“Eh heh heh heh” Kibum awkwardly laughed while wagging a shaking finger at Onew. “You’re funny.”

“Look,” Onew tried to explain. “I know that this is a little strange-”

“Strange?!” Jonghyun practically shouted. “Strange is when you tell me that Kibum has some sort of disease that can only be contracted by living in a third world country. ‘Your boyfriend is growing another human being inside himself at this exact moment’ is...I don’t even know!”

“Now, that’s not what I said.” Onew huffed.

“It doesn’t matter what you said exactly!” Jonghyun threw his arms up in the air. “The truth of the matter is Kibum is pregnant. Pregnant. I thought only girls could get pregnant!”

“Well, normally that’s how it works, yes.” Onew nodded his head. “But obviously this isn’t a normal situation.”

“Baby.” Kibum spoke so softly that no one was able to distinguish what he had just said.

“Huh? What was that, Kibum?” Onew asked.

“Baby.” Kibum repeated, louder this time.

“Yes,” Onew said warily. “That’s a baby on the screen.”

My baby.” Kibum just continued to stare.


“Baby.” Kibum repeated several times to himself. Jonghyun and Onew just stared at him as if he had grown a horn.

“Great,” Jonghyun breathed. “He’s broken. You broke my boyfriend’s psyche.”

“I highly doubt that.” Onew chuckled at the scene before him. Jonghyun was leaning over Kibum waving his hands in his face, trying to get Kibum to look at him instead of the screen where the image of their baby was frozen.

“Kibum,” Jonghyun spoke. “Kibum...Bummie….Bum Bum…..Bumble Bee…..Kibummie…., I think I spilt wine on your favorite shirt. Sorry.”

“YOU DID WHAT?!” Finally Kibum looked at Jonghyun. Granted, he was shooting him the most furious of looks, but still.

“He lives!” Jonghyun shouted in success.

“What the are you going on about, Jonghyun?” Kibum grumbled realizing his boyfriend didn’t actually spill wine on his favorite shirt.

“You just kept staring at the ultrasound repeating ‘baby’.” Jonghyun told him.


“It was freaking me out!”

“You’re such a ing idiot.” Kibum huffed.

“Love you too.” Jonghyun smiled despite the insult.

“Mhm.” Kibum hummed but smiled anyway.

“Ahem.” Onew cleared his throat to get the couple’s attention. “So, now that we’ve discovered you’re pregnant I think we need to discuss some things.”

“Like?” Jonghyun prompted.

“Well, for one, we need to know if you’re going to keep the baby.” Onew shrugged. “Male pregnancy is rare and therefore extremely dangerous. The male body isn’t equipt to deal with such changes that go into a baby. Unlike women, the male body doesn’t have the ability to stretch to accommodate and provide the space for a growing baby. The male body also doesn’t release the correct amount of estrogen. And most importantly, Kibum’s body isn’t programed to widen for the growing child.”

“‘Widen’?” Kibum cocked an eyebrow.

“Well, yes.” Onew began. “The female body not only stretches the skin to provide room, but also the muscle and bones -especially the pelvis- become soft so to speak. The pelvis in women actually stretch to allow the baby to move through the birth canal. Granted, so such canal exists in Kibum and therefore we will have to deliver the babies via cesarean but I am still worried about his joints, bones and muscles.”

“I..um...wow.” Jonghyun sputtered while he blinked at the young doctor.

“Yeah,” Onew nodded his head. “This could cause Kibum to be seriously injured. Not to mention his organs.”

“I’m almost afraid to ask.” Jonghyun sat on the edge of the examination bed Kibum was laying on.

“Well, the organs, like the pelvis and muscles, have to move and shift in order to make room for the growing baby. The bladder gets squished, the stomach moves upwards, the intestines are moved around a little etcetera.” Onew explained.

“Um, ow.” Kibum furrowed his eyebrows.

“So, you can understand my worry.” Onew assumed. “You have a choice to make.”

“And that is?” Kibum asked a little confused and albeit, irritated at the crypticness of his doctor slash friend.

“Do you wish to keep the baby or abort the pregnancy?”



