Introducing Fruits-Basket~ 's 3rd Member, the Boyish Charisma and the Main Rapper; Takahashi Kuiko

Fruits-Basket ~ \\ New Girl Group \\ [Apply Closed]


 How can I contact you?


AFF Profile Link:

Tell me about yourself?

Name: Takahashi Kuiko

Nicknames: Kiko 

Age (17-21): 19

Birthday: September 29, 1992

Birthtown (where were you born?): Takahama, Japan

Hometown (where were you raised?): Takahama, Japan until I was 11 and we moved to Seoul South Korea.

Blood Type: A Positive

Ethnicity (must have at least one asian root): Japanese

Language(s): Japanese (1st), Korean and English.

You are very pretty, have I seen you before?:

Appearance [4+links]: Sorry I can only find three pictures.

Ulzzang/Model Name: MeiMeiChi (Photobucket).

Fashion Style [4+links]:




Sleepwear: Consist of pajama pants (Or boxer shorts) With either a wife beater or a hoodie.

What is your personality like?:

Personality: Complete tomboy. Kiko and Yuki are polar opposites. Kiko is hanging out with the guys, wearing dark and punk clothing. Kiko is really into Manga and Anime and whenever she's home she's normally curled up in a corner with a manga, or hogging the computer for her needs. Kiko loves... no she adores.... no it's more like worships The GazettE, a Visual Kei band. She's dying to see them live, cept they almost never come to Seoul and her parents won't let her go all the way back to Japan just for a concert, nonetheless let her do so alone (They don't want to go). Kiko is just like her father, but her sister, Yuki is just like her mother.

Likes (6+): Candy, anything spicy (wasabi, hot sauce etc), , anime/manga, Jrock, visual kei, The GazettE, music, dancing, Kimchi, roller coasters, pranks, adrenaline rushes, skateboarding, anything that scares her sister, dogs, heights, Dirty jokes.

Dislikes (6+): Dramas, anything lovey dovey (including songs),phobias, ferris wheels, tomatos, cats, ulzzangs (they look so creepy o.O), when people listen to their ipods and sing along.

Hobbies (4+ [do not include singing and dancing]): Reading Manga/watching Anime, constantly listening to music, being very flexable, shopping online, cosplaying, she's a very good actress, Whenever she hears music she starts dancing.

Habits (4+): Kiko bites her nails, procrastinates A LOT, picks on her sister, and headbangs (lightly) or rocks back and forth, when she listens to music, bringing her skateboard with her wherever she goes even if she doesn't need it. Sleeping in.

Trivia (4+ [things about you]): Doesn't get scared easily.Master of Jujutsu. Kiko has a pet gray macow. Her all time favorite manga is Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Kiko loves to cosplay, she just can't find a lot of anime conventions to go to in Seoul. Kiko constantly makes a goof of herself, she never cares about what other people think of her.

Extra Talents [do not include singing and dancing]: Drawing, when she was tweleve she and Yuki made a manga together, Yuki wrote the script and Kiko drew everything. Kiko is also very flexable, and is a master at Jujutsu. She's a good actress and stars in a lot of school plays.

Tell me about your life:

Family (Name, Age, Job, and SHORT description of personality):

Yuki: Kiko's twin sister, the only thing they have in common is their face and love of music. Yuki is a preppy girly girl.

Takahashi, Gokudera: A stay at home 46 year old man. He and Kiko have a lot in common and they get along very well.

Takahashi, Miharu (Haru for short): An advertising agent 43. She and Yuki seem to gang against Kiko to try and make her more girly.

Background Info (your life, and what happened?): Her father became a stay at home dad when she and Yuki were born. Her mother made enough money for them, but she got a job transfer to Seoul when Kiko and Yuki were 11. It took a while for them to adjust but now a days they seem like normal citizens.

Trainee Life (how did you become a trainee and what was your life like as a trainee [easy? hard? stressful? fun?]): Yuki dragged Kiko along with her to an audition and she secretly signed Kiko up for an audition. Yuki sang Kiko's favorite Kpop song, Before the Dawn by Infinite and brought Kiko on stage in the middle of the song. She liked being a trainee it was difficult especially with school but now that she's graduated she happily loses sleep on it.

Trainee Years (Min 3 years): 5 years total. 2 years at TOPe and 3 at SMe.

Rivals (3 only, please): HyunA, Chunji (Teen Top).

Friends (don't be a loner!): As much as she doesn't like to admit it her and her sister are good friends, sticking up for each other when need be, otherwise they normally don't hang in public. She has plenty of friends from school that she still hangs out with, Amber and Victoria [F(x)], CAP (Teen Top).

Stage Info, please?:

Stage Name: Kiko

Personal Fanclub:KiBOOM!

Fanclub Colors: Red, orange, white and black.

Group Persona (please bold, highlight, or cross out what you want to be):

Cute Boyish Charisma

The Aeygo Queen

The Evil Maknae

The Ice Princess

The Charismatic Rapper

The Unique Voice

The Byuntae Umma

The Innocent Angel

Position (max 3) [put an x in the brackets for the ones you want]:


[] Leader

[X] Lead Dancer

 [X] Main Dancer

[] Sub Dancer

[] Lead Vocalist

[] Main Vocalist

[] Sub Vocalist

[] Lead Rapper

[X Main Rapper

[] Sub Rapper

Can you show us some of your talent?:

Your Singing Voice (2+ links):

You Dancing (2+ links): (Jia only)

You Rapping (2+ links) [only do this if you are a rapper]:

Love Life?:

(Let me go over somethings. DON'T WRITE A NOVEL, keep your love life short and simple. If I see anything innappropriate/ual, I will ignore your Application. You have been warned.)

Partner (Pick at least 3): Taeyang, CAP, Bang Yong Guk

His Personality: Taeyang was very sweet to me, he was funny and took me lots of places. Then Daesung got into that car accident and we lost touch. CAP was cool except he didn't trust me. Yong Guk is a lot of fun.

How did you guys meet (and if you haven't met yet, put N/A): I met Taeyang at a coffee shop. CAP in TOP entertainment. And Yuki introduced me to Yong Guk.

Any EX-Boyfriends?: Taeyang, CAP

Anything Else?: Nope

Song Suggestions: R&B Hip hop

WAE , MIANHAE . -bows- I've been really tired , so I accidently typed the wrong name ... ^^ ;

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I'll contact you right away~ hahaha XD
Waaah thank you for choosing me, sorry for only commenting now, I've been quite busy and the place where I live now doesn't have internet connection...well it's kind of broken as of now :\<br />
Anyway thank you very muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch!!
nanie92 #4
Congrats to all of the members...:) If its possible, can I be their manager??
tobiwan #5
The characters so cute! LMAO I ESPECIALLY love the 'bone ur mama' part XD
Yay! i finally finished my app!! and sorry for being soo late *bows* and be prepared because it's a little long :P
tobiwan #7
I fixed it ^^ I put different nicknames now~<br />
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Good luck :)
applied as Ho Juyeon^^<br />
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Fruits Basket is an anime.<br />
Is this plagerism???<br />
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No offence or anything...