Mix Well Day - Dorm (Part One)

BP Story Entertainment New Group! ~Mix Well~ (Story Starting)
Mix well day - dorm
September 05, 2015

"Good morning~" As soon as the camera was , Chaewon was greeting the viewers. She grinned and gave a little wave. "Today marks the very first day of filming for Mix Well Day. Mix Well Day is a show that would give our fans a little insight of our idol life. We will be uploading each episode onto our Youtube channel so our fans can watch it from all over the world. And today, we will be...taking a peek into our dorm."

"You're hogging the camera, unnie." The camera was taken from Chaewon and Ahreum came onto the screen. She grinned and gave a little wave as well but Chaewon in and they were both sharing the screen. "Before we show you how our dorm looks like on the inside, let's tell you about how our dorm is divided."

"Ah, of course, because we're a mixed gender group."

"So, we have apartment-style dorms. There's three floors. Right on the very top is BPPop. Because our sunbaenims debuted first, they get the top apartment which is also the nicest. On the second floor, that's us~ All the girls from Mix Well live on the second floor. The second floor has two apartments right across from each other.

"In the apartment on the left, it's Mix Well Pink and the other one is Mix Well Red. Pink's apartment is smaller, they only have two rooms. Eugene-unnie has her own room because she's the oldest and she's the leader. In the other room, Chaewon-unnie has her own bed while Jinnie and Rianne share a bunk bed. In our apartment, we have three bedrooms but we also have a bigger space. Malee-unnie shares a room with me and Seong Woong-unnie shares with Hyoji. The extra room is used as a closet for all of us, including the Pink members.

"On the bottom floor is the boys. They have quite a small apartment too but big enough for all eight of them. I think there's...three rooms too? But a small space for them. If I'm not wrong, Ace, Dashiel-oppa, and Danny-oppa share a room. Danny-oppa and Ace share a bunk bed. C.Dae-oppa has his own room. Logan, Changsun, Jinseok, Hyunsoo share a room. Logan and Hyunsoo share a bunk bed and the other two share another."

"Is that all?" Chaewon asked, looking at Ahreum. Ahreum looked back at Chaewon and both girls giggled. "I think that's all. Let's go and see how the dorm looks like on the inside."

Holding the camera, Ahreum pointed it at the door they were standing outside of. Chaewon was in front of her and pointed to the large letters on the door that spelt 'Pink' before entering into the apartment. The living room of the apartment looked clean. There was a TV against the wall and shelves on the adjacent wall full of snacks and other whatnots.

"We have a kitchen but we don't use it," Chaewon said, pointing to the pristine looking kitchen. "We go over to Red's side to cook and eat together." Kicking a beanbag out of the way, the tour of the living room was soon over as Chaewon was now standing in front of a room. "This is Eugene-unnie's room."

Chaewon knocked on the door and they heard someone on the inside telling them to come in. They opened the door and Eugene looked up from her bed, wearing glasses. "What's this?" she asked, sitting up and took her glasses off. "Why are you filming?"

"We're filming Mix Well Day," Ahreum explained.

"Why is she holding the camera?" Eugene asked, looking at Ahreum and blinked. "Do you know how to work cameras?"

"Ah unnie, don't be so mean. I'm learning," Ahreum protested. Eugene giggled a little at Ahreum's response. "So this is unnie's room. It's quite tidy but unnie has a lot of things on her wall." Ahreum pointed the camera at the walls in Eugene's room that were covered in pictures. "Let's see...

"Here we have different pictures of cats. Are all these cats yours, unnie? Are you going to be a cat lady? Oh, here's one of unnie with a cat." Ahreum zoomed in on one picture and Eugene laughed, trying to block the camera. "Our fans want to know what unnie is like off-stage and it appears our Eugene-unnie is secretly a cat lady."

"Yah, if you put it like that, everyone's going to believe that I'm a cat lady," Eugene scolded. "That's my cat there. The rest are just random pictures of random cats. I don't own them." Eugene pointed to the one picture of her with a cat, explaining that the cat in the picture was hers.

Losing interest in the cats, Ahreum went to film what Chaewon was doing and that was going through the drawers Eugene had in her room. That was also when Eugene realised what Chaewon was doing and quickly got off her bed, trying to stop Chaewon.


