand out among all. 
How long he'd been walking, he didn't know. Hours? He hadn't notice not until he heard his phone rings and heard the worried voice of his secretary who asked him if what happened to him and if he's okay. 
"I'm fine, Sarah. I'm sorry. I suddenly needed some air to breathe and decided to have a walk and hadn't notice the time. I'm sorry. I won't be back in the office for the next hours. You can go and pick up your things and have go home. Don't worry I'll just take a cab later." 
"Yes sir. Thank you very much. You take care of yourself sir. Have a good afternoon. I'll see you tomorrow then." 
Seunghyun reach the children playground. Kids at the age of 4-6 years old running around the small space, some are seating on the swing and slide with their nanny and mother keeping an eye with them. A smile escaped his handsome face as he recalled those days. When his mother was still alive and he was still a toddler. A lot of fond memories. 
He watch them from afar and found himself a bench at the far corner. Since his father announced his retirement, handing the responsibility to him to take over, he hadn't really had a relaxing time. A breathe. And the tension of who will permanently stand the CEO position is doubling the stress on his shoulder. 
A figure beside him watch him watching the children from afar, sat beside him quietly. Seunghyun didn't even took his eyes at them. "You like kids?" 
Seunghyun almost jumped from the bench where he seats when he heard a feminine voice ask beside him. Turning to his right and found Sandara sat beside him, watching him. He blinked. 
Sandara gestured her hand at the kids playing. "You've been staring for a while now. You didn't even notice me." 
"Uhm. Yeah. Kinda remind me when I was at their age." He answered a little unsure why he told her that or even why she was talking to him or how did she found him. He frowned. Sandara sighed. 
"Sorry about that. You know what you saw. How fortunate you always saw me like that. Thank you though even I didn't really need your help. Heechul is just persistent. I just want some time out. You know." She said, eyes on her feet, kicking some rocks. Too shy to look at him in the face. 
What Sandara didn't know is that this handsome man who, they called a notorious playboy is really someone who's easy to talk to. She found him at the bench sitting there quietly watching those children play with the soft and relax face. 
First she just wanted to say thank you for coming between Heechul and leave. Then at some point she just found herself telling this total stranger about how her grandparents raised her because she was too young when her parents died. To how she met Heechul, then Wooyoung and how he died and why she isn't really in good terms with her bestfriend. 
But before she could stop it, it was already done and found herself inside a booth, in the nearest bar at the area. Drinking  despite the sun is still up. But she needed it as much as he needed it. If she might recall it was her who drag him along with her and started ordering drinks. He stopped her from time to time, telling her that she had drink too much. How sweet. 
Sandara just sat there beside him at the bar, studying his face closely. Besides, she didn't know if she'll see him again. Right this close. Her hand touches his face, caressing his cheek. "You're handsome. You're rich. You look hot with that suit too. But why? Can't you choose from those woman and love her forever?" 
Seunghyun leaned to her touch before he noticed what he was doing, her hand touching his skin made his body hot and bothered. He looked up to reach her eyes and only to register what she said and looked away from her, away from her touch. "It's the way I am and I don't believe in forever." He said sounded bitter with his own response. 
He heard her sigh loudly and he look at her, tears started to pour from her eyes. "I once believed. But learned that it doesn't exist. My forever left me." She said. 
When they left the bar, it was already dark outside and Sandara is somehow in her right mind. Seunghyun hadn't let her drink more than 3 glasses of jack. He south her and listens to her like a friend should be, ignoring how his body responded to hers. Her smell still lingers on his nostrils and how soft her hands when she touched him. He endured the whole thing, not paying attention with the tightening of his jeans. 
After tonight, one thing is for sure. He want her. Needed her. 
Sandara looks at him. "Thanks for tonight. I'm sorry I let it all out to you. I know you had more important things to do than to listen to someone's problem. Thank you." 
Seunghyun stood there staring at the woman who had been in his mind since meeting her that night. Watching him shyly, like after hours of talking about her life she only felt embarrassed now. How she look more beautiful when she blushes. And it didn't help the uncomfortable feelings in his slacks. That he needed to adjust his hard on not to embarrass himself in front of her. 
