Chapter 5


(A/N: Ok, so I hope this chapter makes up for the lame Chapter 4...hahaha..I'm really sorry for that. I hope you like this chapter.. thanks.. ^^)

Vengeance|Chapter 5


Two weeks had already passed since Kris and I last met. And since I went out. I was busy doing my stuff, I still need to work, and within that two weeks that I was busy, I haven’t received even a single text from Kris, and that I’ll divulge, I was upset, so there I was, busying myself when I had the sudden consideration to go out.

After fixing myself, I went to the park and brought my laptop with me. I had a deadline with the program code that I’m doing so I can’t leave it behind and sit pretty there again. I sat on the same bench, where I met Mr. Acquiantance, Kwon Ji Yong, and I thought if I would see him again and if I see him again, would he still remember me?

 Opening my laptop, I started to type my code again, and minutes later, I was already starting to get aggravated, and every second that passed, I’m getting more and more annoyed that I was already pressing the keyboard hard producing a loud tapping sound, my face in a frown, and a cuss word emanating from my lips every time I run the code and it won’t work. I don’t know what was wrong with me that time that I couldn’t get it right, I can’t think of the right code to use, I looked up on Google but my research did not help me, really, and if I just don’t need my laptop at that time, I would’ve probably thrown it into the ground, but no, my living depended on it. I’ve already edited a lot from it but it still won’t work properly, and add to the fact that the code was a really long one, and you don’t know what part of it was wrong made me want to cry at that time. I ran it again, tried it, but it still gave me an error result.

“!” I exclaimed as I banged on my laptop hard. I was already annoyed to the highest level that I don’t care anymore if I was in a public place, that there are innocent kids playing around that might hear me and that I might look like a lunatic talking loud to myself. “ IT! THIS! YOU!”
“ who?” some one said as I felt him sat beside me, without even bothering to give that person a glance.

“YOU!” I replied irately as I give death glares at my laptop’s screen with my eyebrows furrowed.

“Whoa!” he said “I don’t Acquaintances you know?” and that made me look at him, and there he was, My Acquaintance, sitting beside me, wearing that smile of his again while I just stared at him dumbfounded. I did not expect to see him again, and I really did not expect to meet him in a situation like that, me irritated, my face in an ugly frown, and me cursing aloud.  “What’s wrong?”

“No… nothing. What are you doing here?” I asked, as I shut my laptop down.

“Do you want some coffee?” he said, ignoring my question, as he handed it to me. “I don’t know if you like this but, it’s Caramel Macchiato.” he added, making me smile right away.

“I don’t know if you know this but, it’s my favorite coffee.” I said, as I took it from him, his eyes lightening up.

“Really?” he asked curiously.

“Yes. Iced.” I replied, as I took a sip “I missed this.”

“Since when did you last drink that?”

“Two weeks ago.”

“Do you know that I’ve been going here everyday bringing a coffee?” he asked me as I looked back at him. “Of course, you don’t know that.” he smirked.

“Why?” I said.

 “I’ve been going here everyday since I met you.” he replied, making me gape at him speechlessly. “I was going here everyday since then bringing different flavors of coffee, remember you were drinking coffee that time when I first met you? I don’t know what it was; all I know is that it was iced and that it was from Starbucks, so I tried bringing a different coffee each day with the same color so that I could offer it to you if I see you. I was really losing hope you know, it was already weeks, and I had no choice but to drink every coffee that I was buying for you, but you see? This must be my lucky day, I saw you! Finally! And I happened to be bringing your favorite coffee.”

After he said those, I was completely flabbergasted. I don’t know what to say, to think that this guy, an acquaintance, waited for you there in the park for two weeks just to see you, bringing a different coffee each day hoping that that will be the coffee that you like, I don’t know what to feel, I don’t know if I should say thank you, or laugh, or give him a smile, I just stared at him, with my eyes full of admiration from what he just did, no guy has ever did that for me before, not even Kris, and no guy has ever confessed that swiftly to me.