"Unnie's quite boring," Chaewon said, giving up eventually when Eugene kept taking things back and putting them where they were found. "She's like an old lady. She has cats on her walls. She has plants by the window. She even knits," Chaewon said, showing a half-knitted something before putting it down. "Oh! That's right, unnie plays the guitar."

"Give us a song, unnie!"

The two younger girls kept chanting, asking for Eugene to play a song. Eugene sighed softly before getting her guitar and sat on her bed, getting comfortable. She tuned the guitar a little before starting to play something, singing along.

"Uwah..." Ahreum mumbled. "That's so cool. Unnie, teach me!"

"Seriously..." Chaewon muttered, staring at Eugene in awe. "Uwah...unnie is amazing. Daebak."

"Thank you, thank you," Eugene smiled, giving them a little bow.

"Right, let's go to the other room," Ahreum said. "Thank you, unnie, for that amazing performance!"

Chaewon led the way and they left Eugene in her room before going to the other room that Chaewon shared with two others. Without knocking, Chaewon walked in but there was no one there. "They must be next door," Chaewon said. "But it's better for us. Now we can snoop without them stopping us," she grinned.

"This is Jinnie and Rianne's bunk bed," Ahreum said. "They actually made their bed. Who sleeps on the top one?" 

"Jinnie does," Chaewon said. "Jinnie lives on her bed. If she's not next door, she's on her bed. That laptop there is hers. She watches a lot of shows on there."

While Chaewon was speaking, Ahreum was distracted by other things in the room and filmed what was on the wall instead. "Unnie, who drew these?" Ahreum asked. There were several hand-drawn pictures on the wall and a few of them were of the group/group members. 

"This is Jinnie's drawing," Chaewon said, pointing to one before pointing to a signature on the drawing. "And Rianne drew these ones," she said, pointing to another with a different signature on it.

"We have two artists in our group."

"And these are Jinnie's manga." Chaewon held up two manga books in her hands before putting them back into Jin's collection. "And that is her violin in the case. Our Jinnie is a very artsy person," Chaewon smiled. "And apparently, very thirsty. This is her...half-drunk bubble tea."

"Our members are very talented," Ahreum said, looking around the room. "Jinnie plays the violin, Eugene-unnie plays the guitar. This guitar here is Rianne's, right?"

While Chaewon was busy going through Jin's and Rianne's possessions, Ahreum went over to Chaewon's side of the room stealthily. 

"Uwah...who would have thought that Chaewon-unnie would be reading books on Astronomy."

Hearing her name, Chaewon perked up from her own snooping and looked over to see Ahreum on her side of the room. "Yah!" she shouted, darting from one side of the room to the other in a split second. "Yah, I didn't say you could come here," she said. "Ah...I haven't cleaned either..."

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Chapter 57: shipping malee and mirror together. hahaha
#goals /jk
Chapter 56: I like that you still keep up with mix well ;;
Chapter 54: I thought you'd stop update Mix Well story... it's been a long time and honestly, I really miss it...
Thank you, author-nim...

Love the interaction between Ahreum, Chaewon and Eugene... and I think, Eugene will not gonna stop teasing Ahreum, isn't she?
Hope for next update there will be boys part... I really miss the trio (Danny, Ace, Chansun)
Chapter 53: ayaye my favourite song from a sub-unit ;_;
and my character is in it !
Chapter 53: I like the story so far!!~
Chapter 51: yah~~~ I'd been waiting so long for the new chapter... and it's really worth!! tag elimination game... wah~~~ I always wanted it since Runningman chapter 1... huhuhuhu^^
I can feel the intense even only just reading it...
can't wait for the next chapter... (^o^)
Chapter 48: lol love it!
Chapter 49: hahahahaha!!! it so hilarious!!!
as always, Grasshopper will picked a fight with the Tiger...
Chapter 48: I really loved 'I do I do' so I'm glad Chaewon is part of mix well pink. Since both sub-groups are promoting at the same time, they might get competive with each other :)
Chapter 47: Hahaha, i love running man so much, jihyo is seriously the best :p