Chapter 4


(A/N: Ok, I'm sorry for the late update.. and to those who subscribed thank you very much, and if you hadn't read my other story yet, please do, haha.. thank you..^.^)

Vengeance|Chapter 4

The next morning, I woke up with my head weighing like a ton, walking woozily to the kitchen, I found Dara sitting on the counter staring at her coffee unblinkingly.

“Hey!” I said, getting her attention, her muzzy eyes staring at me. “What happened?” I asked, as I sat beside her.

“You really don’t know?” she asked me back, with her sluggish eyes looking at me that also made me want to close mine and sleep again.

“No.” I answered, shaking my head, which was definitely not the right thing to do, making me groan in pain. “No, I don’t remember anything.”

“Oh come on now, Lee Chae Rin!” she said as she stirred her coffee which I think was already cold. “I know you remember something, try to remember something!”

“You’re just lazy to talk!” I said, as I put my head down on the counter.

“Yes, I am. I tried to wake up early thinking that maybe I could still go to work, but, yeah! I can’t!”

“Obviously.” I replied, rolling my eyes “You can’t even drink your coffee then you’re thinking of going to work? I’m wondering now how were you able to make that coffee of yours which I think now is already cold.”

“Yeah, it’s already cold.” she replied, nodding indolently. “Yeah, so tell me! What do you remember? You know? After Kris went to us saying that we fetch you in the balcony and we were like why? Then Minji said she’ll be just the one to go to you. So… what was that?”

Furrowing my eyebrows, I tried to remember what I could of what happened last night.

“Lee Chae Rin.” Minji said, as she approached me. After Kris and Jessica walked away, I still stayed in the club’s balcony, feeling the warm breeze pass through me. “What happened?”

“Nothing grand.” I replied bleakly.

“Kris told us to fetch you here and said that your arm’s bleeding.”

“It’s not like blood is flowing continuously in my arm Minji-ah.” I said, smirking. “They are just small cuts. Very, very small cuts.”

“And where did you get that?” she asked, as she stood beside me, looking at the cars below.

“From the devil.”

“Jessica?” she said, looking at me.

“Yes.” I said, looking at her back, smiling “You got it right.”

“So, what did she tell you?”

“Nonsense things. The nerve of that woman! Anyways, what are they doing inside?” I said, changing the subject.

“Dara’s starting to get crazy, she’s kind of having fun with Chanyeol there.”

“Really?” I replied as another smile formed on my lips. “What about Bom?”

“EATING.” she said, with a gloomy look on her face, transforming my smile to a laugh. “She’s enjoying the new relationship she’s having with her foods. I don’t think they’ll ever break.”

“It’s ok, as long as Bomie’s happy.”

“And as long as she doesn’t get fat.” she replied while we laugh, my first earnest laugh since the past two years. “Don’t you want to go inside? Drink? Have fun? Forget about Kris and Jessica for awhile?”


“What about your very, very small cuts?” she asked, smirking.

“Oh forget about them also!” I replied, smiling. “Let’s go?”



Inside the club, we found Bom who doesn’t care about anyone else but her foods, Dara who was laughing with Chanyeol about something Minji and I don’t know, Sehun and Tao who were also having their good time and Kai, who’s tinkering something in his phone and  looks bored to death.

“Where are those two girls?” I asked Bom.

“Huh?” she said, looking at me as she furrowed her eyebrows.

“Those two girls! What are their names again?” I asked, looking at Minji.

“Tiffany and Yoona I think.” Minji replied.

“Oh that!” Bom said through a mouthful of food in . “I don’t know.” she shrugged. “Ask them!”

“Hey Kai!” I said as I sat in front of him with Minji next to me.

“Hey.” he replied languidly, looking up from his phone.

“Where are those other two girls?” I asked him.

“You mean Tiffany and Yoona?”


“They went away before Jessica and Kris left.”

“Why did they left so early?” Minji asked.

“Dunno.” Kai shrugged. “Why do you bother anyways?”

“Is it wrong to ask?” Minji said, raising her eyebrow.

“No. Yeah. Whatever.”

“You said we’re gonna drink. What are we going to drink?” I asked Minji.

“Vodka? Tequila?”

“Vodka kills!” I said.

“But you have an allergy with tequila!”

“It’s better to get itchy than to die!” I said.

“What about you Kai?” Minji asked him. “What do you prefer? Vodka or Tequila?”

“Why are you asking me? Are you asking me to drink with you guys?” he replied to Minji.

“Uhm… yeah? Kinda? So…yeah! What do you want to drink? Choose Vodka!”

“Nah!” I interjected. “Tequila!”

“Do I really have a choice in this?” Kai asked the both of us.

