Omg, she updated? ;; Minor Quibbles

Fruits-Basket ~ \\ New Girl Group \\ [Apply Closed]

Whoa, what kind of wizardry is this. I'm actually updating .

Well, this is to give you guys some information.



1) Why haven't you been updating?

I actually have a life. Also, because I am busy writing many of the information for the story that will happen later on. I don't want to start the story and not have a clear idea of what I'm doing.

2) Can I be a manager?

I have already picked a manager (xian_hee97). Please choose to be either a choreographer, make-up artist, or etc. Also, when you do be a choreographer or whatever you choose, please give me the name you want for your character. I don't need any extreme personal details. Just basic information. Refer to me for any further questioning about this.


If you are a member of Fruits-Basket~ , please contact me as soon as possible. Why ? I have further questioning as for your characters. ALSO, refer back to here often as I will be updating this with minor quibbles.

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I'll contact you right away~ hahaha XD
Waaah thank you for choosing me, sorry for only commenting now, I've been quite busy and the place where I live now doesn't have internet connection...well it's kind of broken as of now :\<br />
Anyway thank you very muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch!!
nanie92 #4
Congrats to all of the members...:) If its possible, can I be their manager??
tobiwan #5
The characters so cute! LMAO I ESPECIALLY love the 'bone ur mama' part XD
Yay! i finally finished my app!! and sorry for being soo late *bows* and be prepared because it's a little long :P
tobiwan #7
I fixed it ^^ I put different nicknames now~<br />
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Good luck :)
applied as Ho Juyeon^^<br />
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Fruits Basket is an anime.<br />
Is this plagerism???<br />
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No offence or anything...