Chapter 4

Death Inside

Minseok awoke to the early morning dew drops sliding down his foggy window.

This morning was different.
He woke up with a bright smile on his face.
He had never, ever woke up with a smile on his face before.

He quickly got up and fixed himself before going out to the kitchen, to make his breakfast.

For some reason, he just couldn't erase Luhan's voice out of his mind.
It was like it was permanently carved onto his brain making him smile and giggle at the most random moments.

Suddenly his face began to darken when he remembered something.

"They. All. Leave. In. The. End."
He quietly recited to himself.

It made him sick to the stomach to remember and recite those words but he couldn't help that it was true. Once they're done with you, they'll abandon you. Friendship is merely just a short, but pleasant, relationship between people that lasts "forever" until "IT" happens.

What's "IT?"
It's that problem that dramatically just appears into your life making you helpless. Finally occuring into the event of your ending friendship.

It always happens.

Because nothing in this world, is forever.

And he definitely is NOT taking anymore chances just to be friends with a silly man. 

He wouldn't risk having to go through the pain of it once again.

Where did carefree Minseok go?
He disappeared.
Without a trace, disappeared.

He couldn't trust as much as he used to, he couldn't smile as much as he used to, he just couldn't have fun as much as he used to.

And even if he did, he always found himself sliding back down to the depressing sufferage of being broken.

He broke not just once, or twice, but more than you could ever imagine.
But all those times he'd always just get back up, brush himself off, and keep going as if nothing had ever happened...but this time, it was permanent. Stuck. Forever.

He sat uncomfortably on his creamy, white couch and began to remember a bunch of despicable memories that had happened in his life.

He cringed at every flashback.

He decided to get up when his phone beeped.
It was a text message.
From Luhan.
He picked up his phone.

From: Luhan

Hey Minseok! What's up? Do you wanna hang out later?

Minseok stared long and hard at the words "Do you wanna hang out later"
He didn't even know those words even existed anymore.
He hadn't heard it in ages.

But what was he supposed to reply?
Yes? No? Maybe?
How was he supposed to answer?
He was in the process of trying to block everyone out of his life, what was he supposed to do?

Unconciously, his fingers automatically answered for him while his brain could not.

To Luhan:


"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. What have I done. What the freaking hell do you think you're doing, Minseok." He yelled to himself worriedly after realizing what he'd done.

In less than even 5 seconds, he got a text back.

From Luhan:

Great! I was worried you'd ignore me. I'll meet you @ 1 pm at the cafe downtown?

"Ughh." He groaned loudly.

To Luhan:


His replies were short and straight forward. Luhan texted sentences while Minseok texted words. They had a handful of differences between them.

Minseok looked at the time on his phone.

12:37 pm.

He had less than 30 minutes until meeting up with Luhan and his stomach churned with worry. He felt like ripping his hairs out.

"I'm such an idiot... I'm such a freaking idiot..." 

He quickly got up and combed through his hair with his fingers wondering what he should do.

"Well... hanging out wouldn't hurt..." He finally decided as he began to get ready.

He was excited, but anxious. What if he wasn't good enough? What if this was all just a joke? What if he was just fooled? 

He let out a heavy sigh and plopped down on his bed.
"What am I supposed to do? Why am I like this? Why do I even overthink on simple situations like this? Aaaughhhhh."

He had a mixture of worry, excitement, and confusement.

He firmly got back up and finally, finally, decided to go.

After a short 10 minute walk, he had finally arrived.
He loved the smell of cafes.
The trickling aroma of coffee beans and pastries drew him in.

He liked that it usually wasn't that crowded, too. He completely loathed it when it was busy.

He slowly opened the door and heard the subtle jingle of the wind chimes and the quiet, classy, jazz music.
He carefully scanned the room searching for Luhan.

"Minseok!" Someone called out."Over here!"

He turned around to see Luhan and walked over to sit down with him.

"Hellooo Minseok." Luhan chirped lustrously.

"H-hi..." He replied timidly.

Luhan couldn't help but chuckle at Minseok's shy but cute greeting.

He stared into Minseok's dark hazelnut eyes. They shined so brightly as if it hid a diversely different person inside. Someone different who seemed eager to jump out of the person he showed off to the world.

"W-Why are you staring...?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh... your eyes are...beautiful." Luhan admitted keenly.

Minseok put on a subtle smile.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Luhan asked.

"Um..." Minseok shrugged.

"Is there nothing you wanna do?" He slightly tilted his head.

Minseok just nodded.

"You wanna go to your house?" Luhan suggested with an eager smile.

"What? I barely know you, though."

"You've been in my house though..."

"Well... I didn't ask to." Minseok laughed."But okay. Lets go to my house."

Luhan looked down at the floor and smiled.

Minseok gave him that look.
"Ayyy. You better not be thinking dirty things."

"Yah, what?! I'm not even like that!" He exclaimed.

Minseok burst into laughter.
"Sure, sure. Hahahaha, c'mon lets go."

A/N: Hello guys! New updaateeee~ I hope you guys like it so far. Thank you so much for reading. It really makes me happy :) Please comment, upvote, subscribe, or whatever ^.^ hee hee thank youu <3

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Should I continue this? I'm kinda hesitant. I'm not sure if it'll be worth it.


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Chenlover145 #1
Continue continue continue!!! I love it!!
Chapter 7: Update!!! And I hope you don't kill Xiumin T_T
This is beautiful...and Luhan is so caring! Xiuhan is the most beautiful thing ever! ^^
Baozi_Lover99 #3
Chapter 6: Please update soon! This is fantastic
kimxiuhan #4
Chapter 4: OMONA!!!UPDATE SOON!!!!~~~
cheong4life #5
I love this!
Dawnnie #6
Chapter 3: So cute! I love this story!
Chenlover145 #7
Chapter 3: Ahh I love it!!! Xiuhan my main OPT!
Chapter 2: I totally understand^^ I'm not gonna believe any rumours till there's an official statement..I was and still am so upset too. I hope ur okay? I'm here for you, the whole exo fandom is here for you :)
DUDE OMG I LOVE THIS. UPDATE THIS NOW. IM NOT WAITING. lmao just kidding ily & text mee. You aren't replying ㅠ.ㅠ ♡
Chenlover145 #10