not what you expected?

You're the Devil Pulling Me Into The Sea

Little light came through the tiny window at the top of the little room in which the girl paced back and forth. The sounds of the chains attached to her ankle clinking as she walked was the only thing that made any sort of noise in the little room at all.

Her eyes shined in the darkness, wide and scared as she waited. She stopped pacing and leaned against the dark wall, letting out a sigh. It was completely pointless to speak, since no one would hear her, but she felt as if she would go crazy.

“When am I going to get some dinner?” She called out, her soft voice echoing out against the empty walls.

She groaned and rattled her chains, dropping herself down onto the floor with her back against the cold wall. Her dress, the same one that she had worn for so long now that it felt like part of her skin, like she was just running around in nothing at all.

She groaned again and grabbed her hair, yanking on it. She whined, rocking her head back and forth.

“I'm freaking going to go crazy in here.” She yelled out again, covering her ears because the echo of her own voice was so loud that it was nearly unbearable to stand it.

She hissed and fell over onto her side to fall asleep.

She was woken a long time later. She wasn't sure how much later since she had no clock, but from the tiny bit of dim light that came from the window up in the high part of the room was nearly gone, so it had probably been a few hours.

She was woken by the loud clang of metal bars. She couldn't see far in front of her from the dim light, but she could tell that the door of her prison had been opened. She could sense someone standing in the distance, in the dark.

“So you're back?” A man's voice asked her, a dark, empty tone to his voice. He gave a sinister laugh that chilled her to the bone.

She gulped a little. “What are you talking about, I never left.”

The man made a clicking sound with his tongue and took a few steps closer, his boot clicking against the stone floor. The clicking stopped where the floor turned to dirt. She growled and sighed, looking up as the man walked into the light.

His brown hair fell just above his his chin, pushed back behind his ear to show his face. He discarded his black trench coat and hung it on a hook that was bored into the brick wall, usually used for holding chains like the ones keeping the girl's arms and feet shackled.

He walked over to her. She stayed in her place, sitting on the ground, and looked up at him with the innocent expression that was on her face.

She could tell that it was driving him crazy, but she didn't stop doing it though she knew what it would cause.

His boot crashed into her side, just beneath her ribs. She yelped and coughed, shrinking back against the wall as far as she could. She shot a glare up at him and he just smirked.

He knelt down beside her and grabbed her by the chin roughly, forcing her dirty face to look up at him. “So how did you get out of here?” He asked her.

“I don't know what you're talking about.” She responded again, which earned her a slap in the face.

She hissed, the chains clinking as she brought her hand up to rub the spot on her face. She glared at him still, a dangerous darkness in her own eyes. She turned that glare into a smile and pulled herself up to a sitting form.

“Stop being cute, it's not working on me. You know I hate cute.” He told her, standing back up again.

He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her into a standing position, pinning her against the wall. He pressed into her, his body against hers, slipping his knee between her legs. She gasped, her eyes widdening slightly as his face was inches in front of hers.

“Tell me now.” his whispered threat sent another chill down her back.

Her chains rattled as her fists clenched tight at her sides. She turned her head away from him so that she didn't have to look as his annoying face. His eyes were dark and she didn't like looking at them.

“I broke the handcuffs. Climbed up to the window. Got out. Easy.” She answered in a flat tone.

“That's much better.” He smirked, grabbing her face and twisting her head hard back towards him.

He looked into her eyes with that dangerous smirk on his face. He loved seeing the fear in her eyes, and she knew that. It had been long enough that she would know that. She tried to keep the fear out of her eyes, but even doing that, she could tell that he was having such a good time.

She could feel it against her leg, pressing into her thigh as he pressed himself into her again, harder this time.

It made a growl rip through , and that amused him. He liked it when she struggled.

“So where did you go while you were out? Who did you contact and who saw you?” he asked her again, his hand sliding over her neck and cheek, into her hair.

He took a tight grip and ripped her head to the side. He smirked, running his lips along the girl's neck while he waited for her answer.

“Nowhere.” he laughed, pulling harder on her hair, making her scream.

“Now I thought we had just gotten over this.” He chuckled against her skin.

She struggled against him, but all that caused was for her to push against him and cause him even more excitement. He got off from seeing her scared, from seeing her in pain. He loved it.

“Fine, fine.” She answered and shifted her eyes to glare at him.

He slapped her hard again and let her fall to the floor.

“I said I'd tell you!” She nearly yelled up at him, rubbing the spot on her face.

“Yeah.” He laughed and kicked her.

The beating went on for a while. Until she was black and blue, blood coming from . She curled into a ball on the floor, cowering and broken. She had told him everything that she knew. She had nothing left that she could tell him.

Except for the truth.

He left satisfied, mostly. He grunted, rubbing the bulge in his pants and eyeing her as if he wanted to turn around and take it all out on her.

She stayed on the ground, cowering and waiting until all signs of the man were gone. Only then, did she sit up, wiping the tears from her eyes.

“Are you alright?” A quiet voice whispered from the corner.

She gasped and turned to look that way, seeing the glowing, feline eyes of the boy who quickly moved towards her.

“I'm fine, Key.” She gave him a soft smile as he wiped her face.

He looked over her quickly, checking for wounds. He placed his hand over each of the wounds and healed them while he spoke. “How did it go?”

“I saw Taemin.” She whispered hastily. “He's with the Priest. If I can just get out again, I can get help. I'm sure of it.”

“I can't help you out again.” Key whispered to her. “He'll find out that I'm helping you..I..I have to go..before he finds out I'm here.”

“Key...Key wait..” She called out, but he was already gone, disappeared into thin air.

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Update soon
I will be waiting for a new chapter soon you guys
Lots of love <3
innocent-bystander #2
Chapter 16: I found this by luck, its so good...
Omg this is a really good story > u < im so glad i found this
xXCoolNinjaXx #4
Chapter 16: Please update it's a really good story and I would like to know what happens
EllieIsMad #5
Chapter 16: Please update!!!~~~ it's been ages since you have updated !! It's a really good story so please make everyone's wish come true by updating this story please!!!~~~~~
Chapter 16: I miss this story. I remember looking forward to your updates last year. I always hoped it was this story being updated when I got the new updates notification. Please help me look forward to them again by updating?^^
still hoping for update... Pretty please!!? <3
Please update soon! It's been awhile since the last update! >.< <3
Jorbaby #9
Chapter 16: Speechless!!!!!
Oh my god update please!!!
I saw this story on the advertised story 100000 and i checked it out and I loved it ever since.
I couldn't believe in chapter 16 and key appeared i was so shocked.
Hopefully you can update soon~!!