
Belong to Me


   On the next morning, it was Friday, the last day before weekend coming up. It's definitely the best trip for two days of break from classes and bored lessons. Yesterday was normal and fine since Chorong and Gaeun went a bit silence for a bit then goes to sleep after taking a short shower due to tiredness roamed.

( their dorm's room )



The clock alarms loudly, extremely makes them awake in shocked, especially to Chorong, who doesn't use any clocks to shook her up in the early morning. She gets used to her mom's husky voices instead but she'll learned to be with it. 

Groans were escaped from Gaeun's mouth, which is still annoyed by the noises. She sighed, and stood up quickly, seeing her roommate isn't fully awake, she went to the bathroom first to wash up after pressing the button of a lame clock. Brushes her teeth, rubbing her face with a cleanser, and splashes a cold water. Putting on her uniform and steps out. 

Seeing Chorong were already sat on her bed, a bit more sleepier than the sunbae. Smiling, hands out a towel towards Chorong, "Go wash up. I'll wait you outside," said Gaeun. The long haired girl were still like a statue but she could manages her systems to take it and bows a bit then rush into the shared bathroom.

Gaeun grabbed her backpack and stepped out from the room to waited outside, since she'd be greet by her friends later. Even if she didn't met them up, they'll ganged up and haunts.

2 minutes later, a group filled 4 girls climbing up the stairs and approaching the expected person to see in this refreshing morning. "Yo, Gaeuuuun sunbaenimm!" said Jiyeon as she popping out her pink bubblegum lazily as swung her arm around Jieun's neck. 

Gaeun could guessed it and smiles back, "Hey," she greets back. "Morning," said the rests.

Sooner, her roommate came out in a messy hairbun. She stopped in track when seeing the others are waiting. They looks at her in curious but then nodded. 

"It wasn't like what I did expect too," said Gaeun as she chuckles a bit to break through the awkward silence. Jiyoon chuckled, "Kajja~ I can't wait to escaping the lesson after lunch," as they excitedly walks down the stairs.

Chorong follows behind Jieun, who was letting Jiyeon's arm go to freed her cramps neck.

"Um, hi," said Chorong, trying hard to be friendly, although she's not active in making a new friend with others. She's too shy to do that but Jieun seems lonely afterward.

Jieun replied with a grins, "Hi!" she happily looks over the only person beside her. Chorong replied her grins with a simple smile, "Um. I guess you didn't likes it to be with them as a group. But why did you came into them? Sorry if I was asking too far. I was just wondering," she said in a lower tone, to not making any of those girls in the front listens. Jieun chuckled.

"Actually, it's a old story. Gaeun was my survivor when I was a child, during my first day in elementary school," 



"Yah, useless noob kid! This school is not a freedom life for you, kid. Now, give me your moneys!" said a long wavy haired girl, around 12. The senior in elementary school's year. The two girls behind her went to scouted the little Jieun on to the dirty ground of toilet.

The little Jieun crying silently, she can't do anything since her friends are all scared of the seniors. "I said hand it to us, little poor kiddo!" and she was nearly slapped Jieun but another hand stopped the action.

Jieun, on the other hand was a bit suprised when her arms got released so suddenly. She opened her eyes and saw a person coldly pushes the three girls out of the way. 

"Poor kiddo? I think you're the one who are extremely poor here. You're asking for somebody else's money while you can't use your dad's. What a pity. Now, left, before I let my cousin kicked you out from this place. You're bringing so much poorness since you was in the first grade," said the 10-year-old tall Cho Gaeun. She had her bob hair. 

After the girls left, Gaeun came to helped Jieun that was on the ground and held it up. She kindly brushes off the dirts on Jieun's uniform and pulled out a lovely smiles. 

"Welcome here. Don't be afraid again. My male cousin is the son of all schools in Daegu city. You're safe with us," 

"U-u-us?" asked Jieun, curiously and blinks innocently. Gaeun chuckled a bit, "Yup. I have 3 other girls who would willing to be your friends and take a good care of you too,"



"That's how we meet and gathered up until here," 

Chorong mouthed a 'o' and nodded, "I see..," as her gaze turning to Gaeun's back-facing view. Without anyone's notice, she was staring her new friends and looks into the ground back for too long until they reaches in front of the classroom.

10 minutes later, Mr.Nam Woohyun entering the room confidently and the lesson went successfully like usual. Homeworks and sorts. It shall be done in this Monday straightly. 

Skipping the whole lesson scenes, the bell ranging for lunchtime. "That's all. Have a nice weekend, my girls," and left to worked out his papers and more discussions with the principal in this evening. The next class is going to be Science. It's a bit cruel for them to studies. They can't understand when Mrs.Hong babbling nonsense things. It bored them.

"Ahh~!" said Jiyoon as she yawning like a maniac monster that was already up from her sleep, spreading her arms in the thin air. So did Gaeun and Minji but they does it in a rather mute.

Chorong packed up all of her stuffs and waits. The other three girls had already worn their backpacks and get ready to skipped class. Jiyeon were in a rush, coming to the school's backyard. Chorong was still shivering and scared to get caught. She isn't even close to do anything bad but she begin to learns it from them. This year is like her new record of history.

"Ppalli ppalli!" Jiyoon shouted in her whispers, their eagle eyes watching out to caught somebody that might saw them, especially teachers. 

Minji was wearing a pants, so she could easily climbed up the gates then catches the outsider's grass. She'll helping the rests from there, alongside Jiyoon. Jiyeon carefully climbs up and jumps onto the grass. Jiyoon was the next and waited.

"Give me your bags first!" said Jiyoon because they have wasted 3 minutes and later, the discipline teacher will be around there for a few seconds. 

Gaeun threw her bag, "Give me yours," and Chorong gave it to her. Gaeun threw it also and stood in the middle of the gates, "Come. I'll help you," she said as lend a hand. Chorong took a little breath then took her hand softly. She was a bit comfy because of the warmness. 

In nervous, they've gotten to be in a hurry and Chorong had a wrong step. 

"Stop there!!! Park Chorong! Cho Gaeun! Jeon Jiyoon! Park Jiyeon! Gong Minji!" a lady's deep voice shouting as she quickly made a clear vision. 

"Go! go! go!" said Chorong as she pushes Gaeun, forcefully to follows the rests that was already run to saves their lives. Maybe, for this time since their teacher can recognizes their faces. 

She gets a little embarrassed of her own actions, and she thought she might facing the hard thing alone but someone has prove her wrong. Someone will never betrayed her anymore and proves her thoughts are wrong. She isn't following the worst and bad person, anyway.

A two feet steps beside her, and patiently waited for the punishment together. The person's hand holding Chorong's wrist, slowly. As Chorong raises her head, she saw a person that loves to be kind-hearted. That person was born to became nice-like-a-child, was smiling clumsily.




I did apologize for the short chapter. TT.TT
If you watch Club Friday The Series 3, or you may go to my profile. You'll see the last scene in there. <3

Their school uniform will changed into this ordinary one. Just imagine Chorong and the others wearing that. :)




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K-Reader28 #1
Chapter 7: Piano-nim please continue, jebal!
Waahh! What a wonderful story! After years, I finally found a fanfic which included my ultimate bias. XD Again, great story~ author-nim! ^^
Chapter 3: Interesting story~ ^-^
You wrote something with Yes or No and i was it like the thai-movie 'Yes or No'? XD haha~