“What?” he said to me as he smirked disbelievingly. “I’m sorry. I know that was crazy, but see? I was a fool for not getting your number that day! That would have been easier for me, and I could have saved myself a thousand bucks.”

And that made me laugh. “No one said that you should give me some coffee if you ever happen to meet me.”

“I know, but I want to. I don’t know what’s with you Lee Chae Rin, and you may not believe this, but I like you. Ever since I met you here. I don’t know if you have noticed but there are a lot of vacant benches at that time but I saw you, and I was like, that girl’s pretty!”

“No!” I said, laughing.

“Yes. So I decided to sit with you.”

“Seriously?” I said.

“Seriously. Do I still don’t look serious now?” he said, as he looked at me incredulously.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged “It’s just normal to not know your Acquaintance that well, right?” I asked him as he scoffed in disbelief, making me laugh again.

“This is crazy! So what can I do to level up our status?”

“Hmmmm… Let’s see…” I said, as I smiled at him teasingly “Well, you can start from bringing me coffee everyday.”

“That’s easy.”

“Of course there’s another one! I won’t make this easy! Help me here!” I said, as I pointed at my laptop.

“What am I going to do with that?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.

“Let’s have a deal.” I replied, earning his attention “If you can help me with my code, I’ll give you my number and I’ll grant you a wish, whatever you like, as long as I can do and give it, if not, well, I don’t know, but I guess you have to wait here for me everyday to see me again, and I’m just so, so busy right now that I really don’t have time to chill around so…”

“Okay!” he said, interrupting me, with a winning smile on his face making me confused. “Deal! I’ll help you with that! If I get this code running, you give me your number, your address, then have a date with me!”

“Wait! What’s with the address thing! I just said my number and a wish.”

“That’s part of the wish.”

“I said wish! Not wishes!”

“Do you want me to help you with your code or not? I know that no one can help you aside from me right now, and this is the reason why you’re cussing so loud awhile ago not minding if you’re already corrupting the minds of the cute, little, innocent children playing around here, right?” he said, suddenly turning the situation around as he took my laptop and opened it.

“Okay!” I replied. “Deal then! As far as I can remember, you’re a magazine editor, a writer, and a composer! I don’t understand why you can help me on this! I was just making a useless deal with you!”

“Nah! It’s not useless.” he replied, as he now looked at my code, carefully studying it. “It’s really useful for me. And incase you want to know, I was also a programmer before.”

“WHAT?!” I exclaimed in incredulity “NO WAY!”

“Shhhh… You’re in a public place.” he said confidently, as he started to type and edit my code. “I was a programmer before and writing was my hobby, but I had a friend in an entertainment company and he helped me to sell my song, and they liked it, so now, I’m one of their songwriters, and as for the magazine editor thing, it was just a part time job, but I got so busy on writing stuffs that I stopped being a programmer. So as you can see, thanks for offering such a great deal.” he said, as he looked at me with a mocking smile on his face.

“You’re not serious.” I said, as I gaped at him.

“There’s another thing that you should know My Dear Acquaintance, when it comes to you, I’m always serious.”

“Yeah, fine, whatever.” I said as I rolled my eyes.

“It’s done!” he suddenly announced happily.

“What?!” I said, as I grabbed my laptop away from him and tried to run the code, and there it was, it worked perfectly fine. “I… I…” I stuttered. “How did you do it?”

“I don’t know.” he shrugged, as he smiled gladly at me. “It’s nice to know that I’m still good at it.”

“Don’t you know that I’ve spent hours on this and you just spent minutes?!”

“I don’t care about the time that you spent or I spent on that code.” he said, as he looked at me straight in the eye. “I care about the deal you promised me.”

“Okay! Fine! Fine!” I said, as I gave him my number and my address.

“Thank you so much My Dear Acquaintance, so what about the date that you promised me?” he said, smiling at me again, that smile that I wasn’t aware that I was beginning to love at that moment, and I never thought that I would miss so badly.

