Baby Bargain




"Babe.." The woman purred as she run her manicured nails at the mans bare chest. She chuckled when he started to stir from his sleep as the woman trailed her finger lower and lower. He groaned when her finger stopped at his morning . She giggled. 

"Hmm.. Aren't ya little excited?" She whispered on his ears as her hands curled around his shaft, giving it a squeeze before moving it up and down repeatedly. He growled, an animalistic sound that made her giggles some more. His large hand caught her small ones and stop her. His eyes flutters open and stared at her with an unfocused daze. 


The woman's smile fell as she started to frown. "Stop. You need to leave. NOW." He said making the woman, purely woman confused. Her frown turned and confused face turned angry and glaring at him. 

"What?!" She exclaimed and sat up from the bed. 

"Leave. Now. " He said, his voice sounded a little impatient but firm. The woman looked at him like he had lost his mind, fuming. The woman climbed out from the bed and start gathering her clothes. 

She cast a hateful glance at him. "You stupid, er! Go to hell!" She screamed at him. 

His eyes narrowed as he slowly sat on the bed, reserving his back at the headboard. "I clearly informed you my rules. No post cuddling. You need to leave after." He said with a pointed look. 

The woman threw her hands in the air. " you, Choi!" The woman said and turned to leave the room, slamming the door hard that made the frames and pictures on the wall to rattle. 

He sighed heavily. Laying back on the big bed. Turning, he hurried his face with the pillows and groaned. It was one of the best nights. The was his ways to run from the reality. It keeps his mind calm. He's no Choi Seung Hyun for being the Heir of Choi industry and the notorious playboy. 

"I guess I'll need to hire a new assistant after all." He muttered between the softness of the pillows before slumber consumes him. He didn't knew he had fallen asleep after their best and actually let that woman stay, if she hadn't woken him up and trying to get him for another round. He wouldn't have known. He had been caught up with business recently. 

Trying to prove the board that he's worth it to take over the family business. His father had been sick and running a huge company with thousands of employees isn't helping for his condition. As an acting CEO, he had to prove them he can handle everything just fine or his position will be handed with silver platter to Jaejoong. One of the trusted and board member. He was trained by the Chairman himself that the board trusted, Jaejoong. 

It pissed him off. Seunghyun swore he'll take everything that was suppose to be for him. Even Jae was a friend. But because of his lifestyle, being always at the front page of the news paper with his different Barbie dolls, the board doubt him. How can a notorious playboy who changes his woman like changing his clothes be loyal to the company if he couldn't be loyal to his partner? 

Right. Seunghyun at his thirty two years, he hadn't settle with a woman. He was smarter than that. For him, woman were just like an accessory, a distraction and never seen them as a lifetime partner. When if he was still 18, naive and stupid he might say they're suppose to be love and cherished. 

He rolled on his back and sighed. He didn't want to go back to that them if his life. He quickly sat up and throw his feet down to the cold tile of ground and start standing on, looking for his clothes that had been thrown God knows where. 

His mind flew back with the party last night. 

It was Lee Group of Company's anniversary and his father was invited as the company representative. Seunghyun as the acting CEO, went for his father and for the company. Besides, Lee's heir, Lee Minho was a friend of his. 

He had been talking with the other businessman when a beautiful sight caught him. It was her smile who really strike him. Her demure but sophisticated looks with her dress that covers her body but emphasis all of her curves. She looks young and probably still of her twenties, she didn't wear those kinds of jewelry that looks like a huge as a plate diamonds, those exaggerated me heels and dark make up that looks like a clown. 

But she? Nope. He was even intrigued if she wore make up at all aside from the peach shade of her lips. And he like how she let her hair loose, curling at the end. She's the definition of simple and elegant. And her scent. She smell, heaven. Not the suffocating smell of branded and signature perfume other woman use. He momentarily close his eyes as he inhaled her scent. 

His eyes snapped open. How could he smell her when she's 20 feet away from him? He cursed when he realize he left the group of businessman's without saying a thing and move to the bar where she went and get herself a drink. 

He eyes her like a predator to his prey. What did this woman have that he was acting like this? The bartender smiled and wink at her as he handed her glass. Seunghyun glared at him and the poor man excuse himself. Thank God, she hadn't seen that or else she might think he's somewhat crazy scarring some poor bartender. 

Seunghyun shook his head. He ordered himself a double scotch as he tried to relax his nerves. He drank his scotch in one gulp and ordered another one. He cast a glance on her way and the same time she looked at him. And smile. 

Damn that smile.

It was the sweetest smile he had ever seen, the one that hadn't forced or fake. One of the real smile seen his entire life. It shock him. He was about to stand to walk beside her when Lee Minho appeared in front of him, blocking his view. "I've been looking for you, Man........." 

