Chapter 2

I Hate You
"WHAATT?!?" you said in shock."No way" you growl at her and started walking. "Nana yah. . . ." she started following you with puppy eyes and pouting. "Minah yah,you know that i don't like them." you said with serious face. "i-i know but. . ." she said lowering her head,"i don't have anyone to go with" and started going away from you.Somehow,you felt sorry towards her,so you said:"Fine!i'll go.But don't expect from me to drool over them." you said jokingly. "Aaaa...thank you bestie!"she hugged you. "Okay,okay"you tapped her on her back,"let's go in class now." You two went in the classroom and everyone was talking about Exo concert.You rolled your eyes when you saw even boys jumping happily. It was boring in school and al that Minah did was planning what to wear on Exo concert. "Like they will see you." you thought.When last bell rang you went home to take a nap before concert.While you were reading book,you fell asleep.At 8h Minah came to your house,greeted your mother and Minwoo,and went upstairs to see if you're ready.She widened her eyes in shock.You were still sleeping and even drooling.Minah was pissed off. "Yah,yah,yah,what are you doing,dummy!?Wake up,concert will start in 1 hour!" she yelled. "Hey,hey,calm down girl,i'll get ready in 5 minutes."you said with sleepy face. "In 5 minutes?!" she said loudly,"you'll get ready for E.X.O. concert in just 5 minutes?Ahh chincha" she blew air and sat on the chair waiting for you. You were like zombie,moving from bathroom to closet. "Tsk,tsk,tsk" Minah glared at you,"zombie,can you actually move?" she finished. "Sure." you giggled.You went to your closet,took long t-shirt with "#yolo" on it,and baggy pants. "Perfect." you mumbled.You put on nike sneakers,spread your arms and said with smile:"I'm ready!" "Nana,you're really going to wear that?"-Minah said with opened mouth pointing at your body. "Yeah why?" you replied. "Ahh... Nothing.Let's go." Minah said while going toward the door.She was dressed so kawaii with cute short yellow dress and blue flats,and you looked like her boyfriend,i mean you were dressed like one,except your long,straight between brown and blue coloured hair which wasn't,this time,in pony tail.You two went out and headed to concert hall. Concert is supposed to start in 25 minutes but hall was already full till the last free place. "I can't believe.These fans are really something."you thought.You waited for 2 hours before they actually appeared. You cursed at them quietly.And there they are. 12 flower boys appeared on the stage.
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xiunny1226 #1
Helllooo pleaseee update♥