Introducing Fruits-Basket~ 's 5th Member, the Sweet Devil and Main Vocalist ; Bae Ahrin

Fruits-Basket ~ \\ New Girl Group \\ [Apply Closed]


How can I contact you?:

AFF Username: nailclipper

AFF Profile Link:


Tell me about yourself?:

Korean Name: Bae Ahrin

American Name: -none-

Nicknames: Rin

Age (17-21): 18

Birthday: June 24th, 1993

Birthtown: Kanagawa, Japan

Hometown: Kanagawa, Japan

Blood Type: A

Ethnicity: ½ Korean ½ Japanese

Language(s): Japanese [fluent], Korean [fluent, but doesn’t really knows the slangs, kind of formal], English [basic conversational only]


You are very pretty, have I seen you before?:



Ulzzang/Model Name: Moon Danbi


Fashion Style:

Her point in fashion is be sweet and colorful.



What is your personality like?:


At first glance, Ahrin is a strong girl. She's tough and doesn't take from anyone. Her words are harsh and sharp, but they are nothing but the truth. She's violent and is a far cry from a perfect lady. But if you take some time to study her, to get to know her, she's actually just a simple shy girl who puts up a tough front. Like a crab, once you get through its hard exterior, there's nothing but softness and sweetness inside. But as everybody knows, getting past the shell is the hardest thing. And once you commit a mistake, she'll shut you out again and hide inside her shell.


She is very honest, brutally so, that she is often said to have a sharp tongue. She is straightforward, be it her personality or her actions. Despite this, Ahrin is a very faithful friend and value friendship and family traditions above all else. People who don't know her immediately hate her for her outward demeanor but she occasionally shows off her real oblivious and cute self unintentionally, and always comes to regret it after.


She has two brothers and a father, living in an environment in which there is no female presence around, she gradually turns into a tomboy. Upon hitting puberty, she found her feminine side but was teased by her brothers for being "girly" and so she decided that she would not show that side of her ever again. It slips out every now and then without her noticing it though. Her brothers are very close to her to the point of having a sister-complex. 


Although she is highly pious and a devoted Catholic; it doesn’t spare her from her brash and violent ways. Back in her old high school, she used to have her own group and within it she is known as the impatient one, always doing things her own way. Despite this, she also has a smart brain and a quick wit, which she uses to manipulate people to do her work for her. In addition, she's also a perfectionist and an idealist. 



- Jackets and hats

- Cherries

- Video games and DS

- Peonies

- Men with deep voices

- Piercings

-Leopard printed things

-Dark and neon pink

- Rilakkuma

- Cute and lacy clothes



- Impolite people

- Being ordered around

- Messy things, she has slight OCD

- Ghost stories

- Wimpy and weak guys

- Spicy foods

- Small insects

- Porcelain dolls

- Being tickled, she’s ticklish

- Being in an open space alone.




- Playing Volleyball and video games

- Listening to her ipod

-Watching V-kei bands' lives from youtube

-Creating nail arts

- Reading historical romance novels [which covers she wrapped in gift paper to prevent others to see Fabio on the cover]

- Tidying up her room and stuffs

- Cooking




- Thumping her feet to the floor repeatedly when impatient

- Peeling the skin of her lips

- Cleaning up any mess she laid her eyes on

- When feeling angry, she'll jot down her feelings on a piece of paper in red pen and tear them away when she's done, somehow, she thinks her rage will be gone along with the torn paper

- Clicking her tongue and rolling her eyes when annoyed

- Can't focus when panic

- When embarrassed tend to look away to hide her blush and mutter something sarcastic

-Turns off the electricity before leaving the house.

-Start rambling in Japanese when she's nervous



Trivia (4+ [things about you]):

-She is an early riser.

-Is never seen without her cell phone.

-Wears 3 rings, 2 silver rigs on her left ring and point finger and a black plastic ring with a rose on it on her right point finger

-Unexpectedly she’s into romantic stuffs.

-Can't wink

-Loves to wear lace stockings, oftentimes mismatched.

-When under a big stress she starts laughing uncontrollably before going completely silent

-Her bags and things are full with dangling charms and keychains, most of them are Rilakkuma or Mameshiba

-Is a Shin SeungHun fangirl

-Adores Yoo Inna

-She’s short and small, only standing at 154 cm [5’06’’] and weighs about 40 kg [88lbs] and has an inferiority complex about it.

-Her voice is soft and high-pitched



Extra Talents:

-Can turn any song into a rap

-Perfect imitation of any pokemon sounds.

-Black belt in Aikido

-Creating nail art.

-She’s damn good at aegyo but doesn’t do it if not told to by MCs or her unnies.


Tell me about your life:


Father: Bae Junsu (55): A strict, traditional and old-fashioned man. He met his wife during a visit to Japan and fell in love with her. He had initiated to bring her back to Korea with him but due to her sickly condition, he wasn't sure if she could handle the long hours of travel and decided to move to Japan himself.


Brother 1: Bae HoSeok (23): Was once a young rascal but ever since the death of his mother turned more and more responsible. He knew his father suffered from the loss to and tried to help him in any way possible. Worked as a manager in a bank.


Brother 2: Bae ChanHee (20): A playful young man with a smile on his face. He is a my-pace kind of guy and has a lackadaisical air around him. He knows more than he lets on. Is currently finishing his university in University of Ulsan, majoring in engineering. Very close to Ahrin.