Then he notice she was leaning into him, giving him a kiss on his cheeks then turned around and hailed a cab. Seunghyun there, frozen. Lost by how that little kiss affected him. How soft her lips were on his skin. Fantasizing how those lips would feel if he kissed her. Damn. Too tempting. 
The cab made a U turn and Sandara cursed under her breathe. Kissing him was a mistake. Even its just an innocent kiss. On the cheek. The electricity she felt when she first touch him went intense. Sitting across him at the booth is disturbing enough, how great he smells, how strong his presence is. His handsome face. The wide shoulders and his tall figure. He looked like some kind of Asian version of Greek Gods. That she couldn't help but kiss him for it. Aside from being so nice to listen to her whining, complaining and how pathetic she could be sometimes. Gosh. She even told him her deal with Heechul by suprise. 
The cab stops in front of her and reach for the door. She was half inside when she heard her name being called and lift her head and saw him raced towards her. And notice again how incredibly handsome he was and her body felt hot and not when her mind is giving her some suggestion what she should do if she had a chance of stripping those clothes from him and taste every inch of his skin. 
Seunghyun stood in front of her. Really not sure what to do nor why he called her when he saw her entering the cab and was about to go again. It isn't enough. He still wanted to see her. His mind told him. 
"Uh. Yes?" 
Seunghyun look at ground and fighting himself not to pull her into his arms and hug her tight and kiss her senseless. When he finally looked up he finally found the courage to ask her. "I-i. I was hoping we could eat dinner sometimes. You know. Talk some more. Maybe? Uhm." Seunghyun cursed himself for sounding like a grade school boy asking her first crush to go out with him. 
The confident playboy he called him flew away when it comes to this woman. And it bothers him somehow. He isn't always the one who was running after girls but the opposite. Besides with his confident smile and with the snap of his fingers, woman were rushing to his side just to have a one unforgettable night with the Great Choi Seunghyun. 
A smile lit her whole face and Seunghyun hoped. "Did just I heard it right? You're asking me to dinner? Dinner, with me? Really?" She ask teasingly. 
This time, Seunghyun smiled back, stepping closer. Too close. Lifting his hand, he pushed her hair, he wanted to run his finger since they sat inside the booth earlier. And it felt soft in his hands as he suspected and hook it in her cute ears. Then cup her cheeks with his palm.
Staring straight in her eyes, he said. "Yes. You. I want you.." He said his voice sounded husky in his ears. "To have dinner with me, Miss Sandara. Friday night. I'll pick you up at six. Be prepare." He said his eyes turned darker with his desire. 
Her eyes rounded and he sure she saw it in his eyes. He want her. The pink blush in her cheeks confirmed it. He leaned slowly, watching her face to make sure she want it too. He felt her hot breathe in his face and their lips were almost touching. One move and their lips were connected. He lift his eyes to hers and a confident smile appeared on his lips. 
Now the true and confident playboy is back. This is him. The real him. Seunghyun saw her watching his lips, he then step back and brush his lips on her forehead instead. He sure would kill himself for it but he want her to want him back. He want her to be hungry as he was hungry for her. 
The surprise and embarrassed look in her face made his smile wider. "Dinner this Friday. 6pm. Till then, Miss Park. Think of me." He said and closed the cabs door and saw it raced the traffic wearing a triumphant smile. 
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WOohoo! I was able to make a poster to this one too. BABY BARGAIN. THANK YOU SUBSCIBERS!


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ImSandara #1
Chapter 12: Please update juseyo!!!!!!
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 12: Please update ❤️
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 11: Damn. Hot kiss.
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 4: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/743461/4'>III</a></span>
Don’t give her money, Seunghyun. She’s a gold digger. Gosh, I hate women like that thing.
Fr0zenMus1c #5
Chapter 1: This is just so sad (T^T)
yssassyla #6
Chapter 12: Still waiting for an update. Goodluck!:)
Chapter 11: When are they going to mke the baby.. hope you'll have time to update.. ❤❤❤
missRANMY #8
Can you please accept my friend request? Please I really want to read your stories.
rvpkhg #9
please accept my friend request authornim
Chapter 12: waaaaaaaa the most exciting part is next uwaaaaaaaaa I trust in your words Author-nim! I will be holding on to your next update~ uwaaaaaaaaaa I'm addicted to Tabisan <3 Thank you Author-nim! *Hwaiting~!* Fighting on you studies~ :D