As much Seunghyun wanted to talk to his friend but he wanted to see her her, talk to her and ask her name. When he finally got to move Minho, she's already about to leave with another man. It was her smile again. She was smiling at the man like he had saved the world. Giggling at something he whispered to her ear as she cling to him.

Seunghyun rolled to the bathroom and turned the shower, ice cold shower trying to erase the scent he had on his body. He didn't quietly remember last night on how he ended up in the hotel room with his assistant. After the memory of him seeing that woman at the party leaving with another man, he had made sure not to see her again or he might not stop himself and steal her away and take her there and make her his. 

His eyes bulging out and grasp. Make her his. He had never thought about that to a woman. Before.. He was pissed at himself to let her affect him this much. Jesus. He didn't even know her name. 



"Thank you for coming with me, last night." 

Sandara lift her head and smiled. Her 'talk' with her best friend last week  hadn't really end up like she wanted. She understood. Asking someone to father her child isn't like asking a piece of candy you badly wanted. She knew too well that Heechul is beating himself for this. With his dark circles under his eyes and how weak he looked when he appeared on her door 5 days after that dinner and ask her to come with her to the party. She had never seen him torn and unsure with his life when she ask him to be the father of her child. 

"I want you to be the father of my child." 

His jaw dropped. Eyes wide. 1. 2. 3. 4.... 

Heechul's jaw dropped even more if that's even possible. He didn't expect it. He thought she was trying to get him that's why he waited. But moments had passed but Sandara didn't laugh and told him a punch line and making he was hoping that a camera was rolling at the side just waiting for Sandara's cute and finally telling him it's her prank or whatever. But the hope that twinkle on her eyes mixed with hurt and sorrow did confirmed that she wasn't joking around. That there's no camera around filming for prank shows or whatever. 

She's serious. 

He was about to say something when she shook her head and leaned back to the chair and sighed loudly and smiled. A sad smile which he constantly seen from her beautiful face since she had lost the love of her life. Heechul hated himself. He wanted to make her smile, those smile she used to when they were young. 

Struggling a sigh. Heechul reach for her hand on the table and smiled. "Sandara, babycakes. You know that I'm.. I'm not.. I'm gay. I like men and men alone and never..." 

Sandara chuckled and smack his shoulder. He smiled. At least he tried to make her laugh. "I know, Pabo! You also know that I'm not getting younger Chullie, I'll be thirty in months and.. And this. Wooyoung and I had always dreamed to build our own family. I need this, please Chullie." Her eyes were pleading and started to moist. 

He smiled and squeeze their laced fingers. "I know. And you'll be thirty in ten months and that's a long time. Don't stress and you still have a long journey, babycakes. What if you'll meet someone? And you're pregnant? How will that go?" 

She shake her head. "I don't know if I can love again. I don't think I'll fall in love again. Wooyoung took my heart with him when we hurried him 6 feet on the ground." She said softly as she smile. 

"I don't know." Heechul sighed. "I don't even know how to start..." 

"Ewww. I'm not asking for you to have with me, Mr. Kim! I'm just asking for your swimmers." Sandara laugh softly and made a face that he laugh, joining her. 

Even Heechul hadn't agreed yet. Despite laughing and smiling with her. She knows he was struggling inside. She had told him about the papers. Sandara would get a lawyer to make a contract that the child would be hers and hers alone if ever they'll make it. Heechul wouldn't be required responsible for the child's future, that she wouldn't ask for child support with money or anything. 

But when he appeared on her doorstep that day. He had this seriousness in him and told her hell agree if he'll still be part of the child's life maybe not as a father but as his or her Uncle Heechul. That he'll be involve with the child's support, besides, he didn't have anything to do with his wealth. Giving the bet future to his possible child would be worth it. 

In this way, he could give what his mother had always been asking him. A grandchild but knowing Heechul isn't gonna give her one maybe he'll make her happy through this. Sandara had been the happiest when she heard him and practically throw herself at him and nodded, thanking him non stop and accompanied him at the party the next night.

Lee Group Of Companies had one of the biggest clothing companies in Korea and Asia. Next to Choi Industries who owned almost half of South Korea. With their luxurious hotels, resorts, malls, and those huge buildings that you can see are theirs. These two huge companies merge with their latest project, building one of the biggest department store on the city and Heechul was one of the lucky models who was chosen to endorse their products. 

"You're welcome. I enjoyed last night." She said. Sandara was still amazed on how those rich business man throws a party. Everything was beyond luxury and aren't really like her kind to go to. She's just a simple employee. 

"I get you are." Heechul said, raising an eyebrow at her. Smiling devilish. Sandara match his raised eyebrow, laying her back at the couch p, crossing her arms over her chest. 


Heechul sighed exaggeratedly. Rolling his eyes, he joined her on the couch. "Oh. God! Tell me you did saw how Mr. Hot, y and Yummy Heir a.k.a Mr. CEO of Choi's industry look at you last night?" 

Heechul gaped at his best friend. "You didn't." 

Sandara rolled her eyes. "Because he really didn't look at my way. You're just dreaming or just assuming. So shut up." She exclaimed as she turned away. Sandara cursed as her cheeks warmed. She did actually see. But the man is popular with his good looks and appeal, he had been the head of the tabloids monthly with deferent woman with him. He'd been called as a notorious playboy and his rich, achingly rich. So there's no way he had been looking at her. 

Heechul stand from the couch and squealed. "Oh, my god! Oh, my god! He likes you. I mean. I saw how he looks at you when you came, I was talking to some friends when I saw him. He followed you at the bar. I thought it was my imagination but it's real. Oh. God! " 

"You're crazy. It's just nothing. Maybe he's just wondering who am I and why I was there when I'm not really you know their kind. He practically knew everyone at the party and yeah. Besides, the man is a manwhore. You're just mistaken." She said but the rapid beat of her heart didn't really help. 

She was late after her boss ask her to stay 30 minutes more to finish a couple of paper works and Heechul is waiting for her. She had told him that she'll just come after and he didn't have to wait for her. Heechul protest but agreed. Sandara isn't really fan of fancy dress and 10thousand dollars worth of wardrobe but her clothes were elegant and more if prim and proper demure style. 

When she was done with her work, she rushed to her home and took a quick bath and changed to a blood red dress that made her white skin glow, snuggling to the curves of her body. She's small and thin but with the daily work outs she had manage to put a shape. Putting a small amount of make up and curl half of her hair and let it loose, she was done. 

She was shaking and curse why she let Heechul go first without her. She said her name at the security outside and was lead inside the hotel. Nervousness and excitement made her stomach feel butterflies inside. Taking a deep breathe, she put her brave face and smile she could give and went inside. Not finding Heechul right away, she spotted the bar and headed there right away. She ordered a cosmopolitan drink and start to relax. 

The bartender came with her drink with a smile. "Enjoy your drink, beautiful." He said and wink at her, making her blush. She thanked him and drink her Cosmo. Feeling someone was staring, she look on her side and her breathe caught of as she saw an stunning man in black Armani. With his thick eyebrows, dark almost black eyes, pointed nose, wet lips that he'd been running her tongue and set of jaw. He can make those Calvin Klein, Levi's jeans and underwear models bow down at him. 

The way he's staring at her. She wanted to flee around the room and hide. She didn't quite catch the desire on his eyes, she just flash him the sweetest smile she could and looked away. She thanked God that she could kiss the floor that her bestfriend walks on when she saw him coming. 

Heechul waved a hand in front of Sandara's face, startling her from her reverie. "Heey! Sandara! Babycakes? Are you alright?" 

Her cheeks turned red, she was caught red handed thinking about last night with Mr. Hot, y and Yummy Mr. Choi, Heechul's words. Heechul laugh hard as he looked at her best friend, knowingly. 








Sorry guys, guys, it's been awhile. It's been our exam week so I hope you'll forgive me. I hope you'll like my update. PLEASE, let me know how you think. Leave some comment. THANKS FOR THE SUBSCRIBE AND THE UPVOTE. 

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WOohoo! I was able to make a poster to this one too. BABY BARGAIN. THANK YOU SUBSCIBERS!


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ImSandara #1
Chapter 12: Please update juseyo!!!!!!
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 12: Please update ❤️
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 11: Damn. Hot kiss.
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 4: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/743461/4'>III</a></span>
Don’t give her money, Seunghyun. She’s a gold digger. Gosh, I hate women like that thing.
Fr0zenMus1c #5
Chapter 1: This is just so sad (T^T)
yssassyla #6
Chapter 12: Still waiting for an update. Goodluck!:)
Chapter 11: When are they going to mke the baby.. hope you'll have time to update.. ❤❤❤
missRANMY #8
Can you please accept my friend request? Please I really want to read your stories.
rvpkhg #9
please accept my friend request authornim
Chapter 12: waaaaaaaa the most exciting part is next uwaaaaaaaaa I trust in your words Author-nim! I will be holding on to your next update~ uwaaaaaaaaaa I'm addicted to Tabisan <3 Thank you Author-nim! *Hwaiting~!* Fighting on you studies~ :D