Bonus: Baekhyun

The Flower Boy Theory

Here are the things I know about today's female population: make up (lots and lots of them); whining (lots and lots of them); and selfies (again, lots and lots of them). They like going to the comfort room in groups—possibly planning world domination, most probably talking about which filters to use—and staring at cute butts. Lord knows why they like to, they just do. I don't know how many times I've overheard some girl talking about this guy she dated who "like, had the cutest ever." I don't mean to eavesdrop, but it's impossible not to when the word "" or "" just jumps at you.

Is my cute?

Gah, I don't know. I mean, how can I even date someone knowing that they might just like me for my behind? Times have changed. Before, it was all about having a connection, a pull of some sort with someone—all of which have now been degraded to "hey, you're hot, let's go out." 

I suppose I'm just stereotyping; it's been a long time since I was part of the dating scene.

And now I sound like I'm some forty-year-old divorcee or widow, like Tom Hanks in Sleepless in Seattle, except I doubt I'd be able to find some beautiful girl willing to leave her fiancé for me.

"Baekhyun-ssi?" I looked up. A girl with long hair and pale skin was smiling shyly down at me. 'She's pretty.'

"A-Ah, yes, that's me. Jinkyung-ssi, right?" The blush on her cheeks darkened—guess that meant I got her name right. I stood up and made my way to the other side of the table, pulling her chair back and smiling widely. "Here you go."

She giggled—that was another thing; girls giggle too much—and sat down. I felt her gaze on me as I went back to my chair. She was staring so shamelessly, like I was either a prince or a piece of discounted meat, I couldn't help but feel self-conscious. I nervously played with my glasses as we basked in the usual first date awkwardness.

"Did you wait long?"

"Not really. It's probably only been five minutes since I arrived."

"Oh, okay then."


Crap, now we have nothing to talk about. 'I should've just said something wittier, dammit.' I mentally punched myself. My first date in three years and it only took me all of two minutes to mess things up. I knew this was a bad idea. I should've just stayed home and played video games with the guys. Killing zombies and beating Luhan hyung's high score is a hundred times easier than mingling with the opposite .

But I guess giving it a try wouldn't hurt, considering Joonmyeon hyung's effort to set me up on this blind date. I faced her; she was still staring. "So, um, tell me about yourself."

That seemed to have done the trick, because the moment those words left my mouth, she smiled widely and proceeded to talk. But not just about random, basic things like her favourite songs or movies, no. She talked about her whole friggin life story. She literally started with "Well when I was born..."

I tried to pay attention, I really did, but I blocked her out by the time she was talking about her fifth grade crush. I nodded and chuckled at random intervals, hoping I at least looked interested. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm a nice guy. I'm friendly! It's just, why on earth would hyung even think of setting me up on a blind date? I get that he sees me as playful and jolly and all the other adjectives that basically mean I'm always happy to talk to someone, but he should know I'm just not that into dating anymore. 

Not since three years ago, when I was dumped.

Whoops, I just dropped a drama bomb. It's okay, though, I'm over her. I've accepted it, so I'm not going to go on and on about how I still love my ex and how I want her back—I don't. The only reason I don't date anymore is because I know no one else can compare. 

It's like watching a movie and afterwards realising that it's so great, you don't want to watch anything else in fear that you might forget about it, forget about the feelings it gave you. But it's also too sad, too painful, that you don't ever want to watch it again. That's what our love was like—like a movie, it had a beginning, but it also had an end.

"...hyun-ssi? Baekhyun-ssi, are you listening to me?"

I looked up, in a daze and confused by the sudden disruption. Jinkyung-ssi looked pissed. "Oh. Oh. I'm so sorry," I racked my brain for an acceptable excuse (because telling her she bored me would be too rude), but she crossed her arms, a tell-tale sign she wasn't interested anymore, so I just told her I felt sick and drove her home.

I arrived at our apartment feeling exhausted and drained of life. I guess the whole experience solidified my belief that I'm just not cut out to date anymore. Even if by some miracle—say some beautiful, perfect girl, walked into my life—I would want to date again, I wouldn't know how to.

"Hey, Baek," Kyungsoo called from the living room, just as I was about to stealthily slip into our room, hoping to avoid them prying about my date. "Help me clean up tomorrow, okay? Our new flatmate's going to move in."

Ah, yes, Kim Taeyeon. Our new flat mate. A girl. "Sure." I slip into the bedroom, heading straight to my bed and laptop. Maybe I can finally observe one up close without being all creepy and stalker-ish. We don't need another restraining order filed against one of us.

I opened my laptop and browsed through a folder containing my guilty pleasure: romcoms. I know, I know, it's unexpected and a bit weird, but there're a lot of sides of me people have yet to see. Sure, I'm playful and childish and loud, but I'm also deep, and thoughtful and just really into romcoms.

I decided on Sleepless in Seattle, a personal favourite, and put on my earphones. As I let myself fall deeper into the world of romantic cinema, I couldn't help but wonder—am I a hopeless romantic, or a hopeful one?

Maybe I'm just romantic.


My first impression of Kim Taeyeon was that she was short. Adorably so.