“Since I’m already done with this code, we can go out tomorrow.”

“I’m free tomorrow! I’ll fetch you at your house at 12 noon! Sharp!” he replied excitedly.

“12 noon?! Why so early?!”        

“So I could spend half of the day and the whole night with you! I was giving you the other half of the day to prepare yourself, but if you’re going ask to me, I would really want to date you now!”

“Fine! Tomorrow then, 12 noon, sharp!” I said when his phone started to ring again.

“Excuse me.” he said to me as he answered the phone. “What?! Don’t you know that you’re ruining a moment?!” he said to the caller, making me laugh. “Oh, okay, okay, bye.”

“What is it?” I asked him.

 “I need to go now again, I wanted to walk you back home but I need to go to the company, they want to hear my new song now.”

“Oh, okay.” I replied. “See you tomorrow Acquaintance.”

“Yeah. 12 sharp.” he said, as he stood up and prepared to leave “And oh, that song was dedicated to you! And is about you! And I would like you to hear it as soon as possible! I hope that they release it right away! But I could sing it to you tomorrow.”

“I’ll wait for that.” I replied, smiling at him as I see in his eyes the high regard he has for me.

“And don’t call me Acquaintance anymore! Call me Ji Yong!” he said, as he gave me that cute smile of his again.

“Yeah.” I replied, laughing “Bye Ji Yong.”

“Bye Chae Rin.” and with that he walked away and gave me another glance before he completely disappeared from my view, and I just now realize that ever since we first met, he was already making me laugh without trying so hard.

As soon as he left, I walked back home straight away, I don’t know but I don’t feel like staying in the park alone already at that time, it was like when he came, my mood suddenly went up, and when he left, everything was back to being a boring one, and when I reached my house, I saw a guy leaning in front of our door.

“Hey.” I said, as I stood in front of him, while he immediately stood properly.

“Uhm… hey, perhaps you’re Lee Chae Rin?” he said.

“Yes, and why do you know me?”

“Oh! I’m Lee Donghae!” he said, as he offered his hand for me to shake, while I just stared at him. “Oh! Silly me.” he said as soon as he got it. How can I shake his hand in the first place when I’m holding my laptop in my left hand and the coffee in my right.

“No. It’s ok, so I assume you’re waiting for Dara?” I asked him.

“Yes, but she’s still not here so I decided to wait.”

“Whoa. What’s with the guys these days?” I muttered.


“Oh nothing. I’m just wondering if I should let you in ‘cause I just met you but since you look nice, and you don’t look like a robber I’ll let you in, if you could just get the keys out of my pocket.” I said, as he dangled them out and we headed inside after and entertained my guest.

(A/N: So it's not that long and I won't be updating for a week 'cause we're going for a vacation but I promise to update as soon as I get back, or if I can finish Chapter 6 today I can update this tomorrow, so please bear with me.. thank you so much ^.^)

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hopelicious #1
Chapter 6: waaahhhhh I can't wait for ur next update AUTHORNIM :) keep me coming :D
fandhate #2
Chapter 6: i like chae's fashion in lonely mv and what ji wore to make chae speechless?
update soon author-nim ^^
dxydrxxmxr #3
Chapter 6: subscribe subscribe subscribe !!!
fandhate #4
Chapter 5: love this story >,< skydragon please ^^
Chapter 5: Oh so i'M THINKING THAT SHE IS GOIng TO START liking Jiyong but she still want to take revenge and something happens which made jiyong leave her but she has fallen in love with him so that was your meaning in if it turns against you!!!!
Thanhmai #6
Chapter 5: "Skydragon" tag pls, I just found out this story and damn, it's good! Keep writing authornim!
cipluk #7
update soon with a long and proper chapter
Chapter 4: Okay Kris is an lol But where is my baby Jiyong?? I really hope that she ends with Jiyong and not with Kris!! Skydragon Fighting
Update sooonnnn