Win somebody over


Taking Yam back home sure made me really late.. Sigh.

It's already pitch black.. Kim opens the door of their house.


Kim: Im home... !

Aunty Inn: ...? your late Kim.. i cleaned up dinner already.

Kim: Oh.. it's okay.. I'm already full..


Aom rushes to go downstairs when she notice that Kim is already home..


Aom: Kim !! welcome home.. I've been waiting because you're late.

Kim: Huh..? what for..?

Aom: You must be hungry.. I'll make you something, so wanna eat together?


Aom rushes to the kitchen and she make food for Kim.. fried vegetables good for you Kim? and miso soup? Aom asked.

Just wait a minute Aom, you didn't eat at all while waiting for me? Kim asked. Yeah.. i wanted to eat with you Kim..

All right ! it's done.. Well then Let's eat. Aom said. Oh man.. this is really hard after eating that special pork bun.. Kim is 

busy talking in his mind. Aom notice that Kim is just silent. Is it not that good Kim? Aom asked. What? Kim ask also.

You aren't using your chopsticks that much.. Aom said. Ah.. no it isn't like that.. it is really good Aom.. Kim said.

Hehehe.. i was praised ! Then next time i will make it better, ok? Aom said and smiled fom ear to ear. What's wrong

with Aom today..? Kim changed the the topic because he feels kind of awkward. Ah.. that reminds me today Van took

you home right? Kim asked. Huh? no.. he invited me but i refused.. Aom said. What?! then you walked all the way

back home?! Kim said worriedly. (Eventhough she really hated walking back by herself.. why does she like me that much.)

Kim was thinking while staring at Aom. Aom noticed Kim was staring at her. What? Aom asked. Ah.. nothing! well around

that topic, i think you already know but just to let you know.. looks like Van has a thing for you. Kim said while eating

his food. Yeah.. i know. Aom said and that's made Kim shock! he said it on his way home.. Aom continues. And.. you..

just.. Kim said but Aom cut her. More importantly.. Aom wears an eyeglasses..So? does it suit me? Aom asked. Huh?

what's that.. did your eyes get worse? Kim said. Aom throw out her eyeglasses, but Kim notice that.. Hey.. hey ! what's 

wrong with you? Kim asked,but Aom ignores him and try another pose. Then how about my neck? Aom asked. No..

i wast just wondering what are you up to.. Kim said because his confuse now. I was just wondering what would fetch

Kim.. if i knew that then i could make various different plans.. Aom said. Plans?? what are you talking about Aom !

Kim is really confused now on what's running through the head of Aom. Ah.. I know!!the collar bone!!Kim your so daring..

Aom move down her clothes a little bit to let Kim sees her collar bone. You.. you got it all wrong !  Kim is in panic now

and confused on what's going on.. Looks like i have become a super erted character in your mind Aom.. Geezz.. 

Like always she sure is weird, to her being liked by Van means nothing to her maybe.. But at any rate.. I wonder what i

should do about her.. Kim thought.




AUTHOR: Sorry guys.. for the late update and for the short chapter.. because i'm running out of ideas.. and i'm sick also and i'm not feeling well guys.. feel free to leave some comments and ideas. I would like this story long guys, For Kim and Aom.. from their high school to college,work love story.. and their trials and obstacle in life.. 




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Chapter 16: Please update some more author..
sameer12 #2
Chapter 16: Author u really love Yam.
Chapter 8: your story is good, but i can't read .. which one yr dialoge and which one yr author pov...... :(
biglittlesister #4
Author,I bet you love Mean / Yam too like friend of mine.Keep it up author.Let Kim see that Aom is there for her.
hayley123 #5
Chapter 16: Kim kim.....aom is around
Chapter 16: finally your back.... big thanks for your update... I feel pity to aom... Kim look around Aom loves you... don't push yourself to Yam... she doesn't love you.
tiaomyoner #7
Why don't you update?
tiaomyoner #8
So good author... Keep up~~
Chapter 14: great great....
tiaomyoner #10
why dont u tag tiaom in? so they can know your story