Introducing Fruits-Basket~ 's 7th Member, the Rebellious Evil Genius and Real Maknae ; Kwon Ki Young

Fruits-Basket ~ \\ New Girl Group \\ [Apply Closed]


How can I contact you?:

AFF Username: LittlePetalBracelet

AFF Profile Link: Click Me :)

Tell me about yourself?:

Korean Name: Kwon Ki Young

American Name: Maylene Kwon

Nicknames: Key || 2K.E.Y (because there are two K's in her name and two Key's in SM. You say it like 2NE1) || Mei Lin (Chinese name for Maylene) || Ifer (Like LucIFER) || King Kwon (Like King Kong)

Age (17-21): 17

Birthday: February 29, 1994

Birthtown (where were you born?): Incheon, Korea

Hometown (where were you raised?): Incheon, Korea

Blood Type: O Negative

Ethnicity (must have at least one asian root): Korean/Chinese

Language(s): Korean[Fluent] Mandarin & Taiwanese [Fluent] English [Advanced] Sarcasm [Fluent]


You are very pretty, have I seen you before?:

Appearance (you can use ulzzangs and models are allowed, please refrain from using k-pop idols.) [4+links]:

Link 1|| Link 2 || Link 3 || Link 4

Ulzzang/Model Name: Ulzzang Pony

Fashion Style [4+links]: Link 1 || Link 2 || Link 3 || Link 4 || Link 5


What is your personality like?:

Personality (please be original, not everyone is any ice princess or an aeygo queen):

Key has always been the rebellious one. If someone tells her to run, she'll walk. If someone tells her to stop talking, she's talk LOUDER. Coming from a rich family, she is spoiled and snobby. If there was one thing you could say about her was that she was a brat. She's constantly complaining and shouting. She won't do anything unless she benefits from it, otherwise she'll just laugh at you and tell you to, "Do it yourself, Lazy!" The only time she isn't is when she's sleeping. The only time she's sleeping though is when you SHOULDN'T be sleeping! She'll sleep through meetings, during show filmings and when she preforms she's actually half asleep! That girl will sleep whenever and WHEREVER she wants to! Despite the fact that she's sleeping, she's actually VERY GOOD during her preformances. Her style of dancing is very unique and has actually started a trend called 'The KEY to Dancing' Her dancing style consists of popping and tecktonik dances.

She's cold to those idols who have a reputation of being cute like Girl's Day Minah and SNSD's Sunny. Key is also the type of person to say the first thing that comes to mind. Just like the time she told SJ's Lee Sungmin to stop acting so cute like a seven year old and act his own age.


Likes (6+):

Pestering her siblings, playing pranks on Lee Soo Man, intruding in on people, sleeping during meetings, french vanilla ice cream with EXTRA chocolate sprinkles, EXTRA chocolate chips and EXTRA caramel syrup, hanging out with Cho Kyuhyun and Henry Lau, tae kwon do, muay tai, freestyle rapping/singing


Dislikes (6+): 

People who do TOO MUCH aegyo, Sunny and Sulli, Onew and Sandeul, people who brag too much, when people wake her up during one of her naps, when people on YT tell her that her voice sounds too much like a guy, girls with high voices, skirts, dresses, heels


Hobbies (4+ [do not include singing and dancing]): 

Collects bubblegum wrappers, collects video games, making dance/song covers, making fun of Sandeul, writing songs, playing violin, watching stars from the roof


Habits (4+): Mixed in with trivia ^^


Trivia (4+ [things about you]): 

She HAS to have more sprinkles on the left side of her ice cream than the left (or else she'll throw it at you),

she plays piano with her eyes closed,

she has a left handed piano so the treble will be played on her left and the bass will be played on the right

she's left handed but will do almost everything with her right hand besides writing and holding chopsticks,

since she's left handed - if she's using fork/spoon/knife she will hold them the opposite way (The fork is supposed to be on the right hand and spoon on the left, she will do it reversed)

she has a left handed violin,

she can dance with her violin (like Henry Lau)

she can't tell time,

bracelets/watches/etc HAS to be on the right wrist,

her favorite actor is Kim Hyung Joong,

she talks throughout movies,

like Henry Lau; her cap has to be tilted to the side to add some swag to her style,

she refuses to wear headbands; only flat brimmed hats,

you won't EVER find her in a dress. If you do, she probably put up a fight and multiple stylists probably had to shove her in the dress.

Heel's are a big no-no. If you make her wear heels she'll kick them off and try hurting someone or she will personally throw it at you.

she doesn't use honorifics (dongseng, hyung, unnie etc. ESPECIALLY NOT OPPA)

Before lying, she will pause and blink her eyes (only those who are close to her know this)

she sleepwalks/talks,

she grinds her teeth when she's sleeping,

she will bounce her knee if she's nervous,

if she's nervous before preformances she'll talk nonstop (like a person would during sugar rush) 


Extra Talents [do not include singing and dancing]: Playing violin/piano, can learn the choreography of any song/band by just watching (She's a visual learner), she's got a real talent for mocking/making fun of people


Tell me about your life:

Family (Name, Age, Job, and SHORT description of personality): 


Kwon jun Hwa+Kwon Qui Yie/Father+Mother/Deceased

Jo Kwon/Eldest Child/Member of 2AM - Likes to steer clear from Key, he's REALLY afraid of what she might do to him. Since he's the oldest though, he tries to keep her in order.

Kwon Dae Sung/Oldest of the troublemaking triplets/SM trainee - He's always supporting what his little sister Key does. He's her evil sidekick. Those two are hardly ever seen without each other and Kipsy.

Kwon Ki Yoon/Middle Child of the troublemaking triplets/SM trainee - Ki Yoon or Kipsy is Key's older sister. She's always seen writing in a little notebook (which happens to be her evil scheme book) and/or reading a mystery novel. Kipsy is the one that takes care of the Kwon children I mean, without her they wouldn't be able to cook ramen!


Background Info (your life, and what happened?):

When Key was five, her parents Kwon Jung Hee and Kwon Lee Ahn, died in a car accident leaving her with her grandparents. When she was ten, she began hacking into computers and through firewalls. One day, she was able to get into SM's computer files and copy all of the files they had all without being detected! She recieved a high school scholarship to a high school in Canada so she accepted it. There, she was able to meet SJ's Henry Lau (before he debuted). Those two became really good friends and participated in school productions together as violinists. People would say tthat they were dating and their relationship persona was The Nagging Couple because Key would always be nagging Henry. When she was 14, Henry and her auditioned for SM but only Henry was accepted. That year, she went back to Korea and practiced her rapping and dancing. When she was at a kareoke bar late one night, she decided to do a sing song. Super Junior's Cho Kyuhyun, Henry Lau, Kim Kibum, Lee Eunhyuk and Lee Hyukjae were there too having a late night drink. When they saw her dancing and heard her rapping. They saw her dancing on the stage too. They thought she had potential so when she got off the covered her head with Kyu's jacket and ran off with her. She was dumped into Lee Soo Man's office and they told him that she was really good. LSM made her sing and she did. He liked it so he told her that she could become a trainee. She said yes and apparently is now going to debut in Fruits Basket.


Trainee Life (how did you become a trainee and what was your life like as a trainee [easy? hard? stressful? fun?]):

When she was at a kareoke bar late one night, she decided to do a sing song. Super Junior's Cho Kyuhyun, Henry Lau, Kim Kibum, Lee Eunhyuk and Lee Hyukjae were there too having a late night drink. When they saw her dancing and heard her rapping (She was rapping U-Kiss's Man Man Hani BTW her singing voice will be the chorus singer and her rapping will be Eli's) They saw her dancing on the stage too. They thought she had potential so when she got off the covered her head with Kyu's jacket and ran off with her. She was dumped into Lee Soo Man's office and they told him that she was really good. LSM made her sing and she did. He liked it so he told her that she could become a trainee. Besides the fact that she crashed the ceiling to Lee Soo Man's office* and she would steal Onew's chicken lunch everyday. Nothing interesting happened. (*She was crawling in the air ducts one time and they were too light so it collapsed on her and she landed in LSM's office.)


Trainee Years (Min 3 years): 3 years


Rivals (3 only, please): F(x) Sulli, Girl's Day Minah, SNSD Sunny


Friends (don't be a loner!): SNSD Sooyoung, SJ's Kyuhyun, SJ's Henry, SJ's Eunhyuk, SJ's Donghae, SJ's Kibum and F(x) Amber

Stage Info, please?:


Stage Name: Key (If it's too confusing with SHINee's Key, you can use locket. [I can tell you that if you leave it as Key, there will be a LOT of funny misunderstandings.)


Personal Fanclub: Evil Minions


Fanclub Colors: ____ || ____


Group Persona (please bold, highlight, or cross out what you want to be): Rebellious Evil Genius


Position (max 3) [put an x in the brackets for the ones you want]:


[] Leader

[x] Lead Dancer

 [] Main Dancer

[] Sub Dancer

[] Lead Vocalist

[] Main Vocalist

[x] Sub Vocalist

[x] Lead Rapper

[] Main Rapper

[] Sub Rapper

Can you show us some of your talent?:

Your Singing Voice (2+ links) [perferably use covers of songs ... however, you can use an idol's voice if you desperately want to]: Link 1 || Link 2 <-The ones who covered Jessica's and Seohyun's parts)


You Dancing (2+ links): Link 1 <- The ones wearing pants || Link 2 <-Sooyoung and Sunny


You Rapping (2+ links) [only do this if you are a rapper]:

Link 1 || Link 2 <- The one rapping Eli's part from 1:26-1:42


Love Life?:

Sandeul probably has Onew Condition. He's  an outgoing, funny, and weird oddball. His face expressions are just as funny and macro worthy. They met at the Incheon Airport. When Key was exiting the airport, Sandeul's bodyguard Pushy, pushed her out of the way. Because of Key's quick temperedness she quickly got up and attempted to punch the robust bodyguard. Unfortunately, she ended up punching Sandeul in the face because he jumped in front of the bodyguard. (He was trying to protect the bodyguard okay? XD) 


Partner (Pick at least 3):

B1A4 Sandeul, SHINee Onew, Boyfriend Jeongmin (LOL notice how they all look and sound alike)


His Personality: Included in "Love Life"


How did you guys meet (and if you haven't met yet, put N/A): N/A


Any EX-Boyfriends?: Nope


Anything Else?: Possible love triangle with Cho Kyuhyun?


Song Suggestions:


B1A4 OK and Remember

HyunA - Bubble Pop

Super Junior - Mr. Simple, Superman, No Other, Super Girl 

Boyfriend - Boyfriend and You and I 

F(x) - Chu, NU ABO, Hot Summer and Danger

Thank you everyone for putting up with so much of my updates of this story . ^^ ; I hope you guys will support all of Fruits-Basket's members . I'm sorry to anyone who didn't get accepted . I still need a Manager, some Make-up Artists, Choreographers, MCs, Clothing Artists, and more. If you would like to be one of these positions . ^^; kekeke , thank you ! (: -hugs all my readers-

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I'll contact you right away~ hahaha XD
Waaah thank you for choosing me, sorry for only commenting now, I've been quite busy and the place where I live now doesn't have internet connection...well it's kind of broken as of now :\<br />
Anyway thank you very muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch!!
nanie92 #4
Congrats to all of the members...:) If its possible, can I be their manager??
tobiwan #5
The characters so cute! LMAO I ESPECIALLY love the 'bone ur mama' part XD
Yay! i finally finished my app!! and sorry for being soo late *bows* and be prepared because it's a little long :P
tobiwan #7
I fixed it ^^ I put different nicknames now~<br />
<br /><;br />
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Good luck :)
applied as Ho Juyeon^^<br />
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Fruits Basket is an anime.<br />
Is this plagerism???<br />
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No offence or anything...