“Kinda? Sorta?” I said “Tequila! I’m begging you!”

“No! Vodka!” Minji said.



“Hey!” Kai butted in. “You’re asking me right?”

“Yeah.” Minji said, nodding.

“Vodka.” he said.


“Vodka baby! Vodka!” Minji said teasingly as she asked for a bottle of vodka at the waiter.


“That’s what I remember.” I said to Dara.

“Oh well, you just drank three bottles of vodka.”

“No way.” I said, looking at her wide eyed.

“Yes way. And you drank it all by yourself!”

“You’re kidding!”

“Do I look like I’m kidding?” she said as she looked at me through her dazed eyes, her expression not giving a hint of mockery on her face.

“No.” I replied impassively.

“And isn’t that information enough to justify why your head feels like it weighs a ton?”

“And why do you know that?”

“It’s obvious Lee Chae Rin.”

“Yeah. Whatever.”

“So… what are we going to do for today?”

“Sleep? I just want to sleep again. Do you have any grand suggestion aside from sleeping?”

“Nah!” she replied, as she took a sip from her coffee. “Gah! This is horrible!”

“Put it in the fridge.” I said, smirking. “In that way, when you drink it later, it won’t be that horrible.”

“You can have the cold coffee later, I want a hot one.”

“Then make another one!” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Don’t you understand the word lazy? Sleepy? Oh! I’ve got an idea! Let’s just go get coffee at Starbucks!” she beamed out.

“Are you crazy?!” I said, as I sat straight, looking at her with my eyebrows furrowed. “Look at me! Messy hair, nice pajama outfit and a heavy head and you want to go to Starbucks?!”

“And so?! What do the people care?! We’re just going to get some freshly brewed coffee! And hey! I chose a good pajama for you last night! See?” she said, as she pouted at my pajama which is full of colorful teddy bears.

“No way am I going out with these clothes!” I protested.

“Nah! Nah! Leggo Chae Rin- ah!” she said as she pulled me away from my chair “Let’s shock the world with your fashion!”

“Nooooo!” I yelled desperately, as she dragged me away in a colorful-teddy-bears-designed pajama, a white shirt with a print that says “ Off es”, a pair of pink fluffy slippers with my hair messy and my eyeliner smudged around my eyes, in short, I looked like . “Can’t you just at least let me comb my hair and change this pajama and slippers and remove these eyeliners from my eyes?!”

“We’re already here!” she said, as we stood outside and she, locking our house’s door. “This will just take a minute! Don’t worry I’ll buy you a coffee also!” she added while she started to drag me again while I kept my head lowered to the ground to save myself from humiliation.

There I was, dragged by a lunatic cousin who always looked so fresh while I, looked like crap in a hideous pajama and slippers, and add the smudged eyeliners and messy hair for an ostentatious effect. Maybe it was a good thing that Starbucks was just meters away from our house that it was not really a long, long way to walk but it was really embarrassing for the people around you were all in business suits, uniforms,  looking professional and all, and you? Yeah, so that what was I feeling at that time, I was keeping my head bowed all the way that I did not notice that we were there already.

“Hey Chae Rin!” she said, as she pushed open the shop’s door. “What do you want?”

“Same old, same old.” I replied as we got in the line when I happened to bump the guy that was in front of us. I didn’t notice that ‘cause I was still looking down for I could feel the people’s eyes on me, and as I recall this moment, I just now realize that faith is really making a big joke out of me since then.  “Sorry.” I muttered.

“Hey! It’s Kris!” Dara blurted out, making me look up for the first time since we went out. “Hey Kris!” she greeted him.

“Hey!” he said, smiling back at her, then turning his attention at me, his smile turned into one of those teasing grins. “Hey Chae Rin! Nice outfit?” he said to me while I glared at him.

“Very funny Kris Wu.”

“Sorry.” he said, still having that smile of his that made me just roll my eyes in aggravation. I was just about to reply when the girl in the counter interrupted me.

“Good morning, sir. What’s yours?” she said at Kris, smiling.

“Americano and Iced Caramel Macchiato.” he said, making me look at him. I was thinking if the Iced Caramel Macchiato was his order also when he spoke again “What’s yours Dara-yah?”  

“Caramel Macchiato! Not the iced one.” she replied. So he was also ordering for us, and I admit that at that time, I felt a little gladness that he still knew what is the coffee that I want.

“You heard her.” Kris said, as she turned his attention back to the girl. “That’s all.”

After paying and getting our coffees, we already headed outside for I can’t wait to get back home, with Kris deciding to walk with us.

“So you’re coffee’s still the same. Iced Caramel Macchiato.” he said to me.

