Star On Air

The Stars

When the light had been restored, Yi Fan heaved a great sigh of relief. A little further to his right, Luhan let out an impressed whistle then pointed at Chanyeol and Baekhyun, proudly announcing, "That's three, and that's four. This makes it twelve now." Then Yi Fan realized, it does make it twelve now.


Yi Fan shifted his attention to their four recently arrived members and saw that Sehun was busy assisting Tao, Jongdae was fidgeting in his seat, while Chanyeol and Baekhyun were giving each other questioning looks. On the contrary, the other members seem relieved.


With Joon Myeon still looking a bit unsure about the things going on, Yi Fan took it in his hands to handle the situation. He clapped twice to get everyone's attention then cleared his throat before speaking. "Okay! Now that we've confirmed... what needs to be confirmed. I think all of us needs to give a proper explanation for everyone."


Still looking confused, Chanyeol and Baekhyun settled back in their seats. Jongdae sat still. Sehun and Yixing supported Tao until the three of them had settled on the shorter sofa at the side. 


Jongin disappeared for a while then came back, again with the presence of black smoke before the young dancer materialized in the living room, wearing a new shirt, replacing the one that got burned earlier.


Kyungsoo stood up and sat next to Jongin on the seat opposite to where Yixing, Sehun and Tao were. Minseok, Luhan and Yi Fan sat back down on the sofa, leaving Joon Myeon no choice but to sit back down as well, taking part of the responsibility of explaining the general situation as one of the oldest members of the group.


Yi Fan looked at his left and saw Joon Myeon sweating profusely, though he wasn't sure if it's because of his powers or just the nerves or maybe both. At his right, Minseok and Luhan looked relaxed enough to start the conversation but they really aren't the type to talk in front of  a crowd.


After taking another deep breath, Yi Fan faced the other eight younger members in front of them. Somehow he cannot find the right words to start the topic and so he decided that it will be best if they start to "show" than to talk.


He stood up, then after giving another look around, willed himself to make his body weightless. It was hard to explain, but it's something he's used to doing. Feeling all of his weight lessen by the second, he kicked lightly on the floor and felt himself leave the ground.


Tao, Jongdae, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun looked at him, wide-eyed in surprise, while the others looked calm but there is still the hint of unease on their faces.


Floating a meter off the ground, he folded his long legs and sat comfortably in mid-air, though by the looks of it, he's the only one comfortable about the sight of himself sitting on air. 


"How do I start this?" he asked, throwing the question to nothing, scratching the back of his head and looking up, as if the words he needed will suddenly flash on the ceiling.


He dropped his gaze once again and opened the topic as best as he could.


"As everyone may have noticed by now... we... uhm... no one is... in this house... is quite... normal..." Everyone paid their full attention on Yi Fan, which he found unusually uncomfortable. Their beagle-line, Baekhyun, Jongdae and Chanyeol, never managed to stay quiet for long if they're talking about stuff other than dancing, singing and performing. Even Sehun, who's known for his very short attention span, listened intently to every word.


Unconsciously, pressure built up in him, a very rare feeling for someone like him. He's used to speaking in front, being the leader of a group, having the attention of the crowd on him, but this time, the member's full attention, pressured him like nothing ever did before.


It's not like he knows more than any of them. He found out their abilities just a few minutes ago. It's not like he can actually explain them anything, but someone had to lead the talk.


Looking at the 11 faces around him, he thought that the best thing they can do at the moment is to know about each other. No one can explain their own abnormalities but their own self.


"Let's start by talking about our... what should we call this?" he said, looking around to grab the help he needed to find the right word.


"Gifts?" Miseok suggested.


"Powers?" Luhan offered.


Yi Fan thought hard, "Let's call it "abilities" for now."


"Or "super abilities"!" Jongdae cut in.


Yi Fan looked disapprovingly at him.


"Super powers?" he suggested again. When Yi Fan refused to withdraw his look at him, Jongdae squeezed in a last attempt. "Supernatural abilities?"


Yi Fan massaged his temple for a bit and repeated what he said earlier, "Let's call it "abilities" for now. For now, okay Jongdae?" he added the last bit when he saw that Jongdae was about to make another suggestion for what they should call it. The short exchanges between them made the air less uneasy. It showed that they're getting comfortable talking about it, so he's silently thankful of their troll member for easing up the tension.


"I think I should start, then we can go through it in age order. My ability is ---"


"You're here!" One of their managers suddenly came in through the door, disrupting whatever Yi Fan had intended to say.


It was a good thing that Yi Fan reacted fast enough to straighten his legs and plant his feet back on the ground. Plus, based on their manager's unchanged expression, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary.


"What's this? Having a group talk first thing after the move?" he asked enthusiastically, while motioning at the circle they made.


Their noisy members instantly changed gears and crowded their manager.


"Manager-hyung! We're hungry! Let's eat first!" Chanyeol said as he approached, and when he stood right next to their manager, the man only reached up to the younger's shoulder.


"For now, get yourselves ready. We're heading to the company. We need to talk about some details for the debut." their manager replied.


"Then we'll eat?" Jongdae said, not letting him brush off the topic just yet.


"Manager-hyung's treat!" Baekhyun followed up.


Everyone smiled while looking at the man who's doomed to treat 12 healthy boys to lunch. When their manager released a sigh of defeat, they all dispersed energetically to personally get ready to head out.


"Who left the water running?" Kyungsoo nagged from upstairs.


"Woah! It's flooding up here!" Jongin followed up.


Yi Fan was amazed at how easily the others shifted into their normal selves the moment an outsider intruded in their conversation. But then again, all twelve of them lived their entire lives pretending to be normal, so it should be no surprise anymore to find them all like this.


Yi Fan was about to head upstairs to get ready as well, when their manager noticed Tao's sickly appearance.


"Tao, are you okay?" their manager worriedly asked the young Chinese boy.


"Just motion sickness, hyung." Yixing covered for him immediately.


The Chinese leader saw Joon Myeon shifted uncomfortably beside him. He can sense that the Korean leader was feeling guilty because he was the reason why Tao had to exert himself like that earlier.


Joon Myeon had a really worried look on his face as he stared at Tao climbing up the stairs, with Yixing and Sehun still assissting him. Yi Fan draped his arm over the Korean leader's shoulder and whispered, "He's going to be fine. You saw how Yixing fixed up Kyungsoo's arm earlier right?" Joon Myeon gave a light nod, but refused to tear his gaze away from the three members slowly ascending the stairs.


"Just go and apologize later. And don't forget to thank him."


Again, the Korean leader gave a nod, then both of them followed the others upstairs.

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been a century since i last updated this... i'm really really sorry (deep bow) i'll try to update as much as i can next time :3


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DarkSideOfMe #1
Chapter 9: Still waiting...
Potatosarelifepeople #2
Chapter 9: Ahh I hope you update. This story is great and it's been over a year....
ereri4ever #3
Chapter 9: i love how this is written!
kenny0550 #4
Chapter 9: I hope Minnie releases some of his built up powers soon! It's making me worried, I hope you will have an update about him! Amazing story keep writting!
may73084 #5
Chapter 9: This is sooo good!!! :D
orange_milkshake #6
Chapter 9: nice! hope you update soon!
Xanthophyll #7
Chapter 9: Awesome story! Loved the way they discovered the powers and can't wait to see what happens next : )
Chapter 9: This is getting Very GOOD!!!! They know about each others power!!! Thank you for the update, I hope you can do another one soon!!!
Eleanor1998 #9
Chapter 9: Nice chapter hope you update soon