Double Date


While walking to the back of their school Kim notice that Fern is watching VAn practicing baseball. She likes him that much?? kim thought. Kim was startled when someone pat her shoulder fom behind.Uwahhhh... who's that? What are you doing Kim? Ah.. Aom! nothing..i just notice that Fern, standing there spacing out.. Eh.. she is always like that after practice Aom said. Always?? Kim asked. I heard that she starts to like him since about middle school, she said that it was embarrassing that she couldn't confess or anything.. Aom said. Hmm.. really, I didn't know anything about that Kim said. She probably thought that nothing is ever going to change.. so we have to do something.. Aom said. Man.. I guess it can't be helped then. Hearing all of this, If i leave her alone now i won't be able to live with myself.. Kim said. Can you come along with me on her date? Kim asked. Aom smiled from ear to ear. And they told Fern about it..


Fern: Huh? Really??

Kim: Yeah, but this time only!

Aom: We'll help you out so do your best Fern! 

Fern: I.. I don't know what is going on but thanks! It really was a good idea to ask you guys!! she was jumping with joy and hugged Kim.

Kim: Ow.. that hurts Fern.. You're a little too happy..! because Fern hugged him tight.




Inevitably Kim and Aom accompany VAn and Fern on their date.


Aom: Wow..! Amazing.. ! from here all the way to there is all camping grounds.

Kim: It seems that this is the prefectures largest one, seems just perfect for us to hang out there.

Aom: This is my first time at a barbeque! I am so excited about it..

Fern: Hey you two!! It's ok to enjoy yourselves but.. don't try and do something that will bother Van, will you?

Kim: Ah.. you too, are you ok? to get Van to come out and you screw up this far.

Fern: I am ok! Today i will definitely show you that i can become friends with him.

Aom: That is good! you are so confident, you don't have to worry at all.. 

Kim: Well we are here to help you, so if there's anything, just let us know.. ok?

Fern: Its nothing! if you two just do your own thing..

Van: Yow..! Sorry to keep you waiting guys! i was buying some meat at the supermarket.. Fern was startled.

Fern: Ah.. her face was blushed when she sees Van.

Kim: Hey.. what's wrong, you are pretty quiet.. whispering voice.

Fern: Shut up.. leave me alone.. whispering voice.

Van: Did you get the license for the Kaga Campsite?

Fern: Eh.. Ah! yes i have it..

Van: All right.. then ok, now let's get going guys..


They arrived at the campsite, Fern and Aom is busy preparing with the foods on the other hand Kim and Van is busy preparing woods and lighting the woods so that Fern and Aom can start with the cooking. Kim and Aom was happy because Fern and Van was getting along well, Fern was really happy.


Van: Man.. I ate a lot.. well then shall we take care of this fire and go home.

Kim: Ah.. yeah.

VAn: But Aom is really an interesting girl, isn't she.. that was the first time i've seen someone roasting corn without peeling the skin..ahaha she is surely is a city girl isn't she..

Kim: Ah.. Uhmm.. what do you think of fern today?

Van: ah.. hmm.. she is a very good person and smart..

Kim: ah.. then were you thinking that you want to make her your girlfriend?

Van: Eh.. Nope, not at all.. i don't really like her that way anyways..

Kim: What?! You.. don't like her? Kim was shocked.

Van: What's wrong? your face is all weird..

Kim: But.. didn't you have such a good atmosphere with her? when you were eating, it seemed like you had so much fun talking with her.

Van: Well.. Yeah. Of course i had fun talking with her but.. isn't that.. and love different?

Kim: But.. Fern likes u a lot.. you didn't notice?

VAn: Ah.. well yeah.. of course i did.

Kim: What!! so you knew and then you acted that nicely to her?!

Van: You sure say weird things.. Isn't that what you and Aom are doing? or is that different?

Kim: Eh..? Kim was shocked.

Van: She likes you, doesn't she? just seeing that attitude, anyone could tell. You know that and yet you are leading Aom on..

Kim: No..! you are wrong, I am.. not being kind or anything ! It's just that if i leave her alone.. who knows what she would do.. I let her ride my bike as well.. It's like a sense of responsibility.. to me she is just a family member.

Van: Hmmm.. hearing that makes me relieved..

Kim: What???

Van: I guess then it's ok if i start dating Aom..

Kim: Huh?? wtf !! Kim was shocked.



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Chapter 16: Please update some more author..
sameer12 #2
Chapter 16: Author u really love Yam.
Chapter 8: your story is good, but i can't read .. which one yr dialoge and which one yr author pov...... :(
biglittlesister #4
Author,I bet you love Mean / Yam too like friend of mine.Keep it up author.Let Kim see that Aom is there for her.
hayley123 #5
Chapter 16: Kim kim.....aom is around
Chapter 16: finally your back.... big thanks for your update... I feel pity to aom... Kim look around Aom loves you... don't push yourself to Yam... she doesn't love you.
tiaomyoner #7
Why don't you update?
tiaomyoner #8
So good author... Keep up~~
Chapter 14: great great....
tiaomyoner #10
why dont u tag tiaom in? so they can know your story