The Letter

First Love

CL reached her home and she went straight to her room to do her homework. She took her chemistry notebook and an envelope fell but she didn’t notice.

“I like you Chaerin-ah” is what she all thinks about. “Snap out of it Chaerin and just focus on your homework” she slaps her forehead and started doing her homework.

When she was finished she fixed her things for tomorrow’s classes. And there lying on the floor a brown envelope, she took it and opened it. The back of the envelope says “To: Chaerin”.

“Is this from Kris” CL wondered.

When she was about to open the envelope her mom shouted downstairs “ Chaerin! You have a visitor!”. She put the letter in her drawer and ran downstairs “I wonder who could that be”.

She went out and when she opened the gate to her surprise it was Kris with a huge smile on his face “Hi Chaerin!” he waves at her.

“Wh-- What are you doing here Kris?” she stuttered a little.

“Let’s hang-out. At the park? he asked her.

“Uhm okay but I have to ask my parents first.” she gestured her hand for him to wait and when she was about to go inside.

“You don’t to, I already asked your mom and she said it’s okay, I just have to bring you back before dinner” Kris told her.

“Okay, I’ll just change my shoes.” CL ran inside then her mom asked “Is that tall handsome guy your boyfriend?”

CL was flustered “What? What? C’mon mom! He’s my friend from school”

“Okay sweetie if you say so, be back by dinner okay?” Her mom told her as she waved to her.

Kris was standing outside while kicking a can from the street, CL saw him and thought “He really is a tall handsome guy”.

Kris saw her and smiled “Let’s go?”

They both smiled and walked to the parked. When they reached the park they both sat on the swing and there was silence.

Kris tried to broke to silence “It’s a beautiful night isn’t it?”

CL looked at him and said “Why did you bring me here Kris?”

“I just want to be with you” Kris holds her hand “Your cold” he took of his jacket and gave it to CL.

“Thank you” She stares at him and didn’t know what else to say.

“I really like you Chaerin” Kris looks her in the eye but CL couldn’t so she just looked at the ground.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to like me back. I’m just telling you what I feel. “ He holds her chin so that he can look at her.

CL is still speechless.

“I’ve never seen this side of you, it’s cute” Kris smiles and CL blushes.

“Oh stop it” were the only words that came out .

“It’s getting late now, it’s almost dinner, I have to walk you home or your mom will get mad” Kris holds her hand to help her get up.

“Oh your right” CL stood up.

“Here” Kris hands her a rose.

“Thank you, it’s so beautiful” CL took the rose and smelled it.


They both walked to CL’s house and when they are almost there CL suddenly stopped “Thank you for this night, no one has ever done this with me” She tip toed and kissed Kris’ cheek.

It was so sudden that Kris didn’t know what to do. He just stood there holding his right cheek while he watch CL go inside her house.

“Wow” He still couldn’t believe that she kissed him so he stood there for 3 more minutes.


After eating dinner with her family, she went to her bedroom with a smile on her face.

“What have I done? My first kiss? With Kris? OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG” she lies on her bed and thought about what happened earlier. She has completely forgotten about the letter that she left inside her drawer.


The next day CL woke up late again “WHAT THE HECK I’M LATE AGAIN” She took a bath, brushed her teeth and wore her uniform in the span of only 10 minutes. She ran to the bus stop but unfortunately missed her bus again. And there it is a black car appears in front of her again, her savior.

Kris rolled down the window “Need a ride?”

“Of course you’re here again” CL opened the car door and sat beside Kris. “I owe you” CL looks at him.

“That’s already two” Kris laughs and so does CL.

While waiting for CL to arrive at school, Suho is holding a boquet of flowers and practicing his confession for CL, he looks at the time and saw that CL is almost late “Where is she?”

He saw a black car passed by in front of him and he saw CL inside with Kris “What’s going on?” he thought. He went to the car and heard CL say “Thank you so much Kris. Meet me at the fron gate this afternoon I promise to treat you!” CL told Kris.

Suho throws the boquet of flowers to the garbage can and walks towards them. CL saw him “Hey Suho. I’m sorry but I can’t go home with you this afternoon. Maybe next time?”

“Are you two together?” Suho can’t helped but asked.

“No you silly! I got to go I’m late” She ruffles his hair and then ran.

“I guess she never read the letter” Suho goes inside the building.

Hello! Ater being busy with school in life I'm finally back and I'll be more active from now on.

I posted a poll here yesterday and I asked all of you if you still want me to continue this fic and a lot of you said yes so here it is!

I hope you'll enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think by commenting below.

Thank you so juch for waiting for me!


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kimilin425 #1
Please update!
Errsugai21 #2
Chapter 8: Please update author-nim! T^T I really love it!
Errsugai21 #3
Chapter 8: Please update author-nim! T^T I really love it!
Alice13299 #4
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Update please!!!!!!
Chapter 6: pls continue authornim :( imiss chaeho and chaekris already!!!!!! :(
Chapter 6: Please continue it authornim ;A;
Chapter 5: Kris so cute...
chaekreaze #9
Chapter 5: YAY FOR AN UPDATE:3 cant wait for the next chapter~~
ssaika #10
Chapter 5: Chaeho plsplsplssss authornimm~ T^T i usually ship chaekris but idk why for this story i reallyreallyreally love Chaeho :3 and yes, you should continue this story :) sorry i can't take the poll something is weird with my phone x.x