Storming the Castle

The Prince's Bride

            Joongki, Jongkook, and a mostly dead Yunho were on the wall overlooking the castle gate.  A few hours had passed from when they left Miracle Gary’s home.  At the gate they saw what looked like 60 soldiers.  Double what they were expecting.  Joongki took the pill out of the pouch and opened Yunho’s lips so he could swallow the miracle Gary and Jihyo had prepared.

            “What are you doing?  They said to wait 15 minutes for full potency!” Jongkook whisper yelled to the swordsman.

            “We don’t have that kind of time Kook!  The wedding is about to start.  That means Princess Jaejoong is about to marry Prince Changmin,” Joongki whisper yelled back.  He looked down and whispered, “And I could lose my chance to take my revenge on Count Kyuhyun for my father’s death forever.”  At that Jongkook nodded assuredly.

            As soon as the pill hit Yunho’s stomach the mostly dead man went from slightly alive to fully alive with a jolt.  “I’ll beat you both!  I’ll tear you dow-”, the other two clomped their hands over his mouth before his yells could alert the soldiers.

            “What’s going on?  Where are we?  Where’s Jaejoong?” quickly questioned Yunho.

            “Let me explain.  No that would take too much time.  Let me sum up,” as Joongki said this his comrades gave him their full attention.  “Jaejoong is about to marry Prince Changmin in a little less than half an hour.  So we need to get past the guards at the gate, save the princess, defeat the prince, and escape- after I kill Count Kyuhyun.”

            “That doesn’t leave much time for fooling around,” the last part of Yunho’s sentence was mumbled under his breath as his fingers started twitching.

            “Your fingers just twitched!” happily exclaimed Jongkook.

            “I’ve always been a fast healer,” replied Yunho.  “What are our assets?” he asked the two.

            “Your brains, my steel, his strength,” a convicted Joongki said.  Yunho’s head flopped to look over at the younger man and give him a look.

            “Your head just moved!” again exclaimed Jongkook.

            “My brains, your strength, and his steel are our only assets.  And you think a little head jiggle is going to make me happy.  Now if only we had a wheel barrel, now that would be something.”

            “Jongkook, where did we leave that wheel barrel the short man had?” asked Joongki.

            “With the short man in the forest,” he replied.

            “Why didn’t you list that among our assets in the beginning?” asked an exasperated Yunho.  He wistfully sighed, “What I wouldn’t give for a Holocaust cloak.”

            “That we cannot help you with my friend,” said Joongki.

            “Will this do?” asked Jongkook as he pulled a black cloak from his shirt.

            “Hyung, where did you get that?” asked the maknae.

            “From Miracle Gary.  It fit so well he gave it to me to keep,” he replied.

            The three grinned at each other.  Both able bodied men lifted their incapacitated friend.  They began sneaking away from their hiding spot to carry out their plan.


            Kwangsoo looked up as he saw a massive figure cloaked in black heading towards him and the other guards at the gate.  He heard it claim to be the Dread Pirate Roberts that he would take no prisoners, and they would all be dead.  The other guards ran away as quickly as possible, fleeing as if the devil himself were on their heels.  Kwangsoo stood paralyzed in fear.  Instead of the cloaked man coming towards him and the few remaining guards, he was now on fire.  The rest of the guard fled and left Kwangsoo to face the demon by himself.  Then out of the shadows from behind the aflame man stepped a smaller man supporting another, and the man on fire threw off his cloak and stepped out of a wheel barrel.  The three menacing figures approached the terrified chief enforcer.

            “Give us the gate key,” Yunho demanded.

            “W-wh-what gate key?  I-I have no g-gate key,” Kwangsoo tried to bluff.

            “Jongkook tear his arms off,” said Joongki.  The previously cloaked man took a step forward as if to do just that.

            “Oh, yo-you mean this g-gate k-key,” Kwangsoo said as he held up the key.  The three turned to each other and smiled.


            “That was freaking awesome!  Those three are so cool!” shouted Henry.

            “Yes they’re amazing, now shut up,” Heechul responded.


            At that exact same moment, in a different part of the castle, the marriage ceremony between Prince Changmin and Princess Jaejoong was beginning to take place.  It would have probably gone along faster if Officiant Chunhee wasn’t tripping over everything placed near him.  A comical sight that was grating on Changmin’s nerves.

            Suddenly all guests here sounds coming from the direction of the gate.  Changmin gives Kyuhyun a look that says to ‘check it out’.  Chunhee is still at the beginning of the vows.

            “Hurry it along,” the prince told the clergyman.

