Introducing Fruits-Basket~ 's 6th Member, the Innocent Angel and Visual Maknae ; Lee Sun Hi

Fruits-Basket ~ \\ New Girl Group \\ [Apply Closed]


How can I contact you?:

AFF Username: -chuppachups-

AFF Profile Link:

Tell me about yourself?:

Korean Name: Lee Sun Hi

American Name: Sun Hi Lee

Nicknames: Sunny

Age (17-21): 18

Birthday: June 30th

Birthtown (where were you born?): Gyeonggi-do , South Korea

Hometown (where were you raised?): Edmonton , Alberta

Blood Type: O

Ethnicity (must have at least one asian root): Half Korean , Half Filipino

Language(s): English , French , Korean , Tagalog . Currently learning Japanese .

You are very pretty, have I seen you before?:

Appearance (you can use ulzzangs and models are allowed, please refrain from using k-pop idols.) [4+links]:

Ulzzang/Model Name: Kim Shin Yeong

Fashion Style [4+links]:

What is your personality like?:

Personality (please be original, not everyone is any ice princess or an aeygo queen):

Lee Sun Hi is just an ordinary girl who wanted to fulfil her dreams . She's shy and quiet towards everyone . It takes her a long time before she can become comfortable with them . Once you get to know her , she's a sweet-hearted , bubbly , hyper-active girl . She laughs at almost everything even when it's not that funny . She's a very honest person and she doesn't care what other people think of her whether they like her or not . She's a very emotional person . She has a hard time speaking in public ( aside from singing in front of crowds ) so she usually answers questions directed to her with a nod , a shake of the head or she gives a very short answer . Sun Hi doesn't like being seen as mean so she be-friends everyone . She's also a very gullible person , when someone tells her a lie , she'll immediately fall for it . Sun Hi is the easiest person to scare . Whether you sneak up behind her and say boo , jump in front of her or say ' hey ! a bird ! ' she'll scream and run away .

Likes (6+): Hello Kitty , Rilakkuma , Ice Cream , Music , Candy , Amusement Parks and Fields .

Dislikes (6+): Birds , Bugs , Drama , Liars , Bullies and Chocolate .

Hobbies (4+ [do not include singing and dancing]): Cooking , Reading , Exercising and doing chores .

Habits (4+): She winks when she yawns . She's quiet and avoids everyone when she's depressed . When she's mad , she punches her pillow to release her anger . She bites her lip and blinks a lot when she's nervous . She puffs out her cheeks out of instinct .

Trivia (4+ [things about you]): She has acrophobia , claustrophobia , ornithobia and entomophobia . She doesn't like being alone . She loves it when people give her piggyback rides . She loves giving hugs .

Extra Talents [do not include singing and dancing]: Sun Hi used to do Karate for two years and she can play the flute .

Tell me about your life:

Family (Name, Age, Job, and SHORT description of personality):

Jhun Lee , 50 , Custodian : Sun Hi's father was very supportive in Sun Hi's decision to become a singer . He was caring and would always call her to ask about her health .

Yolanda Lee , 48 , Cheque Printer : Sun Hi's mother was aware of the fact that Sun Hi wanted to become a singer and allowed her to fulfil her dreams . She constantly prays for her daughter to stay healthy .

Background Info (your life, and what happened?):

Lee Sun Hi was a hard working student but also the school's target. She was constantly bullied and made fun of but she didn't care . Her family wasn't aware of her school life since she would always cover up her cuts a bruises during school so her parents wouldn't worry about her . After about two years of being bullied , she finally got to move schools . Nobody bullied her there because she wasn't a very social person and she was also very shy . Her family was suddenly starting to become poor so she wanted to fulfil her dreams of being a singer . Her family supported her and they let her take vocal and dance lessons . When she was 15 , she went to audition and a talent agent from SM accepted her into the company .

Trainee Life (how did you become a trainee and what was your life like as a trainee [easy? hard? stressful? fun?]):

Sun Hi was a fast learner in her training and it was hard for her to make friends since she only focused on her singing and dancing . She eventually started to befriend some of the people in her dance and vocal class . Sun Hi usually goes outside after training and she met Chanhee and they became best of friends . Chanhee also helped her with her vocals .

Trainee Years (Min 3 years): 2 years

Rivals (3 only, please): Jung Jessica , Kim Yubin , Bae Suzy

Friends (don't be a loner!): Lee Chanhee , Im Yoona , Kwon Yuri , Lee Taemin and Wang Fei Fei

Stage Info, please?:

Stage Name: Sun Hi [ Kept her name ( meaning : Goodness and joy )]

Personal Fanclub: Sunshines

Fanclub Colors: Light yellow and lavender .

Group Persona (please bold, highlight, or cross out what you want to be):

The Aeygo Queen

The Evil Maknae

The Ice Princess

The Charismatic Rapper

The Unique Voice

The Childish Umma

The Innocent Angel

Position (max 3) [put an x in the brackets for the ones you want]:


[] Leader

[] Lead Dancer

 [] Main Dancer

[x] Sub Dancer

[x] Lead Vocalist

[] Main Vocalist

[] Sub Vocalist

[] Lead Rapper

[] Main Rapper

[] Sub Rapper

Can you show us some of your talent?:

Your Singing Voice (2+ links) [perferably use covers of songs ... however, you can use an idol's voice if you desperately want to]:

You Dancing (2+ links):

You Rapping (2+ links) [only do this if you are a rapper]:

Love Life?:

(Let me go over somethings. DON'T WRITE A NOVEL, keep your love life short and simple. If I see anything innappropriate/ual, I will ignore your Application. You have been warned.)

Partner (Pick at least 3): Lee Byunghun ( L.Joe )

His Personality: He looks cold on the outside but , once you get to know him he's a witty and fun guy . He can be rude at times depending on his mood and how you treat him . He loves to tease people . Byunghun hides his real personality behind his mysterious and cold aura .

How did you guys meet (and if you haven't met yet, put N/A): N/A

Any EX-Boyfriends?: Nope ~

Anything Else?:

Song Suggestions: In the Night Sky - After School Red , Goodbye Baby - Miss A , So Cool - Sistar .

Mian ... I made a mistake again ... But I fixed it ! Kinda . ^^ ;

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I'll contact you right away~ hahaha XD
Waaah thank you for choosing me, sorry for only commenting now, I've been quite busy and the place where I live now doesn't have internet connection...well it's kind of broken as of now :\<br />
Anyway thank you very muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch!!
nanie92 #4
Congrats to all of the members...:) If its possible, can I be their manager??
tobiwan #5
The characters so cute! LMAO I ESPECIALLY love the 'bone ur mama' part XD
Yay! i finally finished my app!! and sorry for being soo late *bows* and be prepared because it's a little long :P
tobiwan #7
I fixed it ^^ I put different nicknames now~<br />
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Good luck :)
applied as Ho Juyeon^^<br />
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Fruits Basket is an anime.<br />
Is this plagerism???<br />
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No offence or anything...