Fifteen weeks was fast approaching. It came way faster than Jonghyun and Kibum had expected. Not that either were complaining of course.


It was the morning of their semi-annual visits with their doctor. Kibum seemed to really like their new doctor (much to Jonghyun’s dismay though he had admitted that he’d rather have Kibum like the doctor as opposed to him hating their doctor). He was a tall man, much taller than Jonghyun which, of course, Kibum had to point out after every single appointment, he was friendly enough (albeit a little quiet, but friendly) with large eyes and a straight nose. He was in his mid-twenties and definitely knew what he was doing. He had told them this wasn’t his first time “around the block” and reassured them that they were in good hands.


Their doctor was very helpful. He gave the pair of parents to be a print out of everything to expect during Kibum’s pregnancy, week by week, and what to eat and what not to eat, the vitamins he should take, tricks to handle the morning sickness ect.


After finishing his shower and doing his hair, Jonghyun deemed himself ready to go to their appointment. Kibum had already gotten cleaned up and was waiting on the “forever lazy” Jonghyun to finish so they could go already. As Jonghyun entered the living room he heard Kibum talking. At first Jonghyun thought he was talking to someone on the phone but, as he got closer he realized that Kibum was talking to himself.


“And today-” Kibum spoke out loud.

“What are you doing?!” Jonghyun cut him off, laughing a little.

“Talking. Duh.” Kibum said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“To whom?” Jonghyun couldn’t hide his smirk at his boyfriends antics.

“To the baby.” Kibum smiled as he place a hand on his growing bump. “The doctor said that they can hear me right now. So I’m bonding.”

“I see,” Jonghyun had to hand it to Kibum, the man was diligent when it came to the baby. “Well, it’s time to go. Are you ready?”

“I’ve been ready!” Kibum sprung up as if a fire had been lit under his .


“What is taking so long?!” Kibum complained from the examining table.

“Calm down, tiger.” Jonghyun laughed, forever amused by Kibum’s impatience. “It’s only been five minutes.”

“Five minutes too long!”

Just as Kibum spoke, the door opened and their doctor walked in.

“Finally!” Kibum exclaimed flopping down, arms spread wide like a child.  

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Kibum. I know you can get a little…..impatient.” The doctor laughed.

“Don’t mind him,” Jonghyun laughed. “He’s always like this.”

“So I’ve noticed.” The doctor laughed with Kibum while preparing the ultrasound machine and spreading the cold goo on Kibum’s small but noticeable baby bump. “So, shall we find out the gender?”

“YES!” Kibum nearly screeched in excitement.

“Jesus, Kibum!” Jonghyun flinched. “Calm down. I’d like to be able to hear my baby when they’re born.”

“I will not apologize.” Kibum huffed.

“Of course you won’t.” Jonghyun rolled his eyes. “I didn’t expect you to, either.”

“Good, ‘cause I won’t.”

Meanwhile, the  doctor just smirked as he listened to the couple bicker playfully. He had grown fond of this couple. They were clearly in love with each other even though they  bickered like an old married couple. Both were equally stubborn and equally vocal about how stubborn they were which, provided great entertainment for himself and his nurses.

“Well,” The doctor interrupted. “I seem to have the gender.”

“WHAT IS IT?!” Both Jonghyun and Kibum shouted.

“It looks like you’re having a girl...and a boy!” The doctor smiled.

“WHAT?!” They shouted in unison...again.

“Twins.” The doctor smiled at them while making sure to print photos of each baby.

“Why didn’t you tell us before that we were going to have twins?!” Jonghyun asked, jaw agape.

“I didn’t see. It appears that your daughter likes to hide behind your son. This time I was lucky enough to catch her when she wasn’t hiding.” The doctor smiled while handing the photos of their babies to Jonghyun who stared at them intently.

“Now,” he continued. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to do a test to make sure the babies are developing correctly.”

“You can’t tell from the ultrasounds?” Kibum asked while wiping the gel off his stomach.

“Yes and no.” The doctor explained. “I can see that they both are developing their features well enough but, the test I’d like to run will test and see if they have any ‘deformities’.”

“Explain…” Kibum said warily.

“Well, at this stage, we are able to see if either one of the babies have an extra chromosome for instance.” The doctor explained.

“Do you think they might?” Jonghyun asked, taking Kibum’s hand.

“There’s no way to know for sure until we do the test. It’s possible, though I doubt it with your good health, since this isn’t what you’d consider a ‘normal’ pregnancy.”

“Alright do the test.” Kibum agreed.

Once the doctor had done the test (which, unfortunately for Kibum, included a needle)he assured them that the results would be in no later than 3 days.

“Thank you for everything.” Jonghyun thanked the doctor.

“It’s honestly no problem, Jonghyun.” The doctor smiled. “You two have a nice day and I’ll see you in a month okay?”

“Okay,” Kibum smiled. “Bye, Dr. Minfrog.”

The doctor let out a hearty laugh before shutting the door behind him.

The ride home was silent for the most part, and albeit, a little awkward.

“Jonghyun?” Kibum finally broke the silence.


“What happens if one or both of the babies have an extra chromosome?”

“What do you mean?” Jonghyun asked, a little confused by Kibum’s question.

“What do we do?” Kibum asked while looking at his feet.

