my bias is y OvO

You're the Devil Pulling Me Into The Sea

The moment the door was knocked upon, it was Minho who opened it. Standing before him, hiding under a cloak of black to protect him from the sudden on pour of rain, was the man he'd called to come over as soon as he could.

Minho welcomed him in hastily and took his coat, though it was apparent the moment that Siwon entered the house that something was wrong. He turned to Minho.

“What did you call me about?” He asked in a smooth, deep voice that didn't betray the uneasiness in his eyes at all.

“I just needed to talk, Father.” Minho responded, using the title to which Siwon was most apt to be called by.

The man came in his normal clothes, those of the profession to which he belonged. The black pants and shirt, the white collar of the Priest which he wore with the utmost of professionalism. He carried a bible under his arm and placed it down only so that he could embrace his friend before being led into the living room, his look of uneasiness not disappearing.

“Something is terribly wrong, is it not?” He asked the owner of the house in which he sat, crossing one knee over the other as he rested on the cushy sofa. “I can sense it in the air of this place, tell me all.”

Minho sighed and nodded, taking a place next to Siwon on the couch. “I was given word that her body was found.”

Siwon's eyes lit up with recognition and surprise, not having to be told the name of the girl Minho spoke about. He had known her well, being the one who was supposed to marry the two of them only a month before she disappeared.

“Sh..she was?” He asked, his voice breathless with surprise, his eyes glittering with some unknown truth. “Where? When?”

Minho sighed. “That's not what I called you here to talk about.” He told the Priest, and then went on despite all the older man's protests to find out more information on the girl to tell him about Taemin.

Minho smiled the entire time he told the elder of how he'd found the boy and how he'd grown to care for him so deeply. Siwon, though being a Preist of the Catholic faith as he was, knew greatly of the type of feelings that Minho spoke of, though himself being a Preist, he was sworn by God to follow the ways of the cloth and therefore not take a mate of any kind.

What Minho did not tell the Preist, though, was that Taemin was his enemy, a demon.

“I'd very much like to meet this boy.” Siwon responded when Minho had finished telling him all the details of Taemin's capture that he knew of and how he'd come back to be in Minho's possession.

Minho nodded, and then stood. “He's in his room.” He responded, sadness filling his voice when he thought about Taemin laying up there, and what had happened just before the doctor had come. He'd also told Siwon of that as well.

The two of them climbed the stairs towards the bedroom, Siwon going first though Minho was leading him. Minho watched as the other man's face grew increasingly more worried as they got nearer to the boy's room.

Minho pushed the door to Taemin's room open and the boy sat up carefully in his bed. His eyes widened when he saw Siwon just as Siwon's eyes did upon seeing the boy.

“He's a demon!” Siwon hissed, throwing his bible up between the two of them.

Upon seeing the cross etched into the thick black leather of the book, Taemin screeched and fell to the bed as if he were in pain. Minho reacted in alarm, pulling the bible away and stepping between Taemin and the Preist. “I didn't bring you here so you could hurt him!”

“He's a demon!” Siwon repeated. “You knew this?”

Minho nodded and went to Taemin's side, checking on him and making sure that he wasn't injured more than before. The boy whimpered and clung to Minho, tears streaming down his eyes. Minho heard the boy's cries coming into his mind.

“P..please, Master..” Taemin whimpered desperately into Minho's mind. It was obvious that he was afraid. “D..don't let him kill me..I..I'm sorry..I'll love you..I'm”

Minho sighed, the words he heard breaking his heart. “It's alright, Taemin. He's not going to hurt you again...are you, Siwon?” He shot a dangerous warning glare to the Preist, who was still staring at Taemin with a bewildered, distrustful look.

“Minho, let me talk to you outside.” Siwon responded.

Minho sighed and stood up. He pressed his lips to Taemin's forehead and then tucked the covers around him, leaving him to walk into the hallway with Siwon.

“You have to destroy him.” Was the first thing the Preist said as the door was shut. “Before he destroys you.”

“I won't!” Minho responded. “I can't. I love him.”

“Then let me do it.” Siwon pleaded with the man. “If he's allowed to live in this realm, then he will kill you.”

“Taemin would never do that.” Minho responded. “He's just a boy, completely innocent.”

“There's no such thing as an innocent demon.” Siwon snapped. “They live to kill, deceive, destroy, lie. They know nothing of innocence, of good, of love. Do not be deceived, for it will be the end of you.”

“I called you here to help me, Siwon.” Minho responded to his words with a hard glare. “You and my family have been dealing together for a hundred years.”

“Two..” Siwon corrected him. “I've known your family for two hundred years.”

Minho nodded. “Yes, yes, sometimes it's hard to remember how many years you've lived.”

“Many more than that, dear one.” Siwon responded. “Angels have lived from the beginning of time.”

Minho nodded. “As well have Demons, but please, get past your feelings for his kind. Taemin is not like them, if you knew him then you would realize this. There is good in him.”

“That cannot be.” Siwon responded, shaking his head.

Minho sighed. “Listen, my family has been an ally of yours, and of your branch, for a long time. Are you going to help me or not?”

Siwon chewed his lip as he thought, his eyes darting to the door behind which sat the demon. It was a long moment before he spoke with a long, drawn out sigh. “It is against everything that my kind has ever known, but yes. I will help you, for the sake of your father's father.”

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Update soon
I will be waiting for a new chapter soon you guys
Lots of love <3
innocent-bystander #2
Chapter 16: I found this by luck, its so good...
Omg this is a really good story > u < im so glad i found this
xXCoolNinjaXx #4
Chapter 16: Please update it's a really good story and I would like to know what happens
EllieIsMad #5
Chapter 16: Please update!!!~~~ it's been ages since you have updated !! It's a really good story so please make everyone's wish come true by updating this story please!!!~~~~~
Chapter 16: I miss this story. I remember looking forward to your updates last year. I always hoped it was this story being updated when I got the new updates notification. Please help me look forward to them again by updating?^^
still hoping for update... Pretty please!!? <3
Please update soon! It's been awhile since the last update! >.< <3
Jorbaby #9
Chapter 16: Speechless!!!!!
Oh my god update please!!!
I saw this story on the advertised story 100000 and i checked it out and I loved it ever since.
I couldn't believe in chapter 16 and key appeared i was so shocked.
Hopefully you can update soon~!!