Infinite Teens Wiki part a

Infinite Teens, the girl versions of Teen Top and Infinite put together (APPLY CLOSED) (HIATUS)

Infinite Teens(인피니트 틴) also known as Inteens and I.T, is a seven member group formed by Woolim Entertainment and T.O.P Media. The members are Ryu(류), YuJin(유진), JiHyun(지현), SooJung(수정)),Minjee(민쥐), Jinhee(진희), and MiRin(미린).

Their official fan club name is: Infiniteens(인피니틴)

Their official fan chant is:

Infinite Teens! Infinite Teens!


(__song name__)Infinite~ Teens~!

Let's go Infinite Teens!



Infinite Teens is to debut on April 23rd, on the leader's birthday. They will perform their debut song, and will perform two more songs made not by them, to promote the artist. The two songs are rumored to be their seniors', Infinite and Teen Top, songs, Be Mine and No More Perfume On You.


Debut intro:

Infinite Teens are said to be the girl version of Infinite and Teen Top put together.



Kim Ryu

Stage Name: Ryu

Nickname: RyuKi

Age: 17

Date of Birth: 4/23/1993

Place of Birth: Manila, Philippines

Hometown: California, Los Angeles

Nationality: Korean

Languages: Filipino, Korean, Chinese, English

Famous Siblings: Kim Key KiBum(SHINee)


Key//19//Member of SHINee

Min//49//Mom and co-owner of toy shop

Kwanghee//50//Dad and co-owner of toy shop


-All around girl who can do many things.

-Always has a poker face, emotionless because she doesn't feel like showing it.

-Doesn't show much aegyo,

-Loves to go onto the computer a lot and play games.

-Always brings her backpack full of notebooks,pens, her laptop, iPhone, DS lite, games container, PS3, and PS3 games container.

-She is on good levels with Key and keeps in touch with him despite his very busy schedule.

-No one can really become someone who knows her thoroughly like Key

-Key would describe her as:"Mysterious. She's very mysterious."


-staring into space

-kicking legs when sitting down on a chair


-sports; basketball, tennis, skateboarding, and more.


-listening to music 24/7


-writing lyrics


-surfing the internet





-cracking her fingers







-the dark

-being alone in the dark

-people hurting her, she will fight back

-people who think they're all that

Position: Leader, Main Vocal

Persona: Mysterious

Trainee: Unable to satisfy Mr.Soo Man, Woolim decided to take Ryu in when she auditioned.

Trainee years:7

Random facts:

-likes to sleep in the car when going to somewhere, even if it's thirty minutes away

-likes to buy nike and other sport brands

-likes bracelets

-goes to sleep listening to kpop

-goes onto the internet at least more than ten hours a day

-was born in the philippines when family took a trip there

-When she stayed in California, she studied in one of the three high most ranked school in America.


Woo JiHyung

Stage Name: Angie

Nickname: Hyunnie, Angie

Age: 16 y.o

Date of Birth: 25th December 1994

Place of Birth: Los Angeles, USA

Hometown: San Francisco, USA

Nationality: Korean

Languages: English, Korean, Japanese

Famous Siblings: Kevin Woo (U-Kiss)


- Father : Woo JongSu (50) – Pastry chef, owner of a cake shop

- Mother : Angela Woo (48) – Co-owner of a cake shop

- Brother : Woo Sunghyun 'Kevin' (19)

- Sister : Deanna Woo (22)


-She's exactly what an Angel should be.

-Sweet, caring, lovely, cute. 

-First impression is:"Aegyooooo ~".

-She's always smiling, and she showed a really shy personality.

-Not the type that will begin a conversation with an unknown person or with someone she barely knows, she will wait for this person to come and talk to her.

-Always cute expressions without even noticing it.

-Smiles for nothing and it seems like she's always daydreaming.

-very caring.

-She's responsible and can do anything in a house : cooking, washing, cleaning.

-But she can be bipolar sometimes.

-She's really, really close to her brother and can't spend a lot of time without him.

Habbits: - She can't go out without a photo of Kevin and her.

- She 's like a kitten : she drinks almost three bottles of milk a day.

- She closes every door and window when she's alone at home.

- She always has an apple in his bag.

- She can't sleep without talking to her brother first


- listening & composing music

- talking to her brother

- hugging people

- reading

- cooking

- watching dramas (She's a HUGE fan of You Are Beautiful)


- milk

- music

- cinema

- spending times with her friends and family

- watching some fluffy dramas on tv

- looking at the sky

- sleeping

- cooking

- ice cream

- her mobile phone

- puppies


- lies

- hypocrisy

- her phobias : blood, death, being alone, claustrophobia

- vegetables

- swimming

- being away from her brother

- losing a game

Position: (Maknae ?) Lead Vocal

Persona: Aegyo Princess

Band that you like: FTIsland, U-Kiss, Infinite & Teen Top (of course), CN Blue, SHINee, DBSK/JYJ/HoMin, Big Bang, Super Junior, MBLAQ, 4Minute, T-Ara... A LOT OF KPOP groups. Also other groups like Hoobastank, The Rasmus, H.I.M, Madina Lake, Three Days Grace, One Ok Rock…

Bands you're not really into or don't like: Girls groups, like SNSD or F(x)

Trainee: She was singing and dancing in the streets with some of her friends, dancing to U-Kiss songs and also others, solo and group dances, and someone from Woolim Ent. saw her and decided to make her audition… And she succeeded.

Trainee years: 5

Partner: SungJong (INFINITE)

Random facts:

- She has a huge memory.

- She can't sleep alone

- She plays guitar and piano

- She's a CRAZY Primadonna

- She has a similar voice to Kevin

- She can sleep anywhere

- She can't leave the puppy her brother offered her and that she called Jolie (as a You're Beautiful fan)


Mianhae for not updating in a REALLY long time, *does a 90 degree bow* but just wanted to show you what I've got done.......which is really little. ^-^' school, audition, competitions, more things have been taking me away from my Internet time so I can only check up on my things not do any writing. But I'll try to update the rest. Oh, and like the chant....?? Heh heh I hope! I had to watch like fifteen fan chants for Kpop bands to see what they usually add in...but yeah, the fan chant WILL change for each songs. Like it does for any song.

what else?? Oh and DAE 6... :( I don't wanna make em wait... So until things happen and I get some users for the they will not be cancelled. :) the rest of the members will be fiction.. And will be from my imagination. S if they start to become like Ryu.... Heh heh sorry!!

(p> all I can do for now! Thanks for supporting me! Stay tuned. I might get free time to update tomorrow. ;]

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Chapter 20: I was also surprised that you updated, but I'm glad you did !
I really hope you'll be able to continue with the story, good luck ! :3 I'll be waiting ~
Fighting !
Chapter 20: Hi there. I was suprise that you update this story after one year plus. Even if it was only an author note or was it a speech? Still...

Anyway good luck. Hwaiting!!!
It's okay~! Fighting~~~
-noxious #4
Its fineee~ we'll wait for you! ^^
We will wait...<br />
Hwaiting!<br />
We'll be waiting for your updates <3
WAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEED 2 MORE MEMBERS!!!! :D
-noxious #10
Yeah!! Its gonna start soon~