“We’ll pay you.” I replied.

“What? Who said you’re going to pay me? That’s my treat Chae Rin-ah.”

“Chae Rin-ah!” Dara said, elbowing me on the side. “Just… you know! This is just once in a lifetime! And he saved my money!” she added, making Kris laugh. “Thank you Kris- yah!”

“You’re welcome.” he said smiling. “And Chae Rin, sorry again… for what happened last night.”

“No… it’s ok.” I said, forcing a smile.

“Why?” Dara interjected. “What happened last night?”

“Nothing.” I replied. “It’s nothing. Hey Kris, we’re going this way. Thanks for the coffee.” I said, as we prepared to turn in our house’s direction.

“Yeah. See you around Chae Rin-ah.” he said, as he waved us goodbye.

“Yeah. See you around.” I replied, giving him a smile.

“Thank you again Kris Wu!” Dara said while Kris gave him another smile before he disappeared from our view.



When we reached our house, we decided to do some work since we were already awakened by the coffee and to at least make the day useful. I chose to edit some pictures and videos while Dara settled to do some cleaning and laundry. After staring in the computer for hours, I decided to take a break for my eyes already hurt when Dara interrupted me from shutting the device down.

“Wait! Wait!” she shouted at me, as she ran in my direction. “Are you done using that?” she asked.

“Yeah. Why?”

“Can I borrow it? I’ll just go online.”

“Ok.” I replied, as I stood up and headed into my room to rest, looking at the clock, I realized that it was already 4 in the afternoon, and we didn’t even ate some lunch. Realizing how tired and hungry I am, I just laid my back on my bed and unknowingly drifted into a deep sleep.


It was already dark when I woke up. Looking at my phone, it was already 7 in the evening and that I had 5 missed calls from Minji so I decided to call her back.

“Hey Chae Rin!” she said as soon as she picked up the phone.

“Hey.” I replied. “Why were you calling?”

“Oh! Nothing. I was just going to ask you if you want to come out but you’re not picking up.”

“I’m sorry. I was sleeping.”

“Tired from drinking three bottles of vodka last night? Hahahaha.”

“Did I really do it?”

“Yeah. Don’t worry. You’re not the only one surprised. It was Kai who drove the two of you together.”

“Really? Did we say thank you?”

“Dunno, but yeah, still want to go out?”

“Nooooooo. Sarey!” I said as she laughed, even though I’ve already slept for 3 hours, I still felt exhausted.

“I understand! Hahahaha. Next time, maybe?”

“Yeah.” I replied, as I closed my eyes again. “I’ll just call you or text you.”

“Ok. Rest in peace Lee Chae Rin. Hahahahahaha.”


“Hahahahahaha! Oh by the way! Before I forget! Kris was asking for your number.” she said, making me open my eyes again.

“Kris?” I said, furrowing my eyebrows as curiosity filled me up. “Why would he want to know my number?”

“I don’t know. Shouldn’t you be happy?” she said, sarcasm present in her tone.

“Did you give it?” I asked, as a devious smile formed in my lips.

“No, not yet.”

“Give it.” I replied, as I heard her draw a deep breath.

“I knew you’ll say that. I just didn’t gave it to him immediately ‘cause I thought maybe you will change your mind about this.” she said.

“We have talked about this Minji-ah. Just give it to him. End of discussion.”

“Yeah. Bye.” she said, it was obvious that she doesn’t like this, and she hated that she can’t change my mind, that I was this stubborn.

“Bye.” and with that, my conversation with Minji has already ended. I was a fool, such a fool, and I know that I should’ve known better, but I did not know that in the next days that will follow, I’ll meet him again, and that a day will come that he will be the center of my world.

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hopelicious #1
Chapter 6: waaahhhhh I can't wait for ur next update AUTHORNIM :) keep me coming :D
fandhate #2
Chapter 6: i like chae's fashion in lonely mv and what ji wore to make chae speechless?
update soon author-nim ^^
dxydrxxmxr #3
Chapter 6: subscribe subscribe subscribe !!!
fandhate #4
Chapter 5: love this story >,< skydragon please ^^
Chapter 5: Oh so i'M THINKING THAT SHE IS GOIng TO START liking Jiyong but she still want to take revenge and something happens which made jiyong leave her but she has fallen in love with him so that was your meaning in if it turns against you!!!!
Thanhmai #6
Chapter 5: "Skydragon" tag pls, I just found out this story and damn, it's good! Keep writing authornim!
cipluk #7
update soon with a long and proper chapter
Chapter 4: Okay Kris is an lol But where is my baby Jiyong?? I really hope that she ends with Jiyong and not with Kris!! Skydragon Fighting
Update sooonnnn