So there you have it my loveies, their reactions (E/N: And pregnancy in a nutshell). Hope it was worth the wait! This chapter was a lot of work! I spent literally hours looking up all there is to pregnancy and the changes women's bodies undergo (Considering neither of us have ever been pregnant nor will we be for quite some time it was justified that we didn't know much about what happens other than the general stuff). As I was reading this I kept things like, "Um, holy ! That is not okay!". I mean, THE ING ORGANS GET SQUISHED AND MOVED TO ACCOMIDATE THE BABY(You keep spelling "accommodate" wrong and I'm too much of a lazy er to change it in the note). After reading this, if I hear one more person say that kidney stones are more painful/ awful that pregnancy I will beat them. YOUR BODY DOES REARRANG ORGANS TO MAKE WAY FOR THE TINY HUMAN (Spelt "rearrange" wrong too)! Okay, well that's enough of my rant. Hope you all enjoyed the chapter!!! Leave us comments or PM us if you've ever been pregnant and feel like sharing your experience. Like we've said before, we want this to be as realistic and we want to know about the things doctors and other people don't tell you. WE WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING (Calm down you creepy . I sincerly apologize for my best friend's insane behavior). Okay, I guess that's it. :) 



thumb.jpg Minho, you hilarious .

tumblr_lobkwlxIZ11qmg886o1_500.pngtumblr_mvekx2amzq1ryoi8po1_500.jpgJonghyun, I can't handle you. large.jpghellobabylol1.jpgmakro_shinee_01.jpg

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We're working on the next chapter I swear! It's all Nikki's fault I swear!!!! -Bre


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Chapter 10: No, I don't think it would be un-classy for you to start a Go Fund Me at all! I've heard about a girl that started one of those fundraisers for her college tuition because her parents wouldn't help her with the payments and made like $40K within a few days, there's lots of people on there that would donate to a hardworking college student. I, personally, get financial aid for college (which you can also use for study abroad programs) that consist of more than just loans, they also give you grants that you don't have to pay back... I actually have more grants than loans too :D I had the opportunity of going to Italy this summer for 3 months but, like you, I suffer from money problems and other issues and wasn't able to do it, but I think you should do whatever you can to do yours... You're SO lucky to be able to go to Japan for your study abroad program (I've always wanted to go to Japan too </3), so I hope you'll be able to experience it. I also hope you'll update one day soon too... Good luck, author-nim!!
Elvinluv27 #2
Chapter 10: Chapter 8: I feel that if it's something you have your heart set on you should do your best to obtain that goal using any means you can. I don't think it would be too desperate because what else are you going to do? It's not like you'll magically have more work, so do what you have to do ^.^
Chapter 8: poor kibum T.T i wish this dream be just a nightmare...
Frengrin #4
Chapter 8: You live! Poor Key with all his worries. I hope he tells Jonghyun soon. Anyway I hope you guys are doing well in school or at work or whatever it is your doing with your lives right now.
pinkwlgirl #5
Chapter 8: Poor Kibum:((
I want happy Jongkey!!!
Please come back soon.
Chapter 5: wow~ Daebak!!!!!!! they're having twins^^ :D kekke doctor is a girl, right? why key said her as Dr. Minfrog??? I thought she is minho when i saw that.. Dr. is taller than jjong? Daebak!!!! Jjong will angry, when key said that :D HAHA Lol~
Plz update soon if u have a free time^^ Fighting!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Aww, Key and Jonghyun are going to be such awesome parents... I really hope that neither of the babies are born with Down's Syndrome though and they're both healthy and happy *crosses fingers*

LOL at JongKey's playful bickering at the appointment and Key never letting Jjong forget that Dr. Minfrog is taller than him XD Twins is such a perfect surprise for them especially since they're having both a boy and a girl... JongKey will love their little bundles endlessly (and of course their daughter will be a mini-Key clone :P)

OMG don't even get me started on those lovely SHINee facts in the author's note... Jonghyun is hilarious (and kinda mean) when he says their advanage is being younger than Onew (my poor Dubu gets teased so much), I hope he realizes that he's only a year older than him ;D

Hehehe of course, SHINee's resident diva wants to be reborn as a pretty woman... It would fit him perfectly since he's already one of the prettiest men I've ever seen xD

That final fact, I definitely agree with Onew, Minho, and Tae on the make up being less and natural because it just looks like a mask if girls wear too much... Key is so unique though, he's the only one (man or woman) that I think could pull off caking on makeup, with his flamboyant self ;P

Anywho, sorry for the long comment, I got a bit carried away with the SHINee facts... Thanks a lot for finally updating, you guys, I hope the next chapter will be up soon :D