My second impression was that she looked like she came straight out of a movie—be it a comedy or a chick flick or both. She had big eyes, a button nose, and a voice that belonged in black and white films, when people used to says stuff like "holy moly!" and "goodness!" I could practically see her dancing and singing in the rain.

And her smile—it was honestly flustering. The smile Jinkyung gave me the night before was all pretty and prim, but Taeyeon's was the opposite. In a good way. It was a smile that went past her lips, into the sparkle in her eyes and the crinkle of her nose. It was the kind of smile that draws you in (or was it just I who was drawn in?) She didn't seem to be the type who wore too much make up and took more than a hundred selfies a day and whined a lot. She didn't even sneak a peek at our butts.

Huh. Maybe I was wrong about girls. I guess there're a few exceptions.


She liked to sing. Kim Taeyeon (or should I call her noona?)

After introducing ourselves and eating dinner, we decided to let her shower first because she was probably tired from all the moving she did. As she went into the bathroom, we guys had a group meeting in the kitchen.

"So, what do you guys think of her? She's nice, right?" Kyungsoo looked around with a nervous smile, as if he was afraid we wouldn't like her. We did, of course

"She is. Pretty cute, too," we all gaped at Luhan hyung. So I wasn't the only one who thought that way. "What? It's not like I'm going to make a pass at her! Geez, I was just stating an opinion."

Jongin chuckled, "Don't worry, hyung, I think her personality's kinda cute too, in a quirky sort of way."

I nodded in agreement. "I think she's great!"

"What about you, Sehun?"

"I'm okay with her," our youngest said, looking thoughtful. Kyungsoo sighed in relief; if Sehun liked her, then that meant having her as our flatmate was a good idea. Sehun had this way of knowing who could mix well with us, especially since we all have different and sometimes clashing personalities. 

"Good, good," Kyungsoo nodded repeatedly. "Then that concludes this meeting. Sehun, help me with the dishes, won't you?"

As everyone else went off to do stuff, I decided to just go to my room and rest.

Okay, I lied. I just wanted to check if the new movie I was downloading was done. I really like movies, okay? Sue me.

I stopped right outside our bedroom door, however, as I heard someone singing. I nearly got a heart attack because I wasn't used to hearing a female voice in the flat. Before her it was all testosterones and video games and pizza. 

I got over the shock quickly, though, as I realised she had a great voice. I mean, we all knew by then that she was a music teacher, but her voice was It was breathtaking.

The next day, after breakfast, she sang again; I stopped short in front of my bedroom door again.

Kim Taeyeon liked to sing. In the shower. Yet another reason to think she was cute.


It turns out she had a guilty pleasure, too. 

So we found out that Taeyeon liked dramas. The sappy-but-actually-really-interesting-once-you-watch-it dramas that star rich lead boys and naive lead girls. Not gonna lie, we all got pretty invested a few minutes into it, and I even reacted the way I sometimes do when I watch my romcoms. 

The funny thing was, though, that Taeyeon didn't realise she was a bit like the girl in the show we watched. She was naive and funny and surprisingly strong-willed; she could be the lead in a movie or drama, and she wouldn't even need to act.

Sometime after the last episode, I fell asleep. I don't recall how long I slept, but I was awakened by the sound of footsteps on the carpet. I opened my eyes, squinting into the darkness, and saw Kyungsoo standing there.

He was carrying Taeyeon.

I stared, not uttering a single word, as he brought her to her room. He came out and I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep, leaning my head on Luhan hyung. A few seconds later, I felt something cover me—a blanket—and heard him retreating to our room. I was left sitting there, wondering about what I just saw.


I like her. I like Kim Taeyeon.

It took me days of avoiding her, her asking me if I did, and a stupid game of truth or dare to realise it. And god, how did I not realise it sooner? I blush whenever I talk to her and I can't even form a sentence without stuttering! Is it because I haven't liked anyone for so long that I couldn't remember the symptoms of developing like for someone? Or is it because I had previously been so adamant not to date that I ignored these feelings completely?

Whatever, it doesn't matter. Right now, she might only like me as a friend—someone on the same level as Sehun, according to her Jessica—but I'm going to change that. I'm going to show her a side of me she's never seen before.

Byun Baekhyun is going to step up his game.

AHHHHH! Here it is~ The bonus chapter! The majority wanted Baekhyun, so I gave you Baekhyun :))

I hope this gave you a little bit of insight as to what's going on in one of our flower boys' mind, cause that's the whole reason for this (aside from it being a thank you gift)

I'll be back with the real chapter eleven in a few days or so, dont chu worry! c;

Pretty please comment on what you think of it? love you guys <3


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Chapter 14: This story is so cute!!!
KimHyunaTaeyeon #2
Chapter 14: I need more...please?:)
KimHyunaTaeyeon #3
Chapter 9: I lovvvveeeeeeee this story so muchhhhhhh!!!
KimHyunaTaeyeon #4
Chapter 7: I use the same excuse;) lol just kidding!
KimHyunaTaeyeon #5
Chapter 3: Taengoo is sooooooo adorable and funny!!!!
KimHyunaTaeyeon #6
Chapter 2: Cuteeeeeeee
Author-ni, where are you???
I seriously need an update plzzz
Chapter 14: Baekhyun~ so cute
oreoshaaa #10
Chapter 14: Ghaaad >.< authornim this is seriously daebak!