“Isn’t it kind of obvious?” Jonghyun sent him a confused look.


“We love them all the same.” Jonghyun said firmly.

Silence followed Jonghyun’s statement for a brief moment.

“Jonghyun?” Kibum said after a moment.


“I’m glad you agree with me that we should love the baby even if it has Down’s Syndrome.”

“Down’s Syndrome or not, they’re still our child and they’re still going to be perfect.” Jonghyun said firmly.

The rest of the ride was silent for the most part, that is until they were almost home.


"By the way," Kibum said. "The doctor is taller than you...." 



Guys! Look! I updated (Finally...)! I know it took us FOREVER to update :( (Sowwi. I've been working insane hours. Two weeks ago, I worked 50 hours. It was awful but the paycheck rocked).. Bre is working A LOT and so am I. To make things worse, Bre was in the ER a few days ago hooked up to a fluid IV with a morphine shot (I got that flu thing that's going around and I couldn't keep anything down so I got really dehydrated and was turning gray. Let it also be known that I haven't like full blown vomited in ten years. So it mega ). The only funny part of that situation was when she got all loopy on the morphine and was ing about how she literally got a shot in the (IT WASN'T FUNNY! THAT SHOT ING HURT. The nurse lied and said it was only gonna sting but man that like BURNED) I feel really bad about taking so long, and I feel really lucky that you guys stick around and aren't complaining!

Soooo here's what we learned today:

JongKey's doctor is none other than the almighty Manho

They're having twins

One (or both) of the babies may have Down's Syndrome (Also known as Trisomy 21 which is when a human has an extra chromosome.)

So there you have it! We (again) apologize for taking so long and we SWEAR the next chapter will be out a lot sooner than this one was (probably next week since I'm only working 22 hours next week and have like three days off).

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to comment!!!



SHINee+Facts+Number+3.PNGtumblr_mefe8iFlez1ryoi8po1_500.jpgOf course he did, this is KEY we are talking about

tumblr_moly7mL3zH1ryoi8po1_500.jpgSays the member that wears the most flamboyant make up out of all the members.

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Thank you!
We're working on the next chapter I swear! It's all Nikki's fault I swear!!!! -Bre


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Chapter 10: No, I don't think it would be un-classy for you to start a Go Fund Me at all! I've heard about a girl that started one of those fundraisers for her college tuition because her parents wouldn't help her with the payments and made like $40K within a few days, there's lots of people on there that would donate to a hardworking college student. I, personally, get financial aid for college (which you can also use for study abroad programs) that consist of more than just loans, they also give you grants that you don't have to pay back... I actually have more grants than loans too :D I had the opportunity of going to Italy this summer for 3 months but, like you, I suffer from money problems and other issues and wasn't able to do it, but I think you should do whatever you can to do yours... You're SO lucky to be able to go to Japan for your study abroad program (I've always wanted to go to Japan too </3), so I hope you'll be able to experience it. I also hope you'll update one day soon too... Good luck, author-nim!!
Elvinluv27 #2
Chapter 10: Chapter 8: I feel that if it's something you have your heart set on you should do your best to obtain that goal using any means you can. I don't think it would be too desperate because what else are you going to do? It's not like you'll magically have more work, so do what you have to do ^.^
Chapter 8: poor kibum T.T i wish this dream be just a nightmare...
Frengrin #4
Chapter 8: You live! Poor Key with all his worries. I hope he tells Jonghyun soon. Anyway I hope you guys are doing well in school or at work or whatever it is your doing with your lives right now.
pinkwlgirl #5
Chapter 8: Poor Kibum:((
I want happy Jongkey!!!
Please come back soon.
Chapter 5: wow~ Daebak!!!!!!! they're having twins^^ :D kekke doctor is a girl, right? why key said her as Dr. Minfrog??? I thought she is minho when i saw that.. Dr. is taller than jjong? Daebak!!!! Jjong will angry, when key said that :D HAHA Lol~
Plz update soon if u have a free time^^ Fighting!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Aww, Key and Jonghyun are going to be such awesome parents... I really hope that neither of the babies are born with Down's Syndrome though and they're both healthy and happy *crosses fingers*

LOL at JongKey's playful bickering at the appointment and Key never letting Jjong forget that Dr. Minfrog is taller than him XD Twins is such a perfect surprise for them especially since they're having both a boy and a girl... JongKey will love their little bundles endlessly (and of course their daughter will be a mini-Key clone :P)

OMG don't even get me started on those lovely SHINee facts in the author's note... Jonghyun is hilarious (and kinda mean) when he says their advanage is being younger than Onew (my poor Dubu gets teased so much), I hope he realizes that he's only a year older than him ;D

Hehehe of course, SHINee's resident diva wants to be reborn as a pretty woman... It would fit him perfectly since he's already one of the prettiest men I've ever seen xD

That final fact, I definitely agree with Onew, Minho, and Tae on the make up being less and natural because it just looks like a mask if girls wear too much... Key is so unique though, he's the only one (man or woman) that I think could pull off caking on makeup, with his flamboyant self ;P

Anywho, sorry for the long comment, I got a bit carried away with the SHINee facts... Thanks a lot for finally updating, you guys, I hope the next chapter will be up soon :D