This is our life.
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Being a victim, Ara kept running to nowhere with tears falling from her eyes. She just hope no one can't recognized her.  Tired because running for a quite long times she ended up at the field. No lights, No one, perfect. She sat on the bench. She buried her face on her arms. Her black curly hair fall onto her shoulder perfectly. She cried silently. As is not enough to cry she screamed loudly. She cursed herself for being a fool. She fall onto the ground as she can't feel her leg. i'm an idiot. 

"excuse me, are you okay?." A husky voice greeted her. Ara erased her tears with her palm and maintain her expression again. The cold one, the one with poker face.

"i'm okay i'm just---Mino?." Ara foced smile.

"Ara, what are you doing here? come on let me help you up." Mino offered his hand with glad, Ara took it. Ara inhaled and try to gained herself back. She won't her voice shaken or cry, not in this flirty boy."this is the first time i see you in this field. Why are you here."

"uhh i-i'm....uhmm i don't know. i don't even know where i am." Ara gave up and tell him the truth. At first, Ara won't tell him anythig but something in her heart force her to tell him.

"Stupid." Mino chuckled. Ara eyes widened, this is the first time someone except her best friends and Jackson named her as stupid."come on i'll take you home, just give me your address."


Bambam, Luen, Riri, and Taehyung decided to meet at the restaurant near the penthouse. They asked their 'people' to searched Ara. Up until now there wasn't any news yet and it makes them worried. Luen and Riri even cancelled their meeting. 

It was the third glass of coffe that Luen drink. She even drink Riri's americano. Riri knows when Luen stressed or overthingking she would stole everything around her like what she just did. Bambam awlays look at Luen. He wants to say something but when he was just to open his mouth Luen always eyed him and mouthed him to shut up. There was nothing to do with it. Bambam ended up hung his head down and cursed himself under his breath.

Riri always looking at her phone, every called that she received she will asked if it Ara or not and for hundred times it wasn't Ara. Riri sighed and keeps thingking. Then suddenly her phone rang, she lazily answered.



"what's with your voice Ri?."

"oh, yeah, what's up Seunghyun?."

"i just want to ask why are you guys cancelled our meeting?."

"Ara's lost because right after she heard her ing boyfriend cheated on her."

"WOW RI! remember you're a CEO now."

"whatever, can you at least give me advice?."

" believe me she's on the trusted hand."


Riri hung up her phone. She placed it on the table again. She eyed Taehyung who was busy with his phone too. She knew Taehyung as worried as her right now. Taehyung followed Ara behind but then Ara asked him to leave an run alone. He kind of upset with his ownself.

Suddenly a guy that they won't meet the most appeared in front of them. Jackson. With his worried face he asked where is Ara. Riri stood up and slapped him on his flawless cheek. Jackson held his cheek. 

"What the are you doing here?! Did we ask you to be here? huh?! where are your girlfriend huh? Jackson?." Riri yelled in front of him. As she wants to slap him again, Taehyung hold her hand.

"woah Kim Taehyung, eh? try to steal sympathy huh?." Jackson smirked but then he got punched from Riri again. There was a small bruise ap

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ernestinethrz #1
Chapter 6: So u realize that you're a bad author,huh?finally....lol
Don't forget to update soon.
ernestinethrz #2
Chapter 4: Update soon coyyy!!!
RogueSki #3
Chapter 1: wow fantastic baby! updatesoon yoo!
ernestinethrz #4
Chapter 1: Done reading chapter 1!!!
Woah good job authornim!!
I'll keep your promise that you'll update soonthis fanfic,okay? Haha love u authornim:*