Discovery of A Star

The Stars

After their short shopping trip, Jongin and the others prepared to get back to their dorm. Jongin would've prefered to just teleport the three of them back because it saves money and time, but he can't very much do so. If it's only Kyungsoo and him then he'll surely suggest it, but having their Minseok-hyung with them, the suggestion was pretty much impossible. 


They went out of the supermarket with five shopping bags, he took two of them as well as Minseok while they let Kyungsoo carry one. Jongin made it his duty to keep Kyungsoo's strength in check. That hyung of his has no sense of what is considered "too strong" and by the look of things, he got way stronger since they met two years ago. 


Compared to Kyungsoo's ability, Jongin's is a lot easier to manage, though he also has his fair share of misuse he can at least control it at will. He can basically teleport anywhere as long as he have been there before. Just a simple visualization of the place and imagining his physical body appearing at the scene is all it takes to activate his power. Though he can't exactly remember when he first used it, but he knew early enough that not everyone can appear at places like he does.


They arrived back at the dorms after a few minutes in the taxi. They even bumped into one other member in their way in.


"Yi Fan-hyung!" Jongin greeted as he saw the tall member carrying his bags inside.


"Oh you guys moved in early?" he asked after putting down his huge luggage inside.


"Kyungsoo's the first one here." Minseok answered shortly. Looking at the two, no one will be able to tell that the shorter member is the same age, if not older, than their tall Chinese-Canadian member.


"Is everyone here yet?" A voice asked from a distance. They all looked at the direction of it and found Yixing sticking his head out from the kitchen.


"Joon Myeon said that we should have a short meeting once everyone arrives." he added before going back to what he was doing earlier.


"Where is Joon Myeon, Yixing?" Yi Fan asked as he made way to the kitchen, and Jongin and the others following closely behind.


"He said, he'll take a shower first. It's getting a bit colder out----"


"WAAAHHH!!!" They heard a scream followed by other noises that sounds like things hitting the wall or something. Their feet moved to where it was coming from and found themselves in front of the bathroom.


The glass doors came flying towards their direction and Jongin's instincts kicked in, unconsciously teleporting himself a few meters away from the front of the bathroom. The distance he made for himself and the scene was enough for him to see how everyone reacted to the sudden explosion of water that threw the doors towards them.


Kyungsoo swatted the door away where it hits the wall and instantly broke into a hundred pieces. The water coming from the bathroom instantly froze and landed lightly on the floor, while a few of the wet shards of glass also turned to ice and landed near Minseok who guarded himself with his arms. Yixing was behind the other two which saved him from the damage. 'Wait! Other two? Where is Yi Fan-hyung?' Jongin looked around and found the tall member floating and even touching the ceiling. 


In the midst of the commotion, Luhan came running to the scene where he was just in time to see the shower head fly towards him, but instead of hitting him, the piece stay afloat in midair before finally dropping around his feet.


In the middle of the explosion, Joon Myeon came to view with a towel wrapped around his lower half while his hair was still dripping wet. His eyes widen in surprise as he saw the huge mess the incident had caused. But he wasn't the only one in shock, Jongin as well had a hard time processing everything that had happened.


The first one that recovered from the shock was Yixing. He dashed quickly towards Kyungsoo and grabbed his arm. Only then that Jongin noticed that the other's arm was bleeding because of the huge cut that lines from his elbow down to his wrist. The Chinese member's hand glowed a faint green as it gently touched the bleeding cut and the wound quickly closed, leaving only a few traces of blood on Kyungsoo's arm.


Seven pairs of eyes wandered at each other and no sound can be heard in their new dorm except for the loud flow of the water coming from the destroyed bathroom.



Akira: First of all, I wanted to apologize for taking so long to update this story. And sorry to those who thought that I already abandoned this. I am in no way abandoning any unfinished stories. I just really need some time to write every chapter so please just wait patiently for the upcoming chapters :DD


By the way if you have time do visit my other stories too :3

Your Soft Voice (Xiuhan)

Frozen Heart (Xiuhan, superpowers)

Steal Me Away (Chanbaek) 

Weekly Lover (Kaisoo)


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been a century since i last updated this... i'm really really sorry (deep bow) i'll try to update as much as i can next time :3


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DarkSideOfMe #1
Chapter 9: Still waiting...
Potatosarelifepeople #2
Chapter 9: Ahh I hope you update. This story is great and it's been over a year....
ereri4ever #3
Chapter 9: i love how this is written!
kenny0550 #4
Chapter 9: I hope Minnie releases some of his built up powers soon! It's making me worried, I hope you will have an update about him! Amazing story keep writting!
may73084 #5
Chapter 9: This is sooo good!!! :D
orange_milkshake #6
Chapter 9: nice! hope you update soon!
Xanthophyll #7
Chapter 9: Awesome story! Loved the way they discovered the powers and can't wait to see what happens next : )
Chapter 9: This is getting Very GOOD!!!! They know about each others power!!! Thank you for the update, I hope you can do another one soon!!!
Eleanor1998 #9
Chapter 9: Nice chapter hope you update soon