Still the Start



*at practice room*


"Yah. Soojung-ah," said Sulli, "once your done with practice don't forget to give the key to manager-oppa." She said abruptly as she walked out the door, carrying her sports bag.


Krystal took out the note that was given to her last week. Could it really be him? She thought to herself. She contemplated for a while, before taking her phone out.


"Was it you?" She texted him. Instantly there was a reply.


"Congrats. I don't think I need to say much more..."


"Don't worry I won't bother you anymore." He automatically added.


"Okay," she replied,"then I guess we're cool now eh?"


He added a smiley emoticon before his status said offline. Krystal was about to log off when another user added her. She briefly looked at the profile picture before pressing the confirm button. He's good looking that makes things easier.


"Hi," the user started,"thanks for adding me."


Since he started the conversation, Krystal couldn't ignore the fact of his identity. She carefully read the name and looked at the display picture before searching him up online. It was only then did she realize she added a rookie idol. His name was Gikwang, a member of the recently debuted B2st.


"Hi, and yeah, no problem." She replied him.


Another reply quickly came. "We should work together sometime. :)"


"Oh yeah, sure. I mean we're both idols anyways."


"Wah! You know I'm an idol? Daebak. A pretty girl like you knows I exist I can die in peace now. ;)"


He's pretty funny she thought. Krystal always told LuHan, her future boyfriend needs to be funny in order to capture her heart.


"-blushie emoticon- #flattered" she replied him before adding, "it's nice to meet you, btw."


"Oh, right. I forgot my manners. It's nice to meet you too-online that is. Hehe." Gikwang texted her.


"You're funny. We should meet up." She coolly replied him. Krystal contemplated to herself: did I come off too strong, did I spell everything correctly, he must think I like him-although I kinda do.


"Yeah, of course. But I should of thought more, it must be really late. I'll be bidding goodbye to you first- not so strange person. :)" he texted her, ending the conversation.


It was a first for her to meet someone so funny, caring, and considerate online; so fast too. Soojung wanted to meet him. She wanted to see him face-to-face so she can stare deeply into his eyes and see his soul. Only then, could she feel satisfied about her decision. This was the first time she kind of asked someone to meet up, she was usually on the other end receiving the invitation. Not only was it her first, but her fastest record of being comfortable with another person. Trust is hard. That's it.








It was a year ago when f(x) debuted.

It was a year ago when Krystal met Gikwang. 

She didn't tell anyone about her relationship except for Sulli, which explains why they seem to have grown closer. The first few months were the happiest times of her life. Yet now in the 10 month stage, Krystal began having some doubts. 10 months is a really long time, for regular people. For idols 10 months only meant meeting your sweetheart for a couple of times a month.


Krystal began wondering why her boyfriend suddenly changed. But it's hard since it wasn't a sudden change, it was so subtle and progressive it kind of scared her. He's not asking her how her day was anymore. He's not looking at her in the eyes anymore, always a bit lower. He's not texting her every day anymore. Soojung tried to let it off her mind. The stress of an idol is probably getting to him, she would reassure herself. At least that's what he assures her with.


But she couldn't hold it in anymore so she asked, "Oppa, is everything okay?"

They were in the car driving around the city.


"Huh what?" He merely replied her. "What are you talking about? Speak clearly. Why are all women like that?!?! They never speak their mind! Aish. Stupid." His voice slowly raising with each word he says.


Oh, and he's not speaking in the soft reassuring tone anymore. More like the "I'm drunk and I hate you" tone.


Krystal turned away, it wasn't the first time he spoke to her like that. The first time made her cry, he hugged her and they made up. The second time made her storm off, he ran after her and they made up. The third time she stayed silent, he slapped her for not replying him. This time she sighed and looked out the window. He was busy driving to notice her facial expression.


"Krystal....I'm sorry. That was unintentional, I'm just really tired today, okay? Let's just call it a day, I'll drop you off."


They drove in silence for the remainder of the ride, before stopping at f(x)'s dorm. Krystal looked out the window, making sure no one was seeing her come out of Gikwang's car.


"I'll text you, okay?" Gikwang said to her through the car window.





Hi. Uhm. I feel guilty because I promised to update a day after the second chapter. 

I didn't.

I'm so sorry. Urhhm. I hope you like this chapter and yeah. 

I know it sux, but I think it'll get better? Hehe idk.

I didn't reread it so no hate. 

Grrrr. I want to switch perspectives but I don't want my story to be confusing.

<3 <3 <3




SPOILER-ish: The first few chapters is to show Krystal's inner womanizer. 

Also it's showing Luhan's concern over her, and their friendship.

This is important! 



<3 <3 


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Hello, I just wanted to know how you guys are liking this fanfic. Idk. I want it to just end and to rewrite a whole new story but idk. Should I stop?


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Chapter 10: More myungstal moment please..
IntanMasduqi #2
Chapter 10: both side ....
kkrystals #3
Chapter 10: I think you should update on both (that way you can have more readers using both sites), but in the end it's up to you !
kkrystals #4
Chapter 9: I don't like the person Krystal's become, but I understand why she's become that person and I won't judge her for it. I just hope Myungsoo breaks her cold walls and she lets him in :(
Myungsoojungstyle #5
I hope I could download the full version of your published fanfic in the future... :)
Chapter 8: Its good :)) waiting for Myungsoo appearance XD
ftclouds #7
Chapter 2: Nice fanfic ^^
keep writing, fighting authornim!! ;)
iheartJongSica #8
seems nice, do update soon (: