Another Please Read


So I feel really bad about posting this on the story knowing that we haven't been able to update in like months. But I'm kinda desperate here. 


So I was recently informed that I would be eligable for a study abroad program in Japan next fall. Obviously I was estatic. Like this has been my dream since I was like 12 years old (if not younger) and here it was, being offered to me. While filling out the forms I came across the cost of the program. It's $6,000 and something odd dollars just for the over all cost of the accomodations (i.e.housing) and plane tickets! This wasn't including tuition, books, food ect. I've been getting my hours cut from like 28-34 to 16-18 a week at work no matter how much I ask for them to give me more. I know that my state has the highest minimum wage in the country but with those kind of hours I can't afford to pay for this. I started crying because I realized that it was too expensive :( 

Like here my dream was and it was so close only to be taken away from me. I can't get a second job because I don't have a consistent enough schedule to do so. I still have to pay for next quarter too and I've been paying for it out of pocket. Let alone all my other expenses like gas (my car gets like maybe 15 to the gallon and gas here is 2.60 something) medical bills (I have depression and some other issues so I have to go see the doctor to get my prescriptions refilled), rent, phone (which I ended up switching plans to save money) ect. 


I was talking to Nikki and she suggested that I start a go fund me but I'm afraid that if I do that, that:

A) I won't get enough donations to cover my costs

B) It'll be too expensive

C) I'll come off as desperate

D) People just won't help me

My only other resort would be to take out a loan but I'm afraid to do that for obvious reasons. I've been searching for grants and scholarships and so on but I'm not having much luck. I got a 3.5 this last quarter but I don't know if that'll be good enough for a scholarship/grant. 

So I guess my main question would be: 

Would it be unclassy/desperate of me to start a go fund me? 


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We're working on the next chapter I swear! It's all Nikki's fault I swear!!!! -Bre


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Chapter 10: No, I don't think it would be un-classy for you to start a Go Fund Me at all! I've heard about a girl that started one of those fundraisers for her college tuition because her parents wouldn't help her with the payments and made like $40K within a few days, there's lots of people on there that would donate to a hardworking college student. I, personally, get financial aid for college (which you can also use for study abroad programs) that consist of more than just loans, they also give you grants that you don't have to pay back... I actually have more grants than loans too :D I had the opportunity of going to Italy this summer for 3 months but, like you, I suffer from money problems and other issues and wasn't able to do it, but I think you should do whatever you can to do yours... You're SO lucky to be able to go to Japan for your study abroad program (I've always wanted to go to Japan too </3), so I hope you'll be able to experience it. I also hope you'll update one day soon too... Good luck, author-nim!!
Elvinluv27 #2
Chapter 10: Chapter 8: I feel that if it's something you have your heart set on you should do your best to obtain that goal using any means you can. I don't think it would be too desperate because what else are you going to do? It's not like you'll magically have more work, so do what you have to do ^.^
Chapter 8: poor kibum T.T i wish this dream be just a nightmare...
Frengrin #4
Chapter 8: You live! Poor Key with all his worries. I hope he tells Jonghyun soon. Anyway I hope you guys are doing well in school or at work or whatever it is your doing with your lives right now.
pinkwlgirl #5
Chapter 8: Poor Kibum:((
I want happy Jongkey!!!
Please come back soon.
Chapter 5: wow~ Daebak!!!!!!! they're having twins^^ :D kekke doctor is a girl, right? why key said her as Dr. Minfrog??? I thought she is minho when i saw that.. Dr. is taller than jjong? Daebak!!!! Jjong will angry, when key said that :D HAHA Lol~
Plz update soon if u have a free time^^ Fighting!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Aww, Key and Jonghyun are going to be such awesome parents... I really hope that neither of the babies are born with Down's Syndrome though and they're both healthy and happy *crosses fingers*

LOL at JongKey's playful bickering at the appointment and Key never letting Jjong forget that Dr. Minfrog is taller than him XD Twins is such a perfect surprise for them especially since they're having both a boy and a girl... JongKey will love their little bundles endlessly (and of course their daughter will be a mini-Key clone :P)

OMG don't even get me started on those lovely SHINee facts in the author's note... Jonghyun is hilarious (and kinda mean) when he says their advanage is being younger than Onew (my poor Dubu gets teased so much), I hope he realizes that he's only a year older than him ;D

Hehehe of course, SHINee's resident diva wants to be reborn as a pretty woman... It would fit him perfectly since he's already one of the prettiest men I've ever seen xD

That final fact, I definitely agree with Onew, Minho, and Tae on the make up being less and natural because it just looks like a mask if girls wear too much... Key is so unique though, he's the only one (man or woman) that I think could pull off caking on makeup, with his flamboyant self ;P

Anywho, sorry for the long comment, I got a bit carried away with the SHINee facts... Thanks a lot for finally updating, you guys, I hope the next chapter will be up soon :D