            “Do you Princess Jaejoong take the Prince as your lawfully wedded husband?” was all Chunhee had time to ask as he slipped forward on his robes and an even louder bang was heard from the gate area.  Jaejoong didn’t have time to answer as Changmin butted in again.

            “Say man and wife!  Say man and wife!” Changmin ordered.

            A dazed Chunhee said “I now pronounce you man and wife.”

            “ the bride to the Honeymoon Suite and I will be there shortly,” Changmin told his parents as he handed Jaejoong off to be led by his father King Yoochun.  Changmin ran off to investigate the noise.

            “He didn’t come,” commented Jaejoong in saddened disbelief.


            Jongkook, and Joongki were running through the castle hallways with Yunho supported in between them.  They quickly stop as they meet Count Kyuhyun and some soldiers in the middle of the hall.

            A somewhat shocked Kyuhyun tells the guard, “Kill the young one and the muscular one but leave the third alive for questioning.”

            The guards rush the three.  Joongki in a blind rage defeats most of them.  When all guards are dealt with he turns to the count with his masterpiece of a sword raised high and tells him “Hello, my name is Joongki.  You killed my father.  Prepare to die.”

            Kyuhyun lifts his sword and looks prepared to fight suddenly turns on the ball of his foot and runs away.  Joongki chases after him through the maze like hallways.  Kyuhyun escapes momentarily through locking the door of a room.  Joongki steps back, rams himself into the door, tries to break it open, and repeat.  Desperately he yells, “Jongkook!  I need you to break down the door!”

            “What about Yunho?  I can’t leave him alone,” he replied as he was still supporting Yunho’s weight.

            “He’s getting away from me Jongkook!”

            Yunho and Jongkook look at each other and make their decision.  Jongkook places Yunho on top of a standing suit of armor to support him.  Goes to were Joongki is and breaks the door, then gives a mock bow as the younger rushes past him with a quick thanks.  Jongkook returns to where he left Yunho only to find the area deserted.


            Joongki continues to chase Kyuhyun through corridors.  Then Kyuhyun stops to for a bit to pull a concealed dagger from his boot.   Joongki chases him through the last door only to have a dagger lodged into his chest.

            “Father, I’m sorry.  I failed you,” Joongki gasps as he tries to use the wall to support his weight.

            “You’re the brat I taught a lesson to all those years ago.  You’ve been chasing me your whole life only to fail now.  How simply marvelous,” Kyuhyun taunted.

            Something in Joongki seemed to snap.  He rushed the count and began to fight.  While he started off sluggishly he gained speed.  And every time he lunged he repeated “My name is Joongki.  You killed my father.  Prepare to die.”

            “My name is Joongki.  You killed my father.  Prepare to die.”  Lundge.  “My name is Joongki.  You killed my father.  Prepare to die.”  Jab.  “My name is Joongki.  You killed my father.  Prepare to die.”  Each time the sentences became louder until he was screaming it at the count.  “Hello!  My name is Joongki!  You killed my father!  Prepare to die!”

            “Stop saying that!” shouted the count, unknowing that the swordsman had backed him into a corner.  When he finally realized it he was overtaken by fear.  He looked at the younger with wide eyes.  “I’ll give you anything, just stop,” he pleaded.

            “Offer me money,” said Joongki as he drew closer.

            “All the riches I have.”

            “Offer me power.”

            “All that you could want and more.”

            “Offer me anything I want.”

            “Whatever you ask for it shall be yours,” bargained Kyuhyun.

            “I want my father back,” Joongki told the count as he ran him through with his sword. “Hello!  My name is Joongki!  You killed my father!  Prepare to die!” The swordsman had finally avenged his father.  He slid down to sit on the floor and rest.  His quest was over at last.

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Chapter 8: i really luv ur version,coz its yunjae!!XD
Man I love this movie and the book and I really like your version too :) Have you read the book?
mar1adyve5sa #3
Chapter 8: It's end. Finally yunjae is together again. I need to watch the movie then.
Kattan69 #4
Chapter 8: Ending is a bit strange...but who long as Yunjae lives happily ever after.
Kyung1Ari #5
Chapter 8: I love this as much as I love the movie. Thank you for a very entertaining story.
khrishope8 #6
Chapter 8: Last chapter! Thank you to all the wonderful subscribers. This story is dedicated to you. I have another story in the works as well.
TVXQforever #7
Chapter 7: Omg! XD I love this! Can't wite for more! ! PLEASE keep the good work!
Kattan69 #8
Chapter 7: Poor Joongki....hope he is alive after this.

Now is Yunho's turn to save his princess.
khrishope8 #9
Chapter 7: Sorry this chapter took so long. My internet was out until today.
" Queen….Junsu" Don't want to read anymore.