Chapter 6

I Hate You

In the middle was/were…..EXO??

‘’Wow,we’re really lucky.’’ Minah jumped happily.

‘’What’s lucky about this?’’you rolled your eyes.’’anyway,why’re they here?’’

‘’I don’t know,but we’ll stay and find out,right,Nana banana?’’she said pouting.

‘’Mmmm,not really..’’you started walking,’’see ya around’’.you continued,but someone interrupted you.

‘’How about this miss in green t-shirt?’’ someone said.

In one second,everydoby was looking at you.You were like:’’WHAT THE ?!’’As everyone cheered,you had to go up on stage.

‘’Excuse me,but,what is this about?’’you asked MC confused.You were standing next to EXO and one boy in black shirt caught your attention. ‘Oh,that’s Kai from the concert?’you thought.

‘’Oh,weren’t you listening?’’ Mc said a little annoyed.

‘’No’’ you sent him death glare,’’I just got here.’’

‘’Okay,then:We’re playing the game.I’ll aks you questions and you need to answer correctly to get EXO CD.’’ He explained.

‘’As I want it.’’ You mumbled.You only knew their names,but you didn’t care cos you imagined Minah sending you death glares.’’Okay,why not,then.’’you forced smile.

You have nothing to lose,why not play a little’ you thought.

‘’Okay,here we go.’’ MC started reading questions.’’What is EXO debut song?’’You looked at Minah to help you,but she just embarrassed lowered her head because she knew what is next.


‘’Yah,that’s too easy.’’

‘’She’ll get cd easily!’’

‘’It’s not fair.’’


You heard fans saying annoyed.

,what was it?,,I don’t know…Oh well..’ you thought.

After pause of 1 minute,you said ‘’Mmm,Wolf?’’you remembered Minwoo singing it in the bathroom,and that’s the only song you know.

Fans were already screaming and cursing at you.You knew you were wrong.

‘’Opps,that’s not right answer.’’MC said.Exo was looking at you with ‘You must be kidding me’ face.

‘’Oh,well,I’ll just leave then.’’you rubbed? Back of your neck awkwardly.’’I’m sorry.’’you bowed to exo and left.You caught few of them smiling,but Kai didn’t even look at you. ‘How weird’ you thought.


‘’Nah,Kai,did you see this weird girl?’’Chanyeol was laughing like crazy.

‘’Hm?Not really.I don’t care anyway.’’he replied coldly.

‘’You think about Hye Sun again.right?’’ his facial expression changed to serious one.

‘’When are we going to see noona,ha?’’Sehun said happily.

‘’She’s coming tomorrow.’’ Kai showed small smile.

‘’Yaah,Kai,you’re so lucky.’’ Chen got got into conversation.

‘’Am I?’’ Kai softly smiled and looked at the sky. ‘I’ll see you soon’ he thought.

On the other hand,you were scolded by your best friend:

‘’Yah!Didn’t I told you about ‘’MAMA’’ ,like, 5 thousand times??!?’’

‘’I wouldn’t know again,I don’t remember things that I’m not interested at.’’you frowned.

‘’Okay,but still..’’Minah calmed down.’’Btw,you were so close to EXO,you’re so lucky.’’ She changed the theme.

‘’Whatever.’’you put your hands on the back of your head.Minah knew that continuing is worthless,so you two just walked in silence.

‘’Okay,MiMi,see you on Monday.It’s pity that we didn’t do anything,buy it was fun,in some way.’’you said warmly.

‘’Yeah,it was,really.See ya,Nanana,love u.’’she hugged you then you two separated.

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xiunny1226 #1
Helllooo pleaseee update♥