Background Info:

She comes from a middle-class family with 2 brothers and a father, her mother passed away when she was 15 years old. Having 2 brothers, she used to play with them and their schoolmates when they were little. She used to follow them around like a lost puppy with a smile on her face, catching bugs and climbing a tree and so on. When she was thirteen, she discovered the world of girls, make-ups and their glamour and was fascinated by it. She started learning and put some interest in them but was also careful as to not let her brothers know because she thought they would , which they did.


A few months after she turned 15, her sickly mother finally passed away and her family decided to move back to Korea. She was heartbroken from being left by her mother but felt that it was best that she left since she had always been suffering even when she was still alive. Her father then reopened his old engineering workhouse / garage in his hometown in Ulsan and she used to help him around along with his brothers and gained a few knowledge about the mechanics of a car. She also used to hang around the beach in Ulsan with her brothers.


She used to have difficulties adjusting to the Korean life and was always made fun of because of her ‘typical Japanese voice’ but during her first year of high school, she met Shin Daeho and from there on she was brought into his little group of 3 and as times went by, it expanded into a big 10 people group. They were the loudest bunch in school and were like a second family to each other. During one of their sneak-outs [staying out of curfew] they snuck into one of the live-houses in Ulsan and watched their first live performance. They were awed by it, since then, Ahrin had been learning to rap.


Trainee Life:

She was discovered when she was doing a live show at one of the live-houses in Ulsan, a producer happened to see her and was taken by her performance, although she’s not that tall nor big, she was able to take control of all the audiences and the stage. Her charisma filled the place and he had never seen any girl like this in such a small gig-house, he decided to talk to her after the show to tell her about an audition that was being held in a few days, he told her that she would definitely make it. She pondered over it for a while and accepted it just to see how it goes after a few encouragements from her dear brothers and father. As it turns out, she did get accepted and she was flabbergasted, she knew she’s quite good but never in her life would she even thought that she could make it in something so big.


She was beaming with confident when she came into the practice room on the first day but was plummeted down as the day ended. It was hard, the vocal class was terrible, she’d never strained her voice quite like that. The dance class was horrifying, how could a body bend and move as quickly as that? The trainer must have been loony. The only thing she survived was the rapping class, but even there the teacher commented on a few things she had to patch up, namely her articulation. She, who always strives for the best came home fuming and locked herself up in her room and practiced until morning came to wake her up. This continued all through summer and she somehow managed to juggle her hectic school life and her part-time job at her dad’s shop in between.


Trainee Years: 3 years


Rivals: none at the moment, she doesn’t really care about it.



Non celebrity:A group from her high school, about 10 in amount, 6 girls and 4 boys. I believe you don’t feel the need to know their names but she is very close to one boy in particular, Shin Daeho, he was a bit like Heechul in some manner.

Celebrity:Jiyeon and IU, since their ages are the same.


Stage Info, please?:

Stage Name: Rin

Personal Fanclub: CHE.R.RYN

Fanclub Colors: hot pink

Group Persona

The Sweet Devil


Position (max 3) [put an x in the brackets for the ones you want]:


[] Leader

[] Lead Dancer

 [] Main Dancer

[x] Sub Dancer

[] Lead Vocalist

[x] Main Vocalist

[] Sub Vocalist

[] Lead Rapper

[] Main Rapper

[] Sub Rapper

Can you show us some of your talent?:

Your Singing Voice:

[It’s a Korean girl doing covers of Japanese songs^^]


You Dancing:


You Rapping:



Love Life?:


Ha Minwoo [ze:a]


His Personality:

Ha Minwoo: He appears very charismatic and cool on stage and always charms everyone with his sweet smile. He’s like a reliable, dependable older brother and cares a lot for his friends, he tries his best to help them in any ways he can. But don’t let this side of him fool you; he’s actually the biggest prankster in his group. Although he’s playful and optimistic, he’s quite the shy boy in front of girls; he won’t hesitate to charm them if he really likes them.


How did you guys meet: N/A


Any EX-Boyfriends?: No but she was in a relationship-without-status with her friend Shin Daeho for about a year and still going even until she debuted [you can decide when, I was thinking this could be a scandal material as I don’t really care if Ahrin gets a celeb boyfriend. Plus with Daeho it’s also easier for you, they mostly just text and call each other so yeah…] before they felt the flame died down and decided to be friends.


Anything Else?:

Song Suggestions:

IU, You Know, rock ver.

T-ara, Falling U, Apple is A [we are fruits basket XD]

Sistar, Oh baby [sweet] / Over [strong]

Miss A, Love Again, Break It

Hyuna ft. G.NA, Bitter Day [Could be a duet between the lead vocal and main rapper]

Min Hyorin, Touch Me [For the vocalists, main, lead and sub.]

Clazziquai, Tell Yourself

Secret, Do Better, Spot Light, No. 1

Girl's Day, Control, Twinkle Twinkle

f(x), Nu ABO

Orange Caramel, One Love

Bebe Mignon, Oppa Pabo

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I'll contact you right away~ hahaha XD
Waaah thank you for choosing me, sorry for only commenting now, I've been quite busy and the place where I live now doesn't have internet connection...well it's kind of broken as of now :\<br />
Anyway thank you very muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch!!
nanie92 #4
Congrats to all of the members...:) If its possible, can I be their manager??
tobiwan #5
The characters so cute! LMAO I ESPECIALLY love the 'bone ur mama' part XD
Yay! i finally finished my app!! and sorry for being soo late *bows* and be prepared because it's a little long :P
tobiwan #7
I fixed it ^^ I put different nicknames now~<br />
<br /><;br />
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Good luck :)
applied as Ho Juyeon^^<br />
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Fruits Basket is an anime.<br />
Is this plagerism???<br />
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No offence or anything...