
The Flower Boy Theory

If there was ever a time in Taeyeon's life when she thought being stuck in the middle of a fight between two guys was romantic, she'd hop onto a time machine and slap some sense into herself. Being in the middle of a real soon-to-be fight wasn't even close to the ones shown in dramas—girl screams and weakly tries to talk some sense into the guys while they profess their undying love for her, sending girl into confusion and desperation (although she secretly likes it because come on)—it was bloody terrifying!

The fact that they were surrounded by pointy kitchenware didn't help. Their chopsticks have never looked as intimidating as they did then, each boy gripping theirs a little tighter than necessary.  Could chopsticks be used as a murder weapon? She didn't want to know.

What she did want to know was the reason why Baekhyun and Sehun, why everyone, was acting like this—extremely weird and not themselves. 

Well actually, she did know: Jung Jessica.

She stole a glance at her friend's face; sure enough, Jessica was utterly amused by the whole thing. 

Amused. Jessica was amused.

Slowly, Taeyeon's confusion lessened...and lessened...and lessened, before disappearing completely. She was no longer scared or panicked or anxious. She was pissed.

She stood up abruptly, stealing everyone's attention and breaking the static tension that had settled among them. "You," she glared, pointing an accusing finger at her best friend, "we need to talk. Now."

Jessica looked surprised, much to Taeyeon's delight, but stood up nonetheless. The boys exchanged worried glances but didn't speak; partly because they knew they shouldn't, mostly because they were scared of this side of their flatmate (Jessica, too, but wasn't that already a given?) 

"Excuse us, boys." Taeyeon smiled down at the others. This did nothing to ease their worries, however; in fact, it only served to scare them more. Then she turned to Sehun and Baekhyun, eyes conveying a message they both knew meant 'you two better be the best of friends by the time we get back or else.' 

The two nodded repeatedly, already smiling at each other. They knew Taeyeon didn't make empty threats (something she picked up from years of friendship with the ice princess), and they definitely never wanted to face an angry Taeyeon again.

An angry Taeyeon was a scary Taeyeon, period.

The gang watched as Jessica closed the door to Taeyeon's room. They weren't sure if they should be relieved because the two were out of the room or scared because the two were together in one room. Would they make up or would world war three start? The boys hoped for the former. 

"What do you think is going on in there?" Jongin whispered, eyeing the closed room, Everything was far. "I mean, Taeyeon looked pretty mad."

Luhan nodded. "Of course she's mad. But I don't think she's mad at Jessica," he glanced at Baekhyun, "maybe she's mad at you and Sehun?"

"She's mad at all of us," Kyungsoo sighed. "We've been acting strange, admit it. It's all because of this 'Sicapocalypse' or whatever. It probably made her feel...uncomfortable."

Everyone was silent. What he said was the truth, but they still didn't know how to fix things. They couldn't un-hear what Jessica had told them, they couldn't take back what they said and undo what they did. 

All that was left was to start over.

The boys stared at Taeyeon's closed door. They hoped they could start over.


The moment the door closed behind them, Taeyeon got straight to the point. "What did you do to them?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean, Sica." Taeyeon took a step forward. She loved Jessica—she's her best friend—but she also loved her boys. They were her best friends, too. "What did you tell them? Why are they acting like this?"

Jessica looked away, "I can't tell you that."

"Why not? Oh, right, because the Sicapocalype is supposed to be this top secret initiation. Of course. But why? If you knew it would drive people away, why do you still do it?" Taeyeon tried to stay calm. "I was fine with it back then maybe, but these boys...they mean a lot to me. And now they're like this! Baek and Sehun are fighting, Luhan's acting weird, and Kyungsoo and Jongin barely talked to me!"

Jessica stayed silent. 

"Jessi, please, you know I hate fighting with you. Why do you do it? When did it even start?"

She remained unmoved. Taeyeon sighed, massaging her temple. She wasn't even mad anymore—she could never really stay mad at anyone—she just needed an answer. That was it. But just as she was about to give up, Jessica spoke.


Taeyeon's eyes widened. "Jeongsu? This is all because of him?"

Jeongsu and Taeyeon dated back then. He wasn't her first boyfriend, but he was her first love. He was a notorious bad boy, and Taeyeon was the quiet school girl—you do the math. Things just didn't fall into place. Jessica was by her side throughout everything, and so she saw everything.

Jessica nodded and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry, Taeyeon, for doing this. I know I shouldn't try to filter the guys that come your way, but I just don't want to see you what happened with him. You deserve only the best."

For a while, Taeyeon didn't speak. Jessica looked down at her feet; the princess facade she kept up was melting. 

And then Taeyeon was hugging her.


Taeyeon was crying. "Thank you. Thank you for being a good friend—for being my best friend. I'm sorry for getting angry. I know you only want the best for me."

"I—" Jessica tried to speak, but she was crying, too. 

The two friends stood there, embracing, with tears running down their cheeks. And just like that, they were fine. They were always fine. 

Taeyeon pulled back, "But wait," she wiped her tears, "why are the guys acting weird, then? What'd you say to them?"

Jessica wiped her face and smiled mischievously, "I think they should be the ones to tell you that. It's better if you hear it from them, trust me."

"But Sehun and Baekhyun are fighting! It's like they're the two guys in every drama fighting for me, the protagonist. Like they're in love with me!"

Jessica's expression turned serious, Taeyeon noticed. "Hasn't it ever occurred to you that maybe they are?" Her tone was unsettling,

"Pfft," Taeyeon waved her off. It was nothing; of course it was nothing. "As if that would ever happen. They're probably just brainwashed by whatever you said."

Jessica stared, silent, then she gave her a small smile. "Yeah, probably." 


Taeyeon stared out at the city. She was out in her room's balcony—yes, their rooms had balconies—because she too embarrassed to come out. Jessica had gone back to help clean after making up, but Taeyeon decided to stay in her room; the boys must've been terrified of her. Everyone always told her that angry wasn't a good look on her.

"Ugh!" Taeyeon cupped her warm cheeks. "Why did I have to lose my temper like that? And in front of everyone? I must've had fire blowing out my nose!"

"Well I wouldn't say fire; it was more like steam."

Taeyeon jumped. Leaning on the door frame with a playful smile on his lips was "Kyungsoo!"

"Hey," he walked over and placed his crossed his arms on the metal frame next to her. "I was wondering why you weren't coming out. I was starting to worry that you had gone through the Sicapocalypse, too."

Taeyeon chuckled, playfully glaring at him. "Pssh, I'm pretty sure I'd survive that, unlike some people."

"Aw, you break my heart, Kim Taeyeon." Kyungsoo put his hands to his chest like he'd been shot. He was grinning. "But technically, I did survive, seeing as I'm here with you."


"What? It's the truth! I'm all in one piece, aren't I?" He spread his arms out and spun around. "No scratches, no burns."

By now Taeyeon was grinning, too. She missed this Kyungsoo. The one who made jokes and laughed. He was exactly like the Kyungsoo at midnight, the one who welcomed her in with his warm, heart-shaped smile. Except, he wasn't, because there was something different about him, too. More comfortable, more open, and yet more mysterious than ever.

Taeyeon knew that should probably ask him why he acted the way he did earlier, but as she looked at him laughing his heart out, she decided to just let it go. He did survive the Sicapocalypse —they all did—and really, that was all that mattered.



"You do know that we still have to eat Jongin's cooking, right? I didn't call him oppa and you spoke, so..."


Can I just say how much I love you guys? Because I do, I really do! :)

And wow, thanks for all the comments and upvotes! It also means a lot to me that you liked the bonus Baek chap (shall I make more? hee)

Oh, and as for that new fic I was working's been decided! I can't post it yet, but I will give you this:

The title is "Two Floors Up"

so..yeah...please do comment and subscribe~ 

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Chapter 14: This story is so cute!!!
KimHyunaTaeyeon #2
Chapter 14: I need more...please?:)
KimHyunaTaeyeon #3
Chapter 9: I lovvvveeeeeeee this story so muchhhhhhh!!!
KimHyunaTaeyeon #4
Chapter 7: I use the same excuse;) lol just kidding!
KimHyunaTaeyeon #5
Chapter 3: Taengoo is sooooooo adorable and funny!!!!
KimHyunaTaeyeon #6
Chapter 2: Cuteeeeeeee
Author-ni, where are you???
I seriously need an update plzzz
Chapter 14: Baekhyun~ so cute
oreoshaaa #10
Chapter 14: Ghaaad >.< authornim